
Chapter 2 : Dao Of Gambling

[Gambling is good or not]

it's not nothing wrong with this word , either a question or such fancy word.

It's true Dao!

Some people seem gambling said it's good , even come with fact that the citizens of ancient Rome played dice once a year, at the festival of Saturnalia, in honour of the god of plenty though the wagers were only nuts, not money. Far from being evil, or even simply neutral, gambling is often described in traditional mythology as an embodiment of the workings of the universe itself.

Scandinavian myths tell us that dice and runes, ie numbers and letters, were given to human beings by Odin, king of the gods. The gods are said to play at tables, a game whose moves are partly determined by dice, using golden boards that remain unbroken even after Ragnarok, the gods' downfall. This suggests that the gods themselves are subject to fate : that number and measure rule all things. Indeed, the word "dice" comes from the Latin datus, meaning that which is "given" by fortune.

Gambling on the horses is, likewise, a "game" that mimics the real wagers made by "venture capitalists of all kinds". Horse breeders trust their money to the quality of their bloodstock in every race without ever needing to place a bet; investors judge that the skill of the manufacturer they back will outweigh the vagaries of chance - and so trust their money to their own good judgment.

Gambling can thus train and exercise the mind in taking real-life risks. But as its ancient symbolism shows, it is also a ritual honoring the dual influences of chance and skill in our world. To put one's trust in Fortune alone is the mistake of the gambling addict, and Mercury, the god of calculation, duly gets his revenge when the bean-counters move in on the bankrupt. But both chance and skill are active in our lives all the time; we ignore either at our peril.

Some people see it with gambling is not or its not good . Yes Indeed .True story, gambling has the power to destroy anyone's life and crush whatever little hopes they have left and drive them into dire desperation. Hardcore gamblers lose a ton of money, get into serious debt , lose their houses, lose their spouses and children, get depression with some even choosing to commit suicide.

Either them correct ,

In fact its just gambling is good or not.

Balancing is a Dao ! like Yin and Yang.

never separate , coiling together but never takedown one and other. forming or viewed as a unit apart or by itself.

so balance can be achieve!

Gambling is the wagering of money or something of value (referred to as "the stakes") on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning money or material goods.

Gambling thus requires three elements be present:

consideration, chance and prize.

The outcome of the wager is often immediate, such as a single roll of dice, a spin of a roulette wheel, or a horse crossing the finish line, but longer time frames are also common, allowing wagers on the outcome of a future sports contest or even an entire sports season.

Thus its Gambling is good or sometime gambling is not good short they call gambling is good or not.

Its about balancing skill and risk!

when the skill its low betting must be in the low risk !

John cant help but nod his head few time , agreed with fact. while his mother blank at john side stare like doesnt recognize his son anymore.

"brat! u nearly die ! you dont success to go to hell then u plan to going crazy?"

"mom , i am okay . i still kicking" he helpless trying act like oscar actor a bit.

"whos blood is this ? tell me then ! "

" Its just chicken , we just cought wild chicken . where is it . damm its gone?! " no doubt its first rate act . he know he just travel back to the past, now he was 11 this accident was unforgoted memory .

he fall from tree!!

like hell he told his mother , last time he hospitalize for 1 year! waste of my year!

" are you really okay ? dam those brat! cheat me again . next time i saw them i will slap their butt!"

"come on mom ! grow up! argh!"

after his mother know his head , she left him .

dam. i just fall from tree u just knock me in head?

let see this system.

"open system "

**p/s : i more refer word "henshin" then lame word**


list of word apeared like hologram in front him.

dam , its hurt my eardrum . cant it low a bit.

[When People Gamble , Life is the only Chip]

[Are You Ready?]

[Yes] [No]

bring it on! Yes Please.

[Welcome Sage]

[Starter Pack place in Inventory. Cheak it out]

As soon he open the system , he looking for setting or something alike , this shity sound to loud.

hmm, why theme like iphone? are they fast bettery consumtion? Nevermind who care!

"there , more likely " john cant help but say with little satisfaction after he set for only 1 bar on sound.






[Gamble Room]



who care character ,this gamble room look fancy .

"open gamble room"


what the hell with this sound? why sound like pussy? damm why i laughing.

800 view in 1st chapter , well thanks for reading . i just want to make this clear before we going big.

i am student.

in course of high payment job.

this is my hobby baby.

i just want to share my idea huh, lol

btw , thanks

that red stone , its nice . gimme some ?

this is some nice verse for this chapter.

Pecah kaca pecah gelas,

Sudah dibaca harap balas.

that mean , when ever someone give u something , you should reply its kindness. thus world will be peace.

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