
Upgrades from Wakanda

Speed Lab

Team Flash up in the cortex, watching the monitors as Naruto sped around the track with his new white gold streak lightning, completely ignoring the rerun footage of the Kryptonian invasion that happened while Naruto, Harry, and Cisco were on Earth 2.

"The speed force has perfectly bonded to his cells whereas before it was 76% bonded its now at 100%" Caitlin said

"Okay let's see what he's got." Cisco said pressing a button,

Naruto was jogging around the track, when he saw a pillar open before bullets shot at him, and with a pause he held a palm up at the storm of bullets before the bullets froze in midair and dropped onto the ground

Quickly Naruto dodged back when a saw like blade burst from the ground and almost skewered him, before he kicked his feet into the air as he gave a corkscrew spin to dodge lasers and landed on his right leg along and his right hand before he speed off, before small drones sped out of the hatch in the wall

"Did he just stop bullets in midair?" Joe asked

"He's The One." Cisco said

"He stole the kinetic energy from the bullets, stealing their speed.' Harry explained as Jesse watched the monitor before she saw her hand vibrating and quickly held it

Naruto's eyes were moving around wildly as he was amazed by the level of control he seemed to have, information was just coming to him, and with a smirk he turned and stopped as he faced the drones

Focusing Naruto began to slow his atoms instead of speeding them up, and when the drones ejected small blades and crashed into the speedster a small explosion covered him and when it dissipated Naruto was completely unharmed much to the surprise of everyone

"Combat wise I'm good, but I want to see exactly how fast I can go. I'll be back." Naruto said before he sped forward out of the building

As he ran, Naruto released multiple sonic booms before a red breech opened up and he went through it


It was a somber air in the secret country of Wakanda, as they watched footage of the Sokovia incident

The royal family were in the yard of their castle watching, "What will we do baba?" Shuri the princess asked her father

"We will send relief workers to help." T'Chaka said

"Baba?" Prince T'Challa the latest Black Panther protector of Wakanda asked

"That was vibranium we have a responsibility to help those are carelessness has caused harm." T'Chaka said getting a nod before everyone stood up as a red portal opened up before white lightning shot out of it and rotated in a circle before Naruto appeared panting

The Dora Milaje, an elite group of female bodyguards, and Wakandan special forces all made to approach as Naruto panted and looked at them

"Hey." Naruto said before he collapsed forward unconscious the strain of hopping this far into the multiverse exhausting him

"Get him medical care." King T'Chaka said getting a salute before Naruto was picked up and taken to Shuri's lab

Shuri began to take an in-depth x-ray of Naruto, "What is this?" she asked

"What?" T'Challa asked

"Their is a entire pathway of energy enmeshed into his body and like blood vessels it touches and interacts with his every single living cell and passes through his organs, but its being suppressed with another energy that is bonded to him at the cellular level as well completely suppressing the other energy."

"Is it harmful to us in anyway?" T'Chaka asked

"No but so far besides exhaustion, this is the only thing I can fine wrong with him." Shuri said

"Wake him up." T'Chaka said before with a nod Shuri walked over to Naruto and injected him behind the ear with nanites and backed away and with a few taps of her holgraphic chart chakra began to emit from Naruto's body that began to vibrate and white lightning surrounded him

Everyone felt the presence of power from Naruto before it subsided as the chakra and lightning were reabsorbed back into Naruto who stopped vibrating after a moment

With a groan, Naruto opened his eyes to see the Wakandians around him, sitting up he looked around "Where am I?" he asked

"Wakanda." Shuri said

"Huh?" Naruto asked confused

"I am T'Chaka King of Wakanda, who are you?'

"Names Naruto, I'm the protector of Central City." Naruto said adding his title

"Central City? I have never heard of this place." T'Challa said

"Yeah well I haven't heard of Wakanda." Naruto said looking at his hands, "What did you do to me?"

"I gave your body nanites to settle the energies in your body." Shuri said

"Nanites, huh?" Naruto asked with a sigh, "Great I hopped dimensions again."

"Excuse me?' T'Chaka asked

"I have the ability to hop to different Earths if I run and vibrate to fast." Naruto shrugged as he stood up, "My chakra, and the dark matter is in complete sync. Amazing."

Naruto looked around, "I'm stuck here till I can get a lock om the frequency of this amd my own Earth. Would it be too much to ask if I can learn about your home?" he asked

"Will you tell us about your own?" T'Chaka asked getting a nod from Naruto

"Only fair." Naruto smiled as T'Challa walked up to Naruto

"You said that you were the protector of your home?" T'Challa asked getting a nod, "I hope to see what you are made of."

