
Fungal Wars

"Fungal Wars" follows the journey of Gravitas, a determined protagonist who finds themselves trapped in the mysterious world of Euthryia after a catastrophic event. Blending elements of fantasy, adventure, and survival, the story chronicles Gravitas's quest to navigate this unfamiliar realm while simultaneously striving to find a way back to their own world. As Gravitas embarks on their journey, they encounter a myriad of challenges and obstacles, from treacherous landscapes to formidable adversaries. Along the way, they uncover hidden powers within themselves. Driven by a steadfast determination to return home to their family, Gravitas navigates the intricate politics and power struggles of Euthryia, forming alliances and facing adversaries in equal measure. Along the way, they forge deep bonds with fellow travelers and discover unexpected allies in their quest. Throughout the narrative, Gravitas grapples with moral dilemmas and inner conflicts, wrestling with the consequences of their actions and the weight of their newfound abilities. As they delve deeper into the mysteries of Euthryia, they uncover ancient secrets and unravel the enigmatic forces that govern the realm. As the story unfolds, Gravitas must confront their own fears and uncertainties, ultimately coming to terms with their place in this strange new world. With each victory and setback, they grow stronger and more resilient, drawing closer to the truth behind their existence and the key to returning home. "Fungal Wars" is a gripping tale of adventure, discovery, and redemption, weaving together elements of magic, mystery, and intrigue in a richly imagined world. Through Gravitas's journey, readers are drawn into a captivating narrative that explores themes of identity, courage, and the enduring power of hope. https://discord.gg/NS6mrZg6

LionCrow · แฟนตาซี
55 Chs

Chapter 18: Learning a new move or two.

He finally makes it here. 

We are just thinking how we are going to absorb you. You're getting sleepy. It was all a dream.

I try to cox the other body into an early grave.

By the way what level is he, as I pull up his system menu I find it saying.

[Level: 1]

Maybe we can use him to farm minions for SP. You know what he will be meditating all day tomorrow in the pit absorbing up biomass. Using Cell Harvest to its limits.

We all tucker in for the night.

The next day me and my other bodies make four cell balls each and throw it into the pit, then body two and I travel over to the sparring area and spend our time training our skills until everyone else is awake. Master Shikan walks over and begins to say. "Training bright and early, just the way I like it in my dojo." an idea comes across my mind. " Master Shikan, could you gather extra monsters for me today? I seem to not have enough training practice yesterday" He agrees.

[Low-tier Fungal Martial Arts has reached level 5. Upgrade available]

[Would you like to upgrade Low-tier Fungal Arts to Mid-tier Fungal Arts? This will cost 1 Skill Point.]

Damn! I don't have any SP. Maybe I should ask Master Shikan to teach us better martial arts.

[Silent Lotus Dance has reached level 3]

"Master Shikan, is there a martial art more suited for the silent lotus dance?" 

To his surprise he answers "Ah, yes there is but it might be too advanced for you right now. Its called Eternal Lotus Elegy. Would you like to learn it?"

"Yes, Master Shikan!"

"The "Eternal Lotus Elegy" is an advanced martial arts technique that builds upon the foundation of the Silent Lotus Dance, taking it to a higher level of mastery. This complex and graceful martial art form focuses on seamless footwork, precise steps, and fluid transitions. It embodies both elegance and deadly precision, allowing the practitioner to evade and counter their opponent's attacks with grace and poise. The footwork adds to Silent Lotus Dance.

The first move is Lotus Stance: you begin in a poised and centered Lotus Stance, one foot slightly forward and weight evenly distributed. This stance serves as the foundation for the entire technique. Next is the Petal Glide: The Lotus Dance's signature footwork, the "Petal Glide," is perfected in the Eternal Lotus Elegy. The practitioner moves with minimal sound, gliding across the ground as though floating on a breeze. Steps are almost imperceptible, and they leave no telltale signs, allowing for incredible stealth and agility. After that is Serene Rotation: The Eternal Lotus Elegy introduces circular and serpentine footwork known as the "Serene Rotation." The practitioner pivots and shifts with a graceful circular motion, creating an illusion of fluidity and unpredictability. Finally, the last footwork is Graceful Pivot: This technique emphasizes pivoting and spinning to redirect incoming attacks. The practitioner can pivot on one foot, with the other lifted elegantly, changing the angle of defense or attack. This technique comes with four transitions.

