Naruto sat at a table in the cortex eating as Cisco looked over his new suit in awe, while Caitlin looked through his composition notebook
Under the supervision of Okoye, T'Chaka, T'Challa, and Shuri, Naruto was allowed to mine as much vibranium as he can carry and thanks to clones, and sealing he had a billion dollars worth of the alloy
"This is amazing." Cisco said causing Naruto to smile
"Yeah. I need you to come up with a way to stabilize the suit, vibranium is volatile traveling at high speeds." Naruto said
"I'm on it." Cisco smiled walking off with the necklace to his lab, as Naruto stood up and walked over to Caitlin and leaned wrapped his arms around her belly, and began to lay small kisses on her cheek causing her to smile and he laid his chin on her shoulder
"These designs are amazing." Caitlin said looking at the detailed designs for aircrfats, hoverboards, hover bikes, and medical devices along with komoyo beads
"Yeah. Everything here could make life easier in some ways to the people here." Naruto said smiled,
Naruto and Caitlin sat down talking about the vibrani and what they will do with it first, before Naruto decided to go see Kara
Earth 38
Naruto walked up to Kara's apartment and knocked on the door, he looked up and smiled when it opened and raised an eyebrow as there stood Kara but she was dressed in a very un-Kara-like fashion
"Nate!" Kara smiled hugging Naruto who returned it not seeing the slight red glowing veins underneath Kara's skin
"Hey, sorry to just drop in I would've called but,"
"You live on another Earth relax." Kara said waving him off as she dragged him inside
"So you headed somewhere?" Naruto asked looking at the tight form-fitting dress Kara was wearing as she turned to him and began to drag her finger across his chest
"I was going out to celebrate with Winn, and James, but screw them, I'd rather hang out with you. I mean its not everyday my handsome speedster friend from another Earth drops in."
Naruto raised an eyebrow wondering when Kara became so bold, but smiled anyway, "Well my beautiful kryptonian friend I'm on your turf what do you want to do?"
"This." Kara smiled before Naruto was pushed into a wall causing spider web cracks to form around the point of impact, and Kara supersped to him and began to kiss him
Hands roaming beneath his shirt, as Kara's plump lips began suckling at his neck. Naruto shrugged and wrapped his arms around Kara's waist before he sped forward and lifted her up before tossing her down on the bed
Kara sat up in a blur and ripped his pants to the ground causing his member fall already hard causing her to licks her lips
"Impressed?" Naruto asked grinning widely a part of him not believing he was about to sleep with an alien,
"I am, I've never done this before, but I'm sure I can get the hang of it." Kara said as she reached a hand forward, and stroked his cock.
"I'm kinda liking this new confidence." Naruto said as Kara smiled and eyed his cock as if she was looking at a delicious treat
Karar lowered her head, so that she was eye level with his member as she wrapped both of her hands around the hilt, and gently took the head of his cock into her warm mouth.
Naruto groaned as s she gently strokes him at the base as she continued to swallow his length till she reached 6 inches with her saliva dripping down the sides as she continued to stroke him. His cock seemed to grow harder, as it throbbed in her hands, before she began to bob her head
"Fuck," Naruto groaned as he combed his fingers through Kara's hair and wrapped it into a ponytail, watching as she blew him
Naruto began to give sharp thrusts as he began to fuck Kara's throat as she gripped his ass cheek making him hiss, growl and groan till he saw her smirk and went down again making his eyes near pop open as she bobbed up and down to using her tonge as she massaged his nutsack, "K-Kara ugh!" Her actions were causing him to groan incoherently she ignored this warning as he twitched signaling his upcoming release
Naruto suddenly grabbed the back of Kara's head and shoved his cock deep into Kara's cock, "Here it comes Supergirl swallow all of it!" Her eyes widened at the husky commanding tone feeling herself even more wet but continued her sucking with fervor
Naruto growled as he got his release causing Kara's eyes to widened in shock
Naruto shuddered feeling her suck the last vestiges of his semen from his wet shaft, Kara stood up on her knees on the bed and took off her dress and pushed her panties to the side while gripping his cock revealing she had a triangular patch of hair above her nether regions,
"Time for the main course." Kara said before Naruto was forced onto his back and the two moaned loudly as Kara dropped down on him letting out a pained/erotic moan as it took a bit of time for her to adjust slowly moving her hips in a circular motion as blood dripped from her pussy before she yelped feeling surprised when she was flipped over on her back and looked up into Naruto's eyes, "You started this!" he said before the Girl of Steel mind went blank from his sudden forceful thrust.