"I'm always up for a spar." Naruto said smirking

Naruto spent a month in Wakanda learning much about their culture and in return telling them about his world, the elders thought he wanted their weapons and their vibrainium but the fact he has focused all his questions around their everyday life tech and nothing weapon related calmed them down slightly.

T'Challa, and Shuri became good friends of Naruto's with a sparring buddy in T'Challa while Shuri was interested in Naruto's career as The Flash, having drawn her a design of his suit and answering her questions about the speed force and chakra since it was thanks to get he could use both now, although he found his control of chakra to be none existence which lead to him doing chakra control excercises under the supervision of members of the Dora Milaje who were ordered to watch and out him down should he prove to be a threat

Sitting in his temporary room, Naruto was meditating before lightning began to surround him and a aura projection of himself shot forward into a breach

Opening his eyes Naruto waited for his scout to dispel and when it did upon reaching the Earth it traveled to he smiled when he found his Earth, so with a small grunt he stood up and headed to see Shuri unfortunately T'Chaka, and T'Challa weren't around having went to sign the Sokovia Accords after the Avengers botched a mission out in Nigeria

Stepping out of his room Naruto paused when he saw Okoye leader of the Dora Milaje, "Okoye." Naruto greeted with a smile before he frowned when he sensed sadness from her, "What has happened?"

"King T'Chaka is dead." Okoye said chasing Naruto's eyes to widen, "Prince T'Challa is working with members of The Avengers to bring in his killer. I am duty-bound to stay within the borders of Wakanda to protect Princess Shuri, and Queen Ramonda."

"I'll go help him." Naruto nodded getting a nod from Okoye

"Come. Shuri says she has something that can help." Okoye said turning and with a quick pace headed for Shuri's lab

Entering the two saw Shuri wiping her tears away, "Shuri." Naruto said walking up to the 17-year-old genius

"Its ok. Death is not the end, baba has gone to run free with the ancestors." Shuri nodded getting a nod from Okoye, before with a sniff Shuri walked off amd returned with a necklace that she presented to Naruto, "I took everything you told me about a Speedster and their needs to fashion you a suit."

Naruto watched as Shuri placed the necklace around a mannequin, before she placed her kimoyo beads behind his ear and a purple glow lit up underneath Naruto's skin

"Mentally tell it to go on." Shuri said getting a nod from Naruto before a red suit outfitted with white lightning bolts and a lightning insignia in the middle of the chest appeared on the mannequin along with a mask that completely covered it's face,

Naruto found it to be a rather smooth and advanced design. The suit lookd extraordinarily sleek, thin, and light making it perfect for high-speed running. However, the helmet kind of reminded him of that Godspeed article Gideon showed him

"It is a crafted vibranium-weave suit, will fit like a second skin, as well as entirely bulletproof. Most notably, it is outfitted to harness a powerful energy field that it absorbs from external sources for later distribution, greatly enhancing its offensive capabilities. This is along with the new Panther Habit is one of Wakanda's more advanced pieces of technology, housing an advanced array of sophisticated technology to greatly enhance your capabilities as the streeker."

"The Flash." Naruto corrected only to be waved off

"The entire suit fits into the tooth of the necklace so that you can mentally command the suit to manifest around yourself, due to the helmet being integrated into the suit, you will be able to summon and dismiss the helmet portion whenever you need to. A prominent feature is its ability to redistribute stored energy. It can receive energy from any incoming source, such as bullets or attacks from enemies, that will charge the suit and enable you to repurpose the energy later. The suit will began to white from its accumulated charge of energy, to which you can use either by releasing it all at once, or to charge his strikes during combat, further augmenting the force behind them. As the suit gains more charge, you will able to release much more powerful and devastating pulses, strong enough to send multiple enemies flying."

"Nice." Naruto smiled as Shuri tapped the helmet

"The helmet harnesses a holographic interface, that automatically syncs with all satelittes to make it easier for you to know where you are going, and as an added feature I've installed night, thermal, microscopic and x-ray vision."

Naruto smiled before he looked to Shuri, "You really went all out with it." he said causing her to look at him, "Thank you. For everything."

Shuri nodded with a small smile, as Naruto turned to the suit and smiled

Later, Berlin, Germany

T'Challa was on his way to his car with an attache and Ao when they paused as Natasha Romanoff stood in their way, "Move or be moved." Ao said causing Natasha to smile

"As entertaining as that would be to see..." T'Challa motioned for Ao to step back

"You really think you can find him?" Natasha asked

"My resources are considerable." T'Challa said opening the car door

"Yeah, it took the world 70 years to find Barnes... so you could probably do that in about half the time." Natasha replied causing T'Challa to pause and turn to her

"You know where they are." T'Challa said

"I know someone who does." Natasha said before T'Challa looked up to see Naruto standing there

"Naruto." T'Challa said as Naruto walked up to him,

"Okoye, and Shuri want me to back you up." Naruto said getting a sigh from T'Challa, "Also your father was a good man. If you want to bring his killer to justice, I'm all for it."