Lotus to Lily Transition: The transition from the Lotus Stance to the Lily Stance is made seamless and elegant. The practitioner may appear to bloom like a lotus into a graceful Lily Stance, ready to execute defensive maneuvers with speed and precision. The next transition is Lily to Jasmine Transition: Moving from the Lily Stance to the Jasmine Stance is a delicate transition where the practitioner unfurls like a blossom in the breeze. This change signifies a shift from defense to counter-attack, enabling them to launch precise strikes. After that we have Jasmine to Orchid Transition: As the practitioner moves from the Jasmine Stance to the Orchid Stance, they execute a fluid twist, akin to an orchid's bloom unfurling. In this stance, they prepare for intricate defensive maneuvers, like blocking and evading. Lastly there is Orchid to Lotus Transition: Reverting to the Lotus Stance, the practitioner shifts seamlessly, as though they are folding back into a bud. This transition allows them to flow back into the core Lotus Stance and prepare for the next sequence of movements.

eep in mind Flowing Arms: The arms move with the same elegance as the feet. The practitioner's hands sweep gracefully through the air, combining defensive and counter-attacking motions with poise and fluidity. As well as Silent Breathing: A key element of the Eternal Lotus Elegy is the control of one's breath. The practitioner learns to breathe silently, enhancing their concentration and reducing the risk of being detected by an opponent. While also keeping in mind your Mindful Presence: Beyond physical movements, the Eternal Lotus Elegy teaches the practitioner to maintain a mindful presence, remaining calm and focused even in the heat of combat. This heightened awareness allows them to anticipate their opponent's actions. 

There are eight supplementary forms to this technique Soothing Lily Form: This form emphasizes defensive maneuvers, using gentle and circular motions to parry and deflect incoming attacks gracefully. Blossoming Jasmine Form: The practitioner transitions between offensive and defensive postures swiftly, employing precise strikes and evasive movements. Orchid's Embrace Form: Orchid's Embrace focuses on close-quarter combat, teaching the practitioner to grapple, restrain, and disarm opponents while maintaining a sense of serenity. Mystic Petal Form: A form that employs deceptive movements and misdirection, making it difficult for the opponent to predict the practitioner's next action. Eternal Zephyr Form: This form enhances mobility and agility, enabling the practitioner to dodge and weave through the battlefield effortlessly while staying in control. Tranquil Waters Form: Tranquil Waters Form encourages the practitioner to remain calm under pressure, with an emphasis on countering aggression with controlled, precise strikes. Infinite Whirl Form: This form emphasizes rapid spins and rotations, creating a vortex of movements that confuses and disorients the opponent, setting up opportunities for counter-attacks. Blooming Serenity Form: This final form encourages the practitioner to harness the full potential of the Eternal Lotus Elegy, combining defensive and offensive techniques in a harmonious and fluid manner."

"Here is the most basic form and footwork"In the tranquil heart of Master Shikan's training dojo, bathed in the soft glow of a luminous mushroom cap, a profound moment unfolded. Students, including Gravitas, gathered in a circle around their revered master, their eyes fixated on the martial arts sage.

"we shall delve into the graceful art of the Eternal Lotus Elegy." His voice was calm and soothing, yet it resonated with authority, leaving no room for distraction. Master Shikan was the epitome of wisdom, and his presence was felt by all in attendance. With an unwavering expression, he initiated the first form with the Silent Lotus Dance, a base upon which all other forms would build. The disciples watched, captivated, as he gracefully raised his right foot, his body a portrait of serenity, before settling into a rooted stance. "Watch closely," Master Shikan said as he started to move with fluid grace. His footwork was the embodiment of control, as he glided in smooth arcs and delicate twirls. His every step left barely a whisper on the ground.

