
Chapter 1 : New Life New Start?

The scorching sun was like a flame. The burning sunlight poured down heaven , causing the entire land to be in burning heat. The slightly drooped willows and the disappearing leaves made it seem like it was sickly in appearance, but still there other sakura tree can survive in this heat.

Suddenly the sky reduce his heat like after long friday night passion as soon cloud cover the sky as the mother cover his son from cold night.

The leaf floating on the pond , fish in the pond swim freely playing with other fish, before this its just like roosted fish , some diving to deep looking for food

The wind can't miss the party blowing joyfully.

The temperature reduce in huge margin. when the bird see this moment cant hold either it look at its friend that shadowing in the sakura tree asking for play more.

Calming water efected and wrinking roundly

Under the old sakura tree , there is a boy lying on the grass sleeping like a prince. He just sleep above the bloody land , his cloth clean white so people will think he look like prince sleeping above bunch of rose. The gentle breeze blew quietly and caused his clothes to flutter. It was quite a spectacular sight.

The figure also had a youthful appearance. He had a soft and slightly disheveled black hair, yet his seemingly innocent face was a little thin. It gave off a very comfortable feeling when others looked at him.

His eye twitching a bit ,

Then again twitching again , his sense back to his body.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

The youth's lips were purplish, and his face was pale. It was a clear sign that he was not long for this world.

'where is this'

'this is hell ? '

'how can be HOT and COLD here.'

'i don act shameless to let they throw me this cold hell. '

when his eye open , he blank !

the sky cover with cloud , there was branch of sakura tree

'where is here? Japan? ' as he remember , this is not his place.

As soon as he wokeup and want to sit.

"John!" screaming sound come from his back sound like not far away .

'Sound familiar.'

The young madam looked around 30 years old, and even though she was not in her prime, she still retained her graceful charm. At this moment, her tightly locked brows finally eased up slowly, and she quicklyr run and hug that this youth's body.

mother ?

why she so young?

what happen?

did she drink water of holy grail or something.


" Congratulation , YOU had active gambler system "

" Quest : memorize year 2000-2020 sport gambler result . rate : SSS . SUCCESS! . Gain Activation Gambler system"

The sould ring in his head , snapping his mind back to reallity. his hand unconsciously held his head . its hurt.


His mind He attempted to recall when it was, only to feel a splitting headache.

When did i fakking memorize those shit?!

Well i have midterm this week , so . let put on the clif ok ?

LordShareLandcreators' thoughts