
Game of life : Crossover while messing up (dropped)

Someday there are world that are at the brink of collapse, the divine being then tune the world for their own amusement while literally kidnap those on the death door. Akira. An otaku that had an accident at the way back from Anime expo. After a fatefull meeting with the so called Goddess, he are living his second live joyfully. Living freely without worry while journeying toward land of god Asgard. While sometime Trolling others, Take someone harem. and many more bad thing he do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are Mash up from different myth in the world with mess up characterization. Because that was the character in my dream........ The story are original with some flavour from Famous Anime/Game/Manga/Novel. Based on my life experience and My weird dream 10 years ago. The Mc name is the name that i used at the time active at J- Club in the past........ There are no 'true' loli being hurt in this story everything is at 'legal" pace... Short and slow pace story...... I'm sorry i'm not good with the synopsis and English isn't my first language. i didn't own the anime/manga/novel character on this series only the original character

LoliHunter · Book&Literature
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104 Chs

Meet Asuna

Seeing Takamichi became down, i bet the old man are thinking something nasty after glancing between me and Takamichi.

Principal: This is not the place that good to talk. Let's move in to my office.

We then move unto principal office while a new guy appear out of nowhere and give a hand helping Takamichi up.

Principal: Thanks for your help Akashi-kun. Now can you tell all the mage teacher to go my office after school ends.

Akashi: Yes.

Akashi huh?

Principal: So can you tell us their purpose.

Akira: Their purpose huh? It only vague talk between two off us. It about using some princess to activate some key to clean the world or gave those unreal thing eternal sleep at the eternal garden Cosmo Etelenchia. There a talk about the collapse off the magic world too.

Principle: Unbelievable for those people thinking for saving the world

Akira: I think it because different host had a different way off thinking. And it influenced Him strongly.

Principle: That... maybe i can accept That. But princess huh? Do we know where's the princess is?

Akira: After some inquiries and beating a muscle brain that won't down no matter how hard i beat him, i finally hot clue that little princess are in here. In this academy.

Hearing what i said Takamichi are muttering a word.

Takamichi: Asuna...

After heard what Takamichi said all off us became silent. Untill the principal said

Principal: So old man can you tell us where's the mage off the begining so we can start form a plan to counter them. I'll report to the other dide the news.

Akira: Old Ostia Capital. Grave Keeper Palace.

After heard what i said Takamichi is standing up .

Principal: Takamichi-kun where are you going?

Takamichi: To saving my old comrade

Principal: Wait. Takamichi-kun

After said that he then opened the door and walk out from the office ignoring the principal call.

Principal: Haa. All off us is already come in term that Nagi is already dead. But after seeing Takamichi like that now i'm regretting asking you that.

Akira: You are getting senile old man. So now what we'll do is to making sure the this little princess named Asuna won't come to the otherside or at least never knew about magic.

Shizuna: About that master. Not only her but about 99% of this Academy City is unaware about magic. Even the granddaughter of principal not know about magic.

Akira: Are she's cute? The old brat granddaughter.

Principal: I won't let you get near my granddaughter you old man....

While the 2nd round of throwing a salt to the our wounded heart. There a knocking sound.

Tok Tok Tok

???: Granpa are you in

Principal: Come in

???: Excuse us.

From the outside room there an angel that descend from heaven. Petite figure with long black hair, black eyes that full of purity and curious feeling. Beside her there a violent looking girl that exude a dignified aura.

Seeing me loking at the black hair beauty without blinking making the woman that stand beside me one mature and one loli stamping my foot.

Akira: it hurt. What are both of you doing.

Both: Hmmp

Seeing their reaction the principal are grinning and then ask the girls.

Principle: Konoka and Asuna-kun, are there something you want from me?

Seeing me that slumping while massaging my foot and both Eva and Shizuna gave an angry look making Konoka tilt her head and ask.

Konoka: Are you in important meeting granpa? And mister are you okay?

She then looking at me with a worried look. Ah she sure an angel.

Principal: Don't worry about that guy. There's nothing more important than my granddaughter. So what do you want to ask.

Konoka: Ah yes grandpa. We just saw Takahata-sensei walking from her with an awfull look. He made really scary smile ehile we ask what happened to him. Do you know something.

Akira: Ah that because i told him a some news from otherside.

The 3 pairs of eye looking at me really hurt me. I won't say unnecessary thing okay... The other girl are looking at me intensely but the angel only giving a curious look.

Akira: Do you know other job of Takamichi?

Konoka: Umm someting about Red Cross right?

Akira: Yup. A place that once he tasked for help are struck with disaster and we need a lot off helping hand and the leader making me to fetch him.

Asuna: Wait.. Why you must come here. You can do by phone right?

Akira: Actually that place is really deep inside mountain so there's no signal for a cellphone and because the desk phone are used for emergency call so we can't use that to do an international call.

Asuna: So how long he'll go?

Akira: I don't know. The disaster is too huge.

Asuna: Why are you still here then..

Akira: I was kicked out from the team so after i inform Takamichi, i'm free..

Asuna still looking at me with a doubtfull look. But then ignoring me while the old man and Shizuna are frowning.

Konoka: So like that huh? Asuna it's okay. After the disaster relief are done he'll back and you can confess to him. So grandpa, Shizuna-sensei and mister i'll excuse myself. And Evangeline-san, Chachamaru-san had been looking for you.

And she was slip out loke that.

Asuna: Konokaaaaaa wait for me...

While giving a relief sigh, seeing both of them like that really make our heart warming.

Eva: Geh i forgot about Chachamaru. You don't ran away...

And Eva are ran toward outside.

Principle: That girl really had it hard. For heard the one she loved now became the one that making her life hard.

Damn it i forgot about that.. Eva is in love with Nagi.

Akira: To sully my beautifull wife, it looks like i must go back and kill him for real.

Shizuna: Where do you plan to go master. Did you forget your debt yo me

Akira: Hiiii..

She then dragging me like a rag unto some doubtfull place.

Akira: Somebody save meeeeeeeeeee