'Oh Rao so big!' She cried mentally and before she could gather her mind he pulled back out and thrusted back in repeatedly slowly gaining speed the pleasure was causing her to spread her legs wider with the sounds of skin slapping on skin and the squelching lewd sounds of their love making
The two blondes began to kiss as their bodies began to speed up with Naruto's speed force lightning surrounding them as the bed was destroyed and red mist began to expel from Kara's vibrating body
4 Hours Later
The Shinobi speedster, and Kryptonian as trashed Kara's apartment from their super speed lovemaking, and were now on the couch as Kara was now riding on Naruto as he sucked on her nipple "You're so deep inside of me, Nate," she whispered as she threw her head back, and continued to ride him. "I could get used to this feeling,"
"Me too." Naruto said gripping Kara's ass as she clenched around him so tightly that Naruto moaned as he came
The two began to kiss as they held each other, before the door to the room was burst open, "Kara!" Alex yelled entering and looking around taking note of the destroyed bed, mirror and pictures that were now on the ground, before there was a streak of lightning and Naruto appeared fully clothed along with Kara
"Hey Alex.' Naruto and Kara waved as Alex smiled seeing Naruto but she turned her attention to Kara
"Hey Nate, Kara I need you to come with me to the DEO."
"Why?' Kara asked
"You've been acting strange, we think it might have something to do with Red Kryptonite." Alex said as she began to explain that Maxwell Lord had created a form of kryptonite that lowered the inhibitions of Kryptonians Naruto and Kara looked at each other with small blushes on there faces
"Well you have work to do, so I'm going to go back to my Earth." Naruto said before he and Kara awkwardly hugged
"Bye." Kara smiled as Naruto hugged Alex and waved to the two before he vibrated and sped off to return to his earth
Prime Earth
Naruto speed into his house and took a shower, thinking about how he and Kara were going to move forward from this, because it was one thing if Kara was in her right frame of mind, but if she was under the influence of red kryptonite when they had sex then that was a whole set of problems
Getting out of the shower, and walking to his bedroom Naruto allowed fire chakra to dry his body off as steam rolled off his form, and upon entering his room he saw Iris asleep in his bed and put on some basketball sweats before he walked over to the bed and looked at her sleep
Every since Eddie's death, they had been closer and lately they've gotten more affectionate with Iris spending more time here with him, Linda, and Caitlin then at home after she moved back in with Joe.
Kneeling down he kissed her temple, before got a V-neck and sped to the lab to find Caitlin and Cisco hard at work and he cracked down to work on bringing Gideon to life
Next Day
Naruto was outside Central City with his necklace on and with a thought the suit activated, "Woah, I feel that." he said feeling a jolt to his system
"Yeah, Lyla hooked us up with some of the tech from the Kryptonian invasion we missed. The vibranium should be stable enough for you to run at fast speeds." Cisco said
"Okay, let's see." Naruto said closing his eyes the white lightning designs on Naruto's suit began to glow white as he clenched his hands into fist and took off
Naruto sped around the city getting used to the suit with the hub showing him shortcuts and suddenly he stopped as the sound of an alarm was heard, looking down the street Naruto saw cops and news cameras out in front of a bank
"Might as well debut the new look." Naruto said before with a smirk he shot forward
Joe was trying to negotiate with the robber while also trying to figure out a way to notify Naruto about what was going on, "Fine, just tell us what you want." he said looking at the robber through the mirror
"I want you to back off, or I will detonate this thing." the man said as he held up a detonator for the bomb he had strapped to his chest
"Okay, calm down, nobody needs to get hurt today." Joe placated
"You just follow instructions, and everybody here gets to live to see the sunshine tomorrow." the man said glancing back at his family he had taken hostage and back to Joe
Naruto arrived and tapped the hostages shoulder causing them to look at him in confusion before he held a hand up and hushed them
"Take deep breaths.' Naruto said causing them to look confused but did as requested
The officers all watched as the hostages were grabbed and they vanished in a white streak of lightning, "Right? And I'd better not see The Flash, either." the robber said unaware his hostages were gone and that the cops and news reporters were smiling in relief, "All right, first, I want a car. Something eco-friendly, like a Prius."
"Okay, we can do that." Joe said humoring the guy
"Good. Uh, right. Now second. Uh, I want a plane, okay? A private plane. Okay, and a salad, all right? I'm counting calories."
