
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs


Earth, November 19, 2022

I wake up and reach my hand to my clock. I take a look at it and instead of seeing the usual 4:30 am, I see 4:57 am. I probably woke up later than usual due to the talk I had last night with my friends.

I think we finally came to an understanding of each other. We learned about each other's backgrounds, each other's goals, and who we are as people. That talk strengthened the bond and trust between us. I feel that if I ever lost it all, they would stand by my side and help me out no matter what. With all that being said, I have to make sure to come back from this mission alive so we all can continue to hang out together.

I quickly go brush my teeth and once I finish I grab the things I'm taking with me and head to the plane. I would have gotten breakfast beforehand, but I woke up pretty late and didn't want to risk getting late. Secretary Blake told us to be at the plane by 5:30 am. The flight was going to be over 10 hours so the earlier we left, the earlier we will get there.

Once there, I see the other nine guys who are the mission with me already waiting. I take a look at them and notice they have a hateful look to their eyes. I realize they don't like me, but they don't have to be so obvious. I have to try and get along with them. If what Katsumi said is true, then this mission might be harder than what we expect and a lack of unity between us might lead to failure.

Everyone starts heading into the plane and takes a seat. I go in as well and take a seat next to one of the men. He appeared to be the leader of the group so I wanted to have a talk with him. If I wanted to try and get along with this group, I had to at least get this man's approval.

"Why are you taking a seat right next to me, kid?"

"I just wanted to have a little chat with you, that's all. If you want me to move, I will do so afterwards."

"Suit yourself then. So, what do you want to talk about? If it's about the issues between us then don't bother."

"Unfortunately it is, so I'll have to trouble you. I heard some information and if we continue the way we are, then this mission might just end in failure."

"What information kid? Do you think you're better than us just because you stay with the Corps!?"

"Obviously not. I have no actual combat experience while the rest of you do, I only got in through chance."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"I guess I'll tell you my story and how I ended up here in the ISC. Anyways, we have lots of time to spare, don't we?"

"I guess you're right."

"But first, why don't you introduce yourself? I know you already heard my name when Secretary Blake introduced me, but she never introduced the rest of you, so what's your name?"

"I'm Williams, Oscar Williams, commander of the 9th battalion of the Secret Army."

"So Commander Williams, let me tell you the story of a kid who ran away from home and what become of him afterwards. My family back home…"


"Sorry for the way me and my men treated you, Private Perez."

"Nah, it's fine, but what's with the "Private Perez" title?"

"You went to the boot camp didn't you, that makes you a part of the military even if it was temporary."

"Well, okay, whatever works for you. So, can we get along?"

"Yeah, it's fine. Even if my men don't like you, they will still cooperate with you if I give them the order."

"Then I leave you to it. I'll just go ahead and take my leave now."

"Why don't you stay here and chat a little longer kid?"

"No sir, I'll let you get some rest. We still have a long flight ahead of us and you should take the opportunity to rest while you still can."

"Alright then, if you put it like that then I got no choice but to listen to you. Don't worry, I'll go ahead and tell my men to try and get along with you."

"Thanks sir, we'll have another chat once this mission is over."

"Alright kid, we'll do just that."


I take my leave after talking things out with Commander Williams. I told him my story and he seemed to understand where i'm coming from. He was genuinely a nice guy, or "is" because he's still alive. It's just he lets his pride get in the way of his judgement. I told him a little bit of my childhood and the information I got from Katsumi.

Well at least now I can rest easy that we came to an understanding. Once we become official members I'll try and find some time so we can talk like I promised him. But for now I'm just going to sleep for a bit.



I just woke up right now after Commander Williams shook my shoulders to inform me that we have arrived.

"Private Perez, me and my men will go ahead and report to the agent placed here, you can take your time and get your belongings."

"Okay, thanks, I'll try to get ready quickly."

I got off my seat and went to grab my bags. After getting everything I went outside and walked up to Commander Williams who was talking to a man I believe to be the agent stationed here.

"Is he the agent we're supposed to report to?"

"Yes, this is Agent Ramona right here. He is going to take us to the hotel we are going to be staying at."

I take a look at Agent Ramona, but all he gives me are bad vibes. It's probably just because he's that strong, right?

"Yes, I'm going to be taking the 10 of you to the hotel you all are going to be staying at, so follow me to where the vehicles are stationed."

I follow him, but the strange feeling I have is getting worse. I should probably keep my guard up, even if we just arrived. There is no way to know what can possibly happen out here.

We make it to the parking lot where I find 3 black SUVs parked side by side. I go with Agent Ramona, Commander Williams, and one of his men on one of the vehicles. The rest of Commander Williams's men are separated between the two other vehicles. Once we're all ready, the drivers take off.


We arrive at the hotel and start heading to our assigned rooms. Agent Ramona gives us the keys to our rooms and tells us he's going to go check in with the ISC and leaves.

I arrive at my room, but I start getting a really bad feeling and decide to wait for Agent Ramona to come back. But all of a sudden…



We were being shot at by a sniper and one of Commander Williams's men had been killed. But how, we just arrived here? How would they know our location? Wait, don't tell me… Agent Ramona is a double-agent.

"Everyone take cover, our location has been leaked to the enemy!"

"You heard him men, go ahead and–"


Another shot came, and this one hit Commander Williams right in the head. I can't believe this. I, I can't believe this. I can't fucking believe this! Why? Why him? I just barely got to know the guy. So, why him?

To make matters worse, armed men block the hallway from the way we came from. With Commander Williams's death, all his men lose their cool and pull out pistols and start firing back, but the armed men all came with assault rifles, making it easy for them to get us. This whole situation is a mess, we're all going to die here.

While everyone is firing I take off and pull out my gun and start firing at a window.


The sniper fires another shot, but I quickly move my head to avoid getting instantly killed. I then jump off the window and take a fall from the 3rd floor. I landed on top of a car and heard one of my ankles snap.

I try running away, but I find Agent Ramona out there on a phone call. He notices me and pulls out a gun and starts firing at me. The civilians in the area start panicking, while I go running towards him, despite my injury. He manages to shoot me in my left arm and right next to my heart, but I still keep going. And once I'm close I shoot him on one of his knees, making him kneel down in the ground. I then kick him in his face hard enough to knock him out.

I then try to escape while holding him hostage so I can get some information out of him later. But unfortunately, I turn and notice a girl with blue eyes and a black ponytail wearing all black with a sniper on her back. She points a pistol at me and then…


Things aren't always easy now, are they? Well, that's that. Oh yeah, I can finally apply for a contract, so thank you guys, but unfortunately I don't know what my release schedule should be. I only released daily these days because I was on spring break, but now I'm back doing classes. As a matter of fact, I finished writing this chapter on the campus library.

Nalzaarcreators' thoughts