T'Challa nodded, "Ms. Romanoff was just about to take me to an individual who knows where to find Barnes."

Naruto smirked and looked to Natasha who was looking at him in curiosity, "Lead the way."

Flughafen Leipzig-Halle, Schkeuditz, Germany

Naruto stood on a rooftop as he was designated to watch and step in if things weren't going T'Challa and his team's way. Watching as Iron Man used an EMP to shut down the chopper Captain America was running to before he and War Machine proceeded to land and they began to talk

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Iron Man asked War Machine

"Definitely weird." War Machine said

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Captain America said before T'Challa dressed in his Panther Habit landed behind Caotain America

"Captain." T'Challa gretted

"Your Highness." Captain America greeted

"Anyway... Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" Iron Man asked

"You're after the wrong guy." Captain America said

"Your judgement is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Iron Man frowned

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." Captain America said

"Steve..." Natasha said walking up behind Capt, "you know what's about to happen. Do you really wanna punch your way out of this one?"

Capt. America looked at her and his friends, "All right, I've run out of patience. Underoos!" Captain looked up in time to see Spider-Man web up his hands after stealing his shield before landing behind Tony, "Nice job, kid."

"Thanks. I could have stuck the landing a little better, it's just...New suit. It's nothing, Mr Stark. It's perfect. Thank you." Spider-Man rambled

"Yeah, we don't really need to start a conversation." Tony said

"Okay. Cap. Captain. Big fan. I'm Spider-Man." Spider-Man said saluting Capt. America

"You've been busy." Captain America said to Iron Man

"And you've been a complete idiot. Dragging in Clint..."Rescuing" Wanda from a place she doesn't even want to leave, a safe place. I'm trying to keep...I'm trying to keep you from tearing the Avengers apart." Iron Man said

"You did that when you signed." Capt. America replied

"All right, we're done. You're gonna turn Barnes over, you're gonna come with us, now, because it's us or a squad of J-SOC guys with no compunction about being impolite. Come on." Iron Man begged

Naruto watched as after a moment the Captain raised his bound hands and an arrow was shot through the webs before Spider-Man was punched and a man grew to normal size before handing Captain America back his shield

Stark turned around to the source of the arrow, locating Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch via scan as War Machine announced Falcon and Barnes' position and the battle began.

Spider-Man, still inexperienced, asked Iron Man what he should do, who repeated that he should keep his distance and shoot web to harmlessly subdue them. Black Panther immediately headed for Barnes' location but was quickly stopped by Captain America, refusing to let him kill his friend. Ant-Man casually and naively told Black Widow he'd rather not hurt her, Romanoff responded by kicking him and spinning him around. Ant-Man quickly reacted by shrinking and flipping her over, however Black Widow zapped and launched him away with her bite.

Spider-Man smashed through the airport's terminal window, kicked Falcon down and effortlessly intercepted a punch from the Winter Soldier's Prosthetic Arm, revealing his superhuman strength. Spider-Man became distracted at the arm until he was tackled by an airborne Falcon, who carried him up into the air. Meanwhile, the fight between Captain America and Black Panther continued, Rogers struggling to hold back both Black Panther as well as War Machine, who took hold of his War Hammer to join in on the fight. Black Panther caused a notable claw mark on Captain America's shield using his vibranium claws. As this occurred, Iron Man caught up to Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch, firing missiles around them to force them to stop running. After a brief conversation, Hawkeye distracted Iron Man by purposefully missing arrow shots which allowed Scarlet Witch to drop cars from above on top of Iron Man, temporarily immobilizing him.

Back in the terminal, Spider-Man chased Falcon through the room before using his spider-sense to quickly dodge a heavy object thrown from behind him by the Winter Soldier, throwing it back in his direction. Falcon tackled Spider-Man a second time, but Spider-Man maneuvered above him and disabled his thrusters with web, causing him to fall to the ground and smash through a stand. Spider-Man quickly webbed Falcon's arms to a glass barrier before he could escape and went on to ask if Falcon's wings are made of carbon fiber. Falcon reminded him that you usually don't have conversations while fighting and Spider-Man responded by swinging towards him in an attempt to kick him in the chest. Barnes quickly ran in front of Falcon to absorb the hit, but both still fell through the glass barrier and onto the floor below before being webbed again by Spider-Man. Before Spider-Man can fully immobilize the two of them with more web, Falcon quietly ordered Redwing to grab his arm and throw him out of the window. Barnes murmured that he should have done that sooner, to which Falcon replied that he hates him.