"I want some Pringles." Naruto said standing beside the man
"And he want want some Pringles." The man said before he realized someone was standing beside him, "Woah!" the man said before with the detonator held high he backed up outside of the bank
"Come on buddy give it up." Naruto said walking after the man who kept the detonator high,
"Who the hell are you?" The man asked
"I'm the Flash." Naruto smirked as he looked down at his new suit and turned around showing it off, "I thought I'd upgrade my look. Now lets get this over with."
Naruto began to walk toward the man, "Get back, freak. I'll blow this whole city block."
"With what?' Naruto asked
"With this!" the man yelled showing a television remote in his hands, "What the?"
The man looked down to see the vest he had on was now a Central City police force jersey, looking to the Flash he saw they he had the detonator and the bomb
"He's all yours detective." Naruto said as Joe walked up while the cops grabbed the man
"Impressive," Joe said causing Naruto to smile, "I didn't see you even move."
"I know it's like I got my powers got a hyperspeed boost and it's always on." Naruto smirked as he waved to the news cameras and sped off
Uzumaki Labs, Cortex
Naruto walked into the cortex to find Harry and Jesse there before his suit peeled away and receded back into the lightning bolt shaped vibranium pendant
"Okay, that's enough science work for now, want to go out for fun?" Naruto asked his team
"And the best way to have fun is for us to go out to the club. Am I right, Team Flash? Let's get turnt!" Cisco said excitedly causing Nsruto to smile
"All right, let's go out tonight." Naruto replied as Jessie with a smile turned to her dad
"Oh, yeah. Can I go?"
Moments Later
Jesse trailed behind Harry on his way to the room they were sharing, "Over my dead body."
"Look, just 'cause you're stuck in this lab all day doesn't mean I should be too." Jesse said
"Over my rotting corpse." Harry stated as he entered the room
"Look, what happened to trying new things, meeting new people? You said I should start a life here, right? And Zoom's over there, and we're over here, so there's nothing to worry about." Jesse said
"There's always something to worry about." Harry replied
"Okay, well, you said Nate and them are good people and I should get to know them." Jesse retorted causing Harry to sigh
"I did."
"Yeah. And you know they'll keep me safe no matter what. Look, I have a life to live, Dad, and whole world to explore. Please? Please?" Jesse pleaded
"Fine. But if you're gonna go, you should take protection." Harry said causing Jesse to raise an eyebrow
"Oh, Dad, I don't need I don't know what you thought I was gonna be doing, but I," Jesse paused as Harry out on his metahuman alert watch, "Oh, right." she blushed , "I mean, is it necessary? It's kind of, you know,"
"Or I could always build you an inescapable daughter cube." Harry interrupted
"Funny. You know I'd get out though, right? All right, fine. I'll do it. Thank you." Jesse said
Later, Club
Naruto, Jesse, Cisco, and Caitlin sat at the bar with Caitlin having a glass of soda, when Jesse reached over for a napkin and her new accessory went off, "Oh God, sorry. It keeps doing that. My dad made me wear it." she explained
"Don't worry about it." Naruto laughed laying a hand on her shoulder, "I'm really glad you came, Jesse, even though this place is less than ideal."
Jesse smiled as Naruto held up his glass of Hennesay, "Hey, toast?"
"To new friends, and new experiences." Naruto said before they all clinked their glasses together and drank with Jesse squinting from the vodka Naruto got for her, "Don't tell your dad we let you drink."
"Yo, guys, what's up?" Iris asked walking up with Whitney
"Hey." Naruto smiled getting up and hugging Iris and Whitney, "Glad you could make it."
"Hey, interesting choice of venue." Whitney said as Iris hugged Caitlin, "The tic-tac-toe theme is cool."
"Cisco picked it." Naruto said
"Yeah, I picked it. I don't go out much. It had four stars on Yelp, so-" Cisco replied
"Okay, fair enough." Naruto said stopping Cisco
"So who's this?" Jesse asked Naruto
"This is Whitney, I have no idea what to classify our relationship so we will settle for close friend." Naruto smiled as Whitney smiled and looked to Jesse, "This is Jesse."
Jesse reached over and shook Whitney's hand, who watch began beeping as it passed in front of Naruto, "Hey."
