
Day Two With A Gold Digger: Majesty Restaurant

I rolled over on the bed as I slept. The room door opened and Clarissa walked in then walked to the bed and placed a hand on my shoulder, gently.

"Mon chéri, wake up." She whispered to me then gently shook me.

"Mmm...just five more minutes.." I mumbled.

Clarissa looked at me then pinched my nose. I noticed I was losing oxygen and woke up quickly. She let go of my nose and giggled. "Bonjour ma chérie~ Freshen up! We have a long day of work ahead of us!"

I groaned softly then got up. She walked out the room and I went to freshen up in the bathroom.


I got off the elevator and walked onto the first floor. I noticed Florence and Clarissa talking to each other. I walked to them and they looked at me. "Morning.."

Florence looked at me and smiled.."Bonjour! Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah I got some good sleep." I nodded.

Kyu-Pit yawned and snapped her fingers appearing in a new outfit. She had on a winter coat with white leggings and black fur boots. "Wish we could've slept for longer...this woman wakes up at 7 in the morning..."

"Eh bien, nous partirons!" Clarissa smiled at Florence.

"Oui oui, ne me laisse pas te retenir!" Florence smiled and nodded.

Clarissa walked off and I followed her then looked back at Florence. She smiled and waved goodbye. I waved back then hurried beside Clarissa.

She looked at me then back ahead. "Do you know where we are going?"

"Not a clue." I said as I looked around.

"We are going to the best restaurant in all of Elvania! Majesty Restaurant! Only the richest of rich come here and we serve only the best of cuisines ever to be found in this land!" Clarissa said excitedly. When she gets excited her accent really becomes extremely powerful.

I let out a chuckle then she looked at me. "You know you're cute when you get all excited."

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 52}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 252}

She blushed and pushed me gently. "Oh vous! You are just trying to get on my good side once again!"

I stumbled to the side then let out a laugh. I walked back beside her and placed my hands in my jacket pocket. "Anyway what area is this in Elvania?"

"This is Damselt! A lot of French Elves and uh..Well French people live here! Even the queen visits from time to time! I have many jobs here and one that is undoable for a certain reason." Clarissa answered.

"Very passive aggressive indeed." Kyu-Pit said then looked around.

We continued to walk down the sidewalk and I looked around more, getting used to this side of Elvania. Clarissa's phone began to ring and she took it out of her purse and answered it.

"Bonjour? Ah oui c'est elle. Hein?! Lucie a appelé?! Mais qui prendra sa place? D'accord d'accord...euh je pense que j'ai quelqu'un en tête." Clarissa smiled at me.

I looked at her and noticed she was looking at me.

"Nous y serons bientôt ! Au revoir." Clarissa hung up the phone then put it back in her purse. She looked at me. "Well, mon chéri, I have another job for you."

"Mmm..? What could it be?" I asked.

"A waiter at Majesty Restaurant!" Clarissa giggled.

'Is it too late want to go back in time to be killed by Deidra..?' I thought to myself.


We arrived at the restaurant and I sighed as I could only expect another boring slow day. We entered the restaurant and immediately was greeted with two girls arguing.

"Attendez! Qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?!" Clarissa ran to one woman who's hair was half black and half white.

"This bitch, tried to make me work Lucie's shift! I'm already on kitchen duty!" The woman yelled.

"What's so hard about taking orders and coming back to cook it?" The other woman with elven ears and messy curls said.

"Aubrie! Dilya! Arrêtez ça tout de suite! Neither of you have to work Lucie's shift! I already have someone who will do it." Clarissa said.

"Aubrie, a 26 year old woman who is one of the Generation One Destiny Harem Women. It is unfortunate you ran into her, but it is also convenient you did. She's French and although she has calmed down a bit from her smoking and getting wasted days, she still is a hothead." Kyu-Pit said.

I nodded and looked at Aubrie.

"Dilya Elcan, a 22 year old woman who is known for her famous Maple Brownie Sundae that she makes only on Sundays. She's a sweetheart normally but when her and Aubrie get the same shift, they always butt heads." Kyu-Pit said.

I nodded and looked at Dilya.

"Well who is this mystery person who will be taking over Lucie's shift for the day? The restaurant opens in an hour." Aubrie asked.

