
Game Of Hearts: Caught In The Web Of Love And Lies

When Jenna Brooks's family goes bankrupt, she's forced to move in with the Declan family in Houston for her senior year. Getting to Houston, Jenna quickly realizes that things have changed since she last saw them. The Declan brothers, once innocent little boys, now have now grown up to be hot and attractive guys. What Jenna doesn’t know is that, her life is about to be changed. She is soon thrown into the world of heartbreak, boy kisses, make outs and school scandals. But will Jenna make it through senior year without losing herself in the chaos? Jenna's life is about to be forever changed, and the choices she makes will determine her fate. Prepare yourself for a journey filled with unexpected twists, as Jenna discovers just how far she's willing to go to find her place amidst the chaos.

DaoistmEuxSi · วัยรุ่น
60 Chs


Conrad Declan's POV

A week later…

"It's been over a week and he hasn't left her side. Anytime I see her, they're together. They eat lunch together, they go to PE together, and they take walks together, every day. I don't know how much more I can take." I said in frustration as I stared at Jenna and Stig across the cafeteria.

After Jenna and Stig were nominated as prom king and queen, they hadn't left each other's side. They were probably hanging out all the time so they could be able to campaign for final votes but I still don't like it. It hurts.

"Sounds like it's mostly just eating and strolling. It could be a lot worse." Carter said, nudging me so I could quit staring at Jenna and Stig across the room. "Dude, you're making it too obvious that you're jealous. I'm pretty sure there's nothing between them. It's mostly fan service."