"Hi. So, Jesse, are you new in town?" Whitney asked
"Yeah, you could say that." Jesse nodded looking to Naruto who smiled
"Jesse's from another Earth.' Naruto said causing Whitney's eyes to widen as she looked to Jesse who moved her hair behind her ear causing her watch to go off again,
"Oh, you know what? Would you just excuse me? I just need to go powder my watch." Jesse said awkwardly before she walked off to the restroom
"Hey, so I know I'm practically your brother, and I'm, like, half Nate's size, but you want to dance?" Cisco asked Caitlin
"Sure." Caitlin smiled walking to the dance floor with Cisco
"Break a leg." Naruto smiled between Whitney, and Iris
The three watched as Cisco got on the dance floor and confidently began to do some weird dance whIle Caitlin looked around embarrassed as Naruto and Whitney began laughing while Naruto took out his phone and began recording Cisco,
"Oh, God." Iris said, before she landed over to Naruto, "Promise me if we ever do get married, you will not do that dance at our wedding."
"Oh, I can promise you that." Naruto smiled before he realized what Iris said, "What?" he asked as Jesse came back and she and Whitney began to talk more
Naruto and Iris were about to speak when Iris notice Naruto's eyes glowing (Thor's eyes in Ragnarok), "Nate, your eyes."
Naruto raised an eyebrow, "My eyes?" he asked before he suddenly looked up and began to look around, "Do you feel that?'
"Something is coming." Naruto said just as yellow electricity ran through the club causing sparks to go off, as people were knocked over and registers were emptied before it exited out the door
"My wallet's gone." Cisco said walking up
"Someone took my purse." Caitlin said
Naruto immediately sped out and after the new speedster as his suit manifested around him, Naruto followed the feeling he had and easily caught up with the speedster to see it was a woman
Easily Naruto caught the woman's arm and turned around throwing her into a traffic light causing everyone to stop and get their phones out
"Who the hell are you?" Naruto asked
"Wouldn't you like to know." the woman said standing up, "I didn't expect to meet you this soon, I was hoping to get more control before I asked you my question."
"What question is that?" Naruto asked
"Where is Hunter?"
"Hunter Zoloman, he went out to take photos of you a few months back, and he never returned."
Naruto got a flash of the man who he left to die in the Jurassic era, "He's dead." Naruto said
"Then you'll be too." the woman growled before she sped away with Naruto after her, before sjs hit a corner and she dossapeared off this hub and Naruto stopped as he looked around and with a scoff he soed back to the club and returned everyones belongings after swiping them off the mystery woman
The woman watched from a rooftop, her connection with the speed force having expired as she climbed down the ladder of the roof and broke into a car and drove away
Uzumaki Labs, Morning
"I mean, where did this lady speedster even come from?" Cisco asked in the cortex with the other members of team Flash, including Whitney who was looking around in awe
"I don't know, man. All I know is that apparently she wants revenge for Hunter Zoloman who may have gave her her powers."
"Wait what?" Harry asked
"Yeah, she asked me about Hunter Zoloman and she didn't like the answer she got."
Caitlin brought up Hunter Zoloman on the monitors, "According to this, Hunter Zoloman died the night of the accelartor explosion." Caitlin said
Naruto frowned as he looked to Harry, "Harry why was his name so surprising to you?" he asked
"Because this is my Earth's Hunter Zoloman." Harry said bringing up the mugshot of Hunter Zoloman causing everyone to raise an eyebrow
"Thats the guy who said he was Jay Garrick The Flash on Earth 2." Naruto said
"It is." Harry frowned, "But it doesn't make since."
"We need to find this woman, she may have the answers to our questions." Naruto said before his eyes flashed white and a the woman tackled him and rushed tossed him into a cell in the pipeline,
"Time to have some fun." the woman said before she sped off
"Hey! Cisco! Hey, Joe! Hey, she's got me in the Pipeline!" Naruto yelled over the monitors
Team Flash looked up and sprang for the release button but they all were knocked away as the woman appeared before them with Joe's gun as he, Whitney and Iris were knocked unconscious
"Mercury Labs no longer has enough ingredients for the V-9, and I need a fix. So the people responsible for the Metas is going to make it for me." the woman smirked holding Joe's gun
"Who are you?" Harry asked
"My name is Trajectory."
"Oh, why do the crazy ones always name themselves?" Cisco asked as Trajectory tossed over a pad to Caitlin
"Get started on the V." Trajectory said
"I'm a physician. I took an oath. I can't give you anything that will hurt you." Caitlin shook her head
"Right, so either make the V, or the cat guy gets it." Trajectory said putting the gun on Cisco who was making his way over to the computer, "Hey, move, now."
