
Frozen Heart Burning Love: Decision Of Love Or Leave

Y/N was living a happy sweet day with her Mom and Dad Mr. Kim Hyunwoo and Mrs. Hyunwoo, owner of one of the most famous mobile industries in Seoul, South Korea. Until she was bonded with the son of the CEO of Seoul's famous Car Industry Mr. Jeon Jungkook, living with his 6 deadly so-called brothers (half of them worked under the forces of the nation) including their parents Mr. Kook and Mrs. Kook. let's see if Y/N can bear with this cold CEO for a contract of 1 year. Will this go till the end? Or she would find another?

Woozastories · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
12 Chs

Episode #5

After all what Jk announced in the Jeon villa, It became a do or die decision...

Mr. Kook called your parents and you too that time all of sudden.

*in guest room

everyone was so quiet, dumbfounded, not knowing how to sort out this hell.

JK and you sit across from each other, your eyes locked in an intense gaze. MR. KOOK stands at the back of the room, watching the proceedings intently. Your parents sat beside you, their faces tense. The in - laws were quiet too. Mrs. Kook were still sobbing and not talking to Jk properly. Suddenly, Mr. Hyunwoo broke the silence by his words

*clears throat

"Kook, Would you please tell me, what's the matter??"

Mr. Kook stood up and walked some steps away from chair, turned his back, folded his arms onto back.

"I think..."

everyone had their ears to him.

your pov*

oh please, sir....please! please! please! cancel this wedding! please....what are you doing? be quick! say those words...

"you think...?" Asked Mr. Hyunwoo

"I think we have to change the decision..."

everyone's eyes got widened. your heart became so happy and jk smirked as well.

your pov*

finallyyy! haha! thank God I don't have to marry this 'MR. CEO'

jk's pov*

Aishh! It worked...after all I got a good mind.

"What are you saying oppa??" Asked your mom furiously.

he sighed deeply and came back to his seat.

"I have pondered this decision deeply and got the point that somewhere...It's a bit complicated for our kids." said Mr. Kook

"so it means we're- " said Mrs. Hyunwoo

"no! no! no! I'm not cancelling it"

your pov*

WadDda FAck?! no way!

"It'd be better to do the way our kids feel ease. Right?" said Mr. Kook

everyone agreed.

"Is there any proposal or objection by Jk?" Asked Mrs. Hyunwoo.

"You better ask yourself" Said Mrs. Kook in a sad voice

"Son, what do you want?"

Jk knows he already have said too much so he's not denying in front of everyone again. He cleared his throat

"I know this might seem sudden, but I want to make a proposition. I'm willing to bet on a one-year contract of marriage with Y/N."

YN's parents exchange confused glances.

"JK, what are you saying?" Asked Mr. Hyunwoo

"I know this might sound crazy, but hear me out please. We've been friends for a long time, and I've always admired her strength and intelligence. I think we could make a great team. And if we don't, we can go our separate ways after a year. It isn't that bad..."

You look down, considering the offer. Her parents seem equally unsure.

"Excuse me, can I interject for a moment? I think this is a decision that requires careful consideration. Perhaps we should take some time to think about it." Said Mrs. Kook

"Of course, I understand. But I want to make it clear that I'm serious about this. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work. It's better to do it that way instead of doing nothing."

Your father spoke up.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, JK, but marriage is not something to be taken lightly. We need to think about our daughter's future."

"I understand that. But I also think that YN is a capable and intelligent woman who can make her own decisions. And I believe that we can make this work." Mr. Kook favored Jk

There is a long pause as everyone considers JK's proposition.

"I think that if we're going to do this, we should do it with a clear understanding of what we're getting into. We should set some ground rules and expectations for the year." Said Mr. Hyunwoo

Your mother nods in agreement.

"I think that's a wise idea." said Mrs. Hyunwoo

"I agree. Let's do this right."

