

The forbidden love between Marcus and Maria bored a son. Come along as we see how an abandoned Prince struggled to live and fulfill his destiny. please guy am new here so some comments will help THANK you.

Manasseh_Ofosu_2197 · อื่นๆ
6 Chs

The Journey Back Home

Marcus entered the room frustrated "Marcus what's the problem" asked Maria "oh nothing am just tired from today's work, I will wash up and come". Marcus returned from the bathroom and saw Maria sleeping soundly, he cuddled beside her "Marcus this is the right time to mark her" "no I want her parents to know before such thing is done" Marcus rebuked Dave.Marcus inhaled her sweet scent and immediately, he also fell asleep.

In an underground base somewhere "sir we tracked the search team and found that they were captured by the silvermoon clan and it seems they were interrogated because the defensive mechanism we planted in their brains exploded" "hmmm ok, the second phase, when will it be completed" "sir roughly two years from now" " so Long, speed up the process we have to visit the silvermoon clan before the general clans meeting in three years time" "okay sir","the silvermoon clan oh isn't it the clan of the bastard Helen eloped with, well I think it is my time to take my revenge" he muttered.

The next day Maria woke up and found the other side of the bed empty "ah where is Marcus?, let me check the office Marcus!!" Maria shouted will entering the office "oh Maria you are awake" "yes and you weren't there when I got up" "yh when I got up you were fast asleep so I thought it was better not to wake you up" "okay" "go wash up and change we will have our breakfast and then leave"

Maria later came to the table and found Marcus and the others already seated "Maria, Marcus said you guys are going to see your parents today" Valentina asked "yes" "I hope everything goes as you guys expect it" Daniel chipped in "thank you guys for your concern". Right after having breakfast Marcus and Maria took a hovercar and headed for the city of Achillies where the Wolf bloodline main palace could be found. Maria! Maria!! Marcus called "ah Marcus" "are you okay " Marcus asked worriedly "yes Marcus I am" "Don't worry Maria what ever transpire today we will go through it together.

As they chatted they entered magnificent city with a huge signage "WELCOME TO ACHILLIES CITY" , this is surely the capital of the wolf bloodline" Marcus said mouth agape, "this city have everything to make life pleasurable, from flying cabs to magnificent buildings, all of it can be found here. Their hovercar flew directly to the centre most part of the city as per Maria direction and immediately, they spotted a grand palace situated right at the centre of the city. "Wow that's what I call living lavish" Marcus exclaimed, "it's okay Marcus lets go" Maria said. They both got down and headed towards the entrance of the palace, "stand still and clear your identity" one of the guards commanded, "it's me princess Maria" she replied in a dignified tone" "what!! Her Highness, my princess you are back" "no further questions" Maria said feigning anger but still there was a smile on their lips but quickly disappeared when they spotted Marcus," what!!,a vampire on our land you don't want your head" they growled "stop he is with me" Maria declared, the guards look puzzled but opened the door regardless. Maria and Marcus walked abreast each other as they walked through a a huge garden and entered the main hallway which led into a huge hall where royal gatherings were conducted. "Can you call my parents that I request an audience" Maria ordered the first person they spotted, and he turned out to be the butler,"who are you.... your Highness" "I said go" Maria commanded "okay your Highness"

Some minutes later"

"Oh my daughter are you okay?" a woman cried out as she stepped into the the hall "mom am okay nothing has happened to me okay so relax". "Sheena I told you she will be fine , she is the wolf princess after all, welcome back my child" a man said from behind "thank you father" "just leave your father and answer me were have you been all this weeks we have been endlessly searching for you all this while" "mom am okay u just relax am back now okay"."Maria who is that man" Maria father, king Arthur asked,"please sir I am..." "stop!! who allowed a vampire into my palace!!Maria's father ranted. "Dad he is with me" "Maria you how? What?" , "it is a long story I hope we can sit and talk it out"