It was a dance, a ballet of martial arts. In a subtle transition, he shifted into the Blossoming Jasmine Form. His movements became sharper, his strikes precise, yet there was an undercurrent of grace. His hands, like petals in the wind, moved with a purpose, blocking imaginary opponents with flawless precision. From Blossoming Jasmine, Master Shikan flowed into Orchid's Embrace Form. He engaged an invisible opponent in an intricate grapple. With the elegance of an artist, he demonstrated locks, holds, and throws, his control absolute. Mystic Petal Form followed as his movements took on a deceptive quality. He seemed to disappear and reappear with each transition, leaving his disciples awestruck. With a serene smile, he moved to Eternal Zephyr Form.

It was a display of agility and evasion as he seemed to dance on the edge of a breeze, sliding gracefully under imaginary strikes, and turning them into beautiful spins and whirls. Tranquil Waters Form was next, and here every movement was a lesson in patience. He countered aggression with tranquility, parrying strikes with minimal effort. Infinite Whirl Form was an enthralling display of motion. He became a vortex, a blur of movement, leaving his disciples entranced as he disoriented an invisible foe. Finally, the Master concluded with the Blooming Serenity Form, a harmonious blend of offense and defense. His every movement spoke of peace and confidence, emphasizing the culmination of the Eternal Lotus Elegy. The dojo was silent as Master Shikan completed the sequence, and the disciples could only exhale their amazement. He returned to the center of the circle and gazed at them with a serene expression. 

"To master the Eternal Lotus Elegy," he said, his voice gentle yet commanding, "one must find serenity in every movement, elegance in every form. It is not only a martial art but a way of life. Each of you, in your own time, will learn its essence. Practice diligently, for the lotus blooms eternally, and so shall you."

Deeply moved by Master Shikan's instruction, I bowed in reverence. "Thank you, Master Shikan, for your tutelage. I will practice diligently and strive to embody the spirit of the Eternal Lotus Elegy." With those words, I turned to my clone. Together, we began to practice the steps of the Eternal Lotus Elegy. Our movements, though inexperienced compared to the master, carried a sense of determination. The dojo echoed with the sound of their synchronized steps as they sought to find serenity and grace in every motion. As time passed, we danced in perfect unison. We practiced the various forms, transitioning from one to another with focused dedication. Each step was an embodiment of their growing connection and commitment to mastering this ancient and elegant martial art.

As I delved into my training under Master Shikan's watchful eye, the stark contrast between the two martial arts I had encountered proved to be an enlightening experience. My initial martial art, the Low-tier Fungal Martial Arts, was all about raw power and instinctive combat. It served its purpose well, allowing me to fend off dangerous creatures and ensuring my survival in a hostile world. But it was a brutish, unrefined approach, a necessity, given my humble beginnings.

Eternal Lotus Elegy, on the other hand, was a revelation. This new art was a graceful, dance-like form of combat, emphasizing balance, precision, and control. Its movements were almost ethereal, a stark contrast to the primal and instinct-driven nature of my previous skills. It felt like I was mastering an art form that had been refined over centuries, an art that celebrated both beauty and discipline. The stark comparison between these two forms opened my eyes to the profound diversity of martial arts in the fungal realm. It was more than just fighting techniques; it was a journey of self-discovery, a path toward understanding the depth of one's own soul. I realized that I was not merely learning how to fight; I was exploring the very essence of my being. With each graceful movement, I sought to harmonize my experiences, aiming to strike a balance between raw strength and refined elegance. I stood there, grateful for the guidance of my mentor, Master Shikan, and the wisdom I had gained along this extraordinary journey. 

[Silent Lotus Dance has reached level 4]

[Skill Acquired Beginner Eternal Lotus Elegy]