They spend the next hour discussing the terms of the contract. They talk about financial responsibilities, household chores, and their expectations for each other. They also talk about intimacy, trust, and communication. They want to make sure that they understand each other's needs and desires.

you looked at him like 'why the hell you did that?' he understood, stood up came to you and grabbed your hand and brought you to the lawn. he raced a dew steps after you and faced his back to you. JK and you stood outside in the lawn, your eyes averted from each other, looking at the lush green surroundings.

"I'm never gonna be yours!" you shouted.

he looked at his shoulder to catch your glance. you gulped and he turned back to you. As he stepped forward slowly to you, You started wondering why your heart was running in marathon.


he looked deeply into your eyes and sat back to a bench. you realized he's kinda tough man. you decided no to talk too much in front of him.

"do I look fool to you?" he asked hardly.

you pouted confusingly*

"Sit, down..."

you hesitated.

"sit." there was no expression on his face at all.

"first, I'm gonna marry you. Because I love my parents and their happiness, not you."

"Then why did you- "

"Second, I hate interruptions."

you put finger on your lips. he grinned softly looking at your cuteness. that made you a bit red.

"third, you're gonna listen to me what I'm going to say." he said and continued " I don't like you, nor I have feelings. As far as I know...you don't do as well?"


"alright! so it means we're eggs of the same basket. So, what do you think about this whole thing?"

"I don't know, JK. I mean, I don't want to hurt my parents' feelings, but I don't think we're right for each other" you said looking down

"I feel the same way. But we have to play along for a year, right?" said Koo

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we can just pretend, living together like roommates, without any romantic involvement."

"Ah, I see what you're saying. That could work."

"Yes, we can be civil and cordial towards each other, showing our parents that we're trying, but once this year ends like this, we can go our separate ways."

"Ah.... And at the end of the year, we can say that we tried, but things didn't work out, and end the contract amicably!"

"That's the plan!"

"but, what about our career and personal life?" you asked.

"you can do your own career and I can do mine. I don't like interruptions in my personal or career life. My things are always mine!"

"oh..." you wondered looking down.

"sir," his PA excused him "Mr. Kook's calling you both."

you both stood up, and went inside.

As the conversation progressed, You felt more and more comfortable with the idea of marrying JK. You didn't that he truly cared about you and is willing to make an effort to build a life together. JK, on the other hand, is determined to prove himself to YN and her family. He wants to show them that he is capable of being a good husband and a responsible partner. But he never wanted it to be that way.

Finally, they come to an agreement. MR. KOOK draws up a contract, which they all sign. They agree to live together for a year and work on building a strong and healthy relationship. At the end of the year, they will re-evaluate their situation and decide whether to continue their relationship or go their separate ways.

"Well, it seems we've come to a very wise decision. I wish you both all the best." Said Mr. Kook putting cup of tea on table.

"Thank you, Dad." trying to put on a smile

"Thank you, sir."

everyone was meeting as they were going.

They all stood up, and You walked over to JK. you looked up at him, your eyes shining.

"Thank you for believing me." you whispered

"Never mind." he whispered back

"where?? Dinner's done, come and lets do dinner together!" said Mrs. Kook

"oh, Chineaha! (dear)- "

"please?" she insisted.

"ok." everyone giggled happily because the problem has been solved. Mrs. Kook and Jk were left behind.

"Jungkookah! come here!" Said Mrs. Kook

he stopped and came towards Mrs. Kook.

She hugged him tightly.

"Dear, I'm sorry."


"I didn't know what to do that's why this fuss happened."

"you didn't do anything mom...trust me, It'll be all ok." he said but he knows the end will not be good for his parents tho.

"All i wanted was good for you and Y/N"

"I know." he comforted her. "come on! lets eat dinner. hm?"

JK and you sat across from each other at the dinner table, your parents watching you closely.

"So, how was your first time together?"

"It was great, Mother. We had a nice time getting to know each other better." he said looking at you.

"Yes, it was a good start." you both were looking into each other's eyes hoping that things will go right

"That's good to hear. We just want you both to be happy." Said Mr. Kook

you both exchanged a glance, knowing that happiness may not be on the cards for you