Clarissa turned and held her hand out to me. "Là, L'homme qui prendra la relève de Lucie."

"Huh..?" Both Aubrie and Dilya said.

"Look at him, he doesn't even look like he wants to be here." Aubrie sighed.

I sighed and scratched the back of my head. "That's because I don't. I'm stuck with her until I can pay her back."

"Whoa, what did you do?" Dilya walked to me and crossed her arms.

"Long story short, I crashed into her while I was skateboarding and her laptop was destroyed in the process, preventing to do her original job. So I'm doing jobs for her until I have enough to pay her back or something like that. That reminds me, how much money does it cost for repairs for your laptop?" I asked.

"Repairs? It's destroyed! I need a whole new laptop! That will cost roughly around $3.5 Million!" Clarissa said.

"The hell? Who did you get that laptop from Bill fucking Gates?!" I asked.

"Bill who? No my father gave me that laptop and I need a high tech laptop to do my work in the Guild Hall!" Clarissa sighed then crossed her arms.

{Current Money Owned: $108,000}

I sighed and swallowed my pride as much as I didn't want to. I just stayed silent and walked forward. "Alright what do you want me to do?"

"Follow me." Clarissa said then walked towards the backroom.

I followed her and we entered the backroom. She closed the door behind us and looked at me. She began to take off my jacket. I blushed and she looked at me. She smiled at me then took my hand and led me deeper into the room. I didn't know where this was going, but I didn't say anything.

"Alright..what I need you to do is wear the uniform!" Clarissa held out a button up shirt and smiled.

"Don't make things overly sexual like that!" I yelled.

"Quoi? Quelque chose ne va pas ma chérie?" Clarissa looked at me and tilted her head.

I snatched the button up shirt from her hand and turned around to put it on. I sighed and turned around then she looked at me and smiled. "There..." I took the apron off the rack as well and put it on.

She clapped her hands together quickly. "Eee hee hee! You look so handsome! Okay let's go out there and get some work done!"

We walked out of the backroom and back to the front and I noticed Victoria walking in and she sighed.

"Victoria?" I looked at her.

"Eh? Leon? What are you doing here?" She looked up at me from fixing her shoe.

"I could ask you the same." I responded then Clarissa walked to Victoria.

"Victoria, you know Leon?" Clarissa asked in astonishment.

She nodded and looked at Clarissa. "He stops by my other job from time to time."

"Oooo, magnifique!" She smiled and looked at me. "Oh! The restaurant should be opening shortly! Everyone to their stations! Leon come!"

I walked to Clarissa and crossed my arms.

"When taking orders, you must say these words, 'Bonjour, je suis... et je serai votre serveur pour la journée. Voulez-vous commencer par quelque chose à boire?'." Clarissa said.

"Bonjour, je suis Leon et je see ray vo tree-"

Clarissa giggled. "No no, serai votre."

"Sarah?" I looked at her.

"Serai." She corrected me.

It took roughly around 5 minutes for me to finally get it right...just like the time I was at the hotel.

"Okay...Bienvenue, je suis Léon et je serai votre serveur pour la journée. Voulez-vous commencer par quelque chose à boire?" I said.

{Personality Trait Level Up! Charming Level 5!}

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 42}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 294}

"Ah oui, j'aime ça..~" She sighed and smiled at me. "You learn so quickly..~"

"I only learn from the best." I smiled.

{Love Trait Level Up! Flirtation Level 3!}

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 62}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 356}

{Points Needed until Next Status: 44}

"Oh Léon, tu es un flirt~ You're making me blush again~" Clarissa held her cheeks and closed her eyes.

"Wrap it up lovebirds! It's almost time to open business!" Aubrie bellowed from the kitchen.

"Oui! Alright Leon, get ready!" Clarissa smiled at me. She flipped the sign for it to show the people outside the restaurant was now opened. She walked to me. "I'll check up on you ever hour or so. I will be helping with the cooking and cleaning. Do good out here."

I watched her walk to the back then noticed Victoria walking to me.

"What did you do to land a job here?" Victoria asked. "And how are you so close to Mr. Saint-Yze's Daughter? She's like the hottest woman in Damselt..! Every man wishes to be with her! You must be like turbo rich!"

