
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
104 Chs


After dragged for who know how long we then arrive at a mansion in the corner of the Academy City. After came inside the mansion Shizuna throwing herself toward me and crying.

After calming Shizuna we then move toward the lounge and after a while she came from the kitchen with an empty cup and a teapot. She then pouring the tea inside the cup and giving to me after that she do that for herself.

Shizuna: I'm sorry for my shamefull sight master.

Akira: Shizuna can we stop the master thing? I'm already freed you right?

Shizuna: But..

Akira: No but.

With the silent atmosphere we drank our tea.

Akira: As expected of Shizuna. The best at brewing the tea.

Shizuna: But mas...

Akira: I'm no longer your master or qualified to became your master anymore. Because of my sin i make you and your sisters life really hard.

Shizuna: But none of us blaming you. We always hope that you are back and lead us again. If you are serious that mage of beginning are nothing right? To be precise that Ialda if not because master lend a hand she already die in that war.

Yeah that's right. That mage of the beginning Ialdabaoth was birth about 1000 years ago. To be precise as one of my creation that using a concept of immortality.


The truth is the first time i appear in this world is about 1200 years ago. I was shocked that the timeline is absurd. I arrive at Negima world more than 1000 year before the story start. and my mission is.

[Welcome to the World of mahou sensei negima. You arrived 1200 years early from canon. Your mission is

1. Made an alternate ending that different fron canon.

2. Make sure the story in the alternate ending is almost same with the canon.

Mission reward:

1. Space and time magic.

2. You can alter the mission yourself.

3. All your status will be unlocked.

4. You'll be ascend to Demi God rank.]

After seeing the mission my mind are blank. Even the reward are good the mission itself are really hard. How can i made an alternate ending? Is it about Negi vs Ialda at the end of Negima? Or that awfull time cross from UQ. But how can i made an alternate ending? before i'm die even i'm remember many part of the negima canon but i only read about 70 chapter of UQ. While thinking off what should i do. I'm forget to notice where am i.


Magic beast? So i'm not in the Real world but Magic world?

???: Kyaaa

After heard a girl scream i moving toward the voice and i found two little girls trembling and in front off them there are a huge wolf that looked hungry.

Akira: Fire bullet.


With one spell i decimate the wolf and that's the first time i meet the girls. One of the girls i meet are in the future are the one that dreaded as mage off beginning.


Akira: But to think that dreaded person is crying while leaking together with you at the first time we meet really an unbelievable sight

Shizuna: Can you forget that already... That was an eternal nightmare for us.

Yeah that's right this world is an alternate one. Not the true world base on the canon. The world that i messed up really bad. Only us knew the true face of the world. After we made some distorted story and making that girl became world enemy. We vanished like a wind. A true dark organisation that made Cosmo Entelenchia. A group of sinner that playing with life. SOLOMON GATE.