"I can't do thi, all the flasks are gone. There's nothing left." Caitlin lied
"Hey, I was really hoping you wouldn't make me do one of those I have to kill you each one by one until you give me what I want, Oh, well." Trajectory said before she grabbed Jesse and out the gun to her temple as Jesse hands were vibrating at high speeds
"Wait. Wait. You want V-9? We'll make it for you." Harry said
"Dad, you can't." Jesse said to her father
"We have all the ingredients." Harry said ignoring his daughter
"I'm not a patient person, so better move fast." Trajectory replied
Caitlin and Harry made the V-9 and brought three large vials of this drug up to Trajectory who was still holding Jesse, "It's what you wanted. Now let her go." Harry said holding the tray
"How do I know the two of you didn't lace this with a sedative to put me on my ass?" Trajectory asked as Cisco worked tirelessly to hack into the servers on his phone and open Naruto's cell
"We wouldn't do that." Harry frowned
"You can never be too safe, right?" Trajectory asked before she stabbed the V-9 into Jesse's neck
"No!" Harry yelled moving to slap away the syringe but he was kicked away to the computers
Jesse was on her knees as her entire body began to vibrate at high speeds with bright yellow lightning around her body
"Thanks for the fix." Trajectory said as Harry freed Naruto while Trajectory turned the gun on Caitlin, while simultaneously injecting herself with both vials of V-9
Naruto sped into the cortex and punched Trajectory in the face sending her flying into the wall, as she vibrated and everyone watched as her lightning began to turn blue
"Catch me if you can." Trajectory smirked before she sped off, with Naruto in pursuit
"Jesse?" Harry asked as his daughter stopped vibrating and began to seize
"Turn her on her side. She's going into shock." Caitlin said
"Stay with me, Jesse. Stay with me." Harry said
"What do we do?" Cisco asked
"We've got to get the V-9 out of her system. She needs a blood transfusion. The new blood will flush the drug out of her system." Caitlin said
"What blood type is she?" Cisco asked
"PZ negative." Harry said
"Yeah, that's not a thing on this Earth, man." Cisco replied as Harry stood up and took off his long sleeve shirt
"I'm a match." Harry said as the West family awoke and saw Jesse
"Jesse." Whitney gasped
"Where's Nate?' Iris asked
"Going after Trajectory.' Cisco said
With Naruto
Naruto flipped off a building and landed on the street behind Trajectory, "You hurt my friends, and that is unforgivable." Naruto growled speeding up and ducking under the backhand Trajectory tried to hit him with, and pulled ahead of her before pausing and punching her in the gut sending her flying back off the bridge before he sped forward and began to speed around her
Trajectory stood up to see Nsrito running around her and she suddenly screamed in pain as her blue lightning left her and joined with Naruto's white lightning slowly losing its blue color and turning gold as Naruto stole her speed
Naruto's suit was glowing white, as he absorbed the artificial speed force Trajectory was using and added it to his own cells, before Trajectory collapsed and Naruto stopped running, walking up to the panting woman
"Why did you do all this?" Naruto asked as he watched Trajectory look at her hands that was turning to dust
"Hunter said we could rule the multiverse together, he was the only one to not walk all over me. When he told me about his speed drug, and how it was killing him I thought if I could make a better drug for him it would cure him, but you killed him before I could finish. At least now I can be wth him in death."
Trajectory disintergrated leaving only her suit behind that Naruto grabbed and sped back to the lab, to see Jesse on a bed in the lab with Harry beside her giving her his blood
"Dod you get her?" Harry asked
"Yeah, she turned to dust." Naruto said before he looked at Jesse and everyone watched as he grabbed her hand and her body began to vibrate as her eyes opened showing yellow lightning dancing across her eyes as Naruto jump-started the speed force within her body
"How did you?" Cisco asked
"It's hard to explain, but I get a mental picture of what all I can do, and let my instincts guide me." Naruto said as he looked to Jesse and grabbed her shoulder, "Get some rest."
Naruto and everyone left, leaving Caitlin with Jesse who she began to look over as Harry walked after the group, "Allen, we have a problem.'
"Yeah, like how in the hell did Trajectories lightning turn blue?" Cisco asked
"The V-9 is a speed drug, according to Ms. Danvers who ran test on my blood, if a speedster was to continually take a Speed Drug it could lead to cellular degeneration, and the lightning they give off would turn blue."
"Like Zoom." Harry nodded
"I think it's safe to say that Hunter Zoloman, and Zoom are the same person. Maybe that's why he wants you speed, because he is dying?" Cisco asked
"He took Jesse's speed remember, that should have cured him in theory, and if it isn't what he's after he probably just wants to be the only speedster in the multiverse." Naruto said with a frown, "We need to get back to Earth 2, and end this."
AN: Naruto's suit is made up of Vibranium and some Kryotonian tech that stablizes the vibranium, don't ask what tech.