"Nope, I accidentally crashed into her while I was skateboarding and now I'm stuck paying what seems like debt. I owe $3.5 Million to her for her laptop. You can only imagine what hell I have to go through to even pay off this kind of money." I answered.

"Yikes...I mean it seems she's taken a liking to you." Victoria smiled. "She's a purely business woman, meaning she has no time for romantical interaction, but you seem to woo her easily."

'I don't know how...My Love Traits are low level and my Charming Level isn't that high..' I thought to myself.

"Well anyway, people are starting to come in! Let's go take these orders." Victoria nodded then walked off.

"Right." I nodded then walked off as well.

Clarissa watched me take orders while she cooked. She smiled and looked at the stove. "Regarde ma chérie~ He works so efficiently and can be very polite despite his barbare personality."

"Your darling? Aren't you the woman who basically cons men out of money for accidents you cause..?" Aubrie gave Clarissa the side eye.

"I mean that much is true, but...I find Leon different. He...knows how to touch my heart with his words. I like him, that is why he is mon chéri." Clarissa smiled.

Dilya smiled as she washed the dishes. "Sounds like she found...son amant."

"Lover?" Clarissa blushed and giggled. "I wouldn't go that far...after all I don't know a thing about him. For all I know he could be plotting to kill me behind the scenes."

"Doubt it. Although he does seem a little rough around the edges, I can tell if someone has a good heart. Trust me, I've known someone for seven years like that. Look at him now, protecting our world." Aubrie smiled.

Clarissa and Dilya giggled then Clarissa noticed me coming in with another order.

"One Chestnut and Lime Delight, two apple smoked boar legs and one oven baked potato and soup." I said then looked at Clarissa.

"We're on it, chéri." Clarissa smiled and nodded.

They began to prepare the orders and Victoria came with her orders as well. The other cooks helped prepared some of the food. After they were done, I took took the plates and went to deliver the orders to the people.

{Earned $17000!}

I went to take more orders and put a smile on my face to keep up the good atmosphere.


{6 hours passed, Total Earnings: 102,000!}

{Current Money Owned: 210,000}

I sat in a chair after the last person left. I sighed and looked at the ceiling then took off the apron I wore. A woman entered the restaurant and looked at everyone.

"Lucie! Where have you been?!" Aubrie yelled.

"S-Sorry! My classes took longer than expected! I should've informed you all earlier." Lucie bowed. "I'll make it up to you all!"

"Ahh..there's no need." I said then placed my hands behind my head. "I know the struggle when it comes down to classes."

Lucie looked at me then gave a smile. "O-Okay. Thank you for covering my shift as well."

"It's nothing." I said then closed my eyes.

Clarissa smiled at me then walked to the table I was sitting at then sat beside me. "So, how did you like this one?"

"Mmm...it was more busy than the hotel." I answered then sat up straight and looked at her. "Oh yeah, allow me to treat you for the night. Just a little date before we get to the next place."

{Love Trait Level Up! Romance Level 2!}

{Clarissa's Affection rose by 44!}

{Reached Acquaintance Status!}

{Clarissa's Affection Points: 400}

"Ooo la la, tu es le premier~ I'll be glad to go on this date with you..~" Clarissa smiled.

"Ooou! I can cook for you two! What would you like?" Lucie asked and walked to our table.

"Hmm...that Violet Crab that one man looked really good, I'll have that." I said.

"Get me the usual." Clarissa smiled.

Lucie nodded and hurried off to the kitchen.

Aubrie and Dilya watched then Aubrie crossed her arms. "She's grown a soft spot for this Leon guy. What makes him special? I don't really get it. She will con every man out of money, yet has been helping this guy make money." Aubrie said.

"Maybe she has a type?" Dilya asked.

"Pfft! That was the funniest thing you've said all shift. As if a con-woman like her could have a type let along like another man. I'll give him a couple more days until he finds out once she gets what she wants he will be like all these other losers." Aubrie said then walked off.

"I don't think so. I can sense their romantic energy here." Dilya said then followed Aubrie.

"So mon chéri, how about tomorrow we take a day off and do something fun? That's my reward to you for a good day at work." Clarissa smiled at me.

"That's sounds nice. Why not. Let's do it." I nodded.

"Oui oui! It will be our official date then." Clarissa nodded.