Outside the terminal, Captain America kicked War Machine, destroying his War Hammer. Ant-Man joined Captain America and gave him a shrunken down truck filled with fuel, telling him to throw it at one of his blue Pym Particles Disks. Ant-Man threw the disk in the air and Captain America did as he was instructed, the truck returned to its regular size, blowing up and slamming into War Machine shortly afterwards. The two ran off and regrouped with Hawkeye, Scarlet Witch, Falcon and Barnes as they sprinted to the Quinjet.

Seeing enough, Naruto sped in their oath, causing the six to pause looking at him curiously, "Entertaining fight." Naruto said before he focused on Barnes, "Im going to need you to come with me Mr. Barnes."

"Who are you?'

"A friend of Wakanda. Now you may have not killed King T'Chaka but you did kill 37 people at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre."

"Look you don't know what your getting yourself into." Captain America said watching as Nsruto smirked as T'Challa told Iron Man and the others to wait

"Capt. You and your team with the exception of James Barnes is free to go after those Super Soldiers you mentioned and if you can find the psychiatrist who is supposedly behind this then you can clear his name and he will be free to go." Naruto said

"Only way I'm leaving is with him." Captain America said causing Naruto to nod

"Then you won't be leaving." Naruto said walking forward and an arrow from Hawkeye was caught and tossed to the side where it exploded, with a purple glow Naruto's new suit manifested and he shot forward

Clint's eyes widened as he soat blood as Naruto was suddenly in his guard with a fist lodged in his gut before Clint went flying back into a truck and collapsed unconsious

Naruto quickly back flipped over a car when Wanda tried to have it crash into him, and landed to see Capt. America's Sheild in his face before he raised a hand and caught it, before using it to block the punch of Winter Soldier before and turned into a superspeed round house to Barnes ribs before he threw the shield at Falcon's torso when he was flying over him, knocking the man out as he began to bob and weave through Capt. America's barrage of punches before he blocked a hook with his forearm

"Impressive. But it's my turn." Naruto said before Cap found his body raked with pain as Naruto connected with 30 well placed speed punches and kicks sent him rolling back and before he could right himself a kick to the head sent him sliding back unconscious

Naruto made to turn to go after Bucky but found a red aura surrounding his legs and looked to Wanda, "My brother had super speed as well."

"Did he now." Naruto said before a straight punch at Wanda released a large shockwave and a cloud of dust and when it settled Wanda was unconscious against the building

Naruto then turned to Bucky who was looking up as Naruto noticed a shadow fall over him, looking up the speedster eyes widened slightly as he looked at the giant form of Ant Man who tried to step on him

Naruto flipped away and sped forward up Ant Man and punched him in the chin causing Ant Man to stumble back as Naruto rotated in the air over him with a hand raised before a large orb of chakra formed over his palm, "Giant Rasengan!" Naruto yelled driving the orb of chakra into Ant Man who was driving to the ground as a huge explosion of wind caused Iron Man's faction to take cover as Naruto flipped in midair and appeared before Bucky and grabbed his face before slamming it into the building causing it to crack as the Winter Soldier fell unconscious

Iron Man and his faction looked at Naruto wide eyed as he stepped back from the Barnes the heroes glanced around at their fallen friends to see the unconscious, "They are alive, I held back enough so that I didn't kill them." Naruto said in front of T'Challa with an unconscious Bucky, "Maybe when they wake up you can go and see if they were telling the truth."

Dropping Bucky Naruto and T'Challa shook hands, "It's been fun T'Challa but I have to get by to my world." Naruto said

"You will always be welcome in Wakanda." T'Challa said getting a nod from Naruto who stepped back and turned around before he sped forward vibrating and disappeared into a blue portal before Tony shot a device after him just as the portal closed

Earth Prime

Naruto arrived out of the portal and turned to see the device Tony sent after him land on the street before he picked it up to see that it was a tracker, and with a scoff he crushed it before he sped back to the lab to see Caitlin, and Cisco

"Yo." Naruto greeted wrapping Caitlin in a hug and kissing her

"Hey, did you have a good run?' Caitlin asked

"The best, I can't wait to tell you all about it " Naruto smiled.


AN: This chapter was made with the purpose of giving Naruto a new suit and his Chakra completely back.

Naruto's suit is basically the Godspeed suit with a red color scheme and white lightning designs, Naruto is no where near the level of control with chakra he was at during the Fourth Shinobi War.