
From Depression to Challenging Existence Itself - Part 1

The world itself may at times seem to be against you. Should you brace yourself and accept your fate, or shall you work up the courage to conquer your fate and mend it to your will? Nathaniel Perez a teenager feels like life is against him, but he can't accept that fate and runs away from home. Unfortunately, he wasn't prepared for the consequences of his actions and realizes how pointless everything he has done so far was, but thanks to his curiosity getting the better of him, he has a chance encounter that gives him the strength he needs to move on and be the conquerer of his fate. But not everything is as it seems. There are many things occuring behind the scenes, and many things that have already transpired. And one of those past actions is tied to his true identity as a π°|\. *Please take note the story may progress pretty slowly and updates may not be consistent.

Nalzaar · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

First Mission

Earth, November 18, 2022

It's once again that time of the day, 4:30 am. Luckily, I'm so used to it that I just automatically wake up at that time. The rest of the group has also got used to except for Bane who still likes sleeping in.

I immediately get changed and grab my gear and head down for breakfast. Everyone at the cafeteria gets quiet once they see me enter.

After I came back, I went to go get my revenge on the group that humiliated me in front of Anabelle. I asked Michael if it was okay to beat the shit out of them and he gave the okay. The very next day during breakfast time I went up to their table at the cafeteria and picked a fight with them.

They were afraid to get into trouble by fighting in the cafeteria, but everyone else there was hyping them up. If they refused to fight, then they would be considered cowards. So in the end, they were forced to oblige.

I remember them all running up to me and trying to hit me, but I just kept dodging their attacks. After my training, my vision had improved and I could see all their attacks with ease. I threw punches right after I dodged so I could catch them off guard. They eventually got so riled up they lost their cool and started attacking me like crazy.

Being short at the time also helped. I'm currently 5'7, but at the time I was barely 5'3. I managed to get the upper hand and beat the whole group, but even then I didn't stop. I realized that if I stopped there, then other people would come attack me later because they didn't take me seriously. I opted to use the same strategy Michael used during the orientation; fear.

The whole group layed on the floor after their defeat. I walked up to them and continued my onslaught. I slammed their faces on the ground, I twisted their fingers and their arms, and did whatever I could think of at the spot. Everyone in the crowd could only watch as fear took over them. I practically left the group half-dead. They had lost a lot of blood, most of which was on the floor and on my hands. I probably would have killed them, but Katsumi stopped me before I let my anger completely consume me in that moment. From that day on, no one tried to mess with me, even if they were stronger than me. They feared what I would do if pushed to a corner and decided that it wasn't worth the risk.

But that's enough reminiscing about the past. I have to finish my breakfast and then brush my teeth so I can report to Secretary Blake who was in charge of informing me and the other people who will accompany me about our mission.

I quickly finish my breakfast and start heading out. I notice Anabelle and wave at her, but then continue heading out. I know that kind of hurt her, but at the same time I know she understands how I feel about things.

Over time we both realized that we have feelings for each and probably since the moment we first saw each other. We know this, but we don't act on them. I want to be someone I can be proud of before telling her straight up and she knows this. Honestly that makes me love her more.

Anyways, I go brush my teeth and start heading out. I arrive at the strategy room where I was told to meet up and find Secretary Blake and nine guys who seemed to have been sent from the army under the ISC. I recognize the uniforms from my time in boot camp.

"Nathaniel, you're right on time, sit down so we can discuss the overview of your mission."

"Yes, man."

Secretary Blake is a nice lady, or at least she is to me. She seems to feel guilty for accidentally getting me involved with the ISC. In all honesty though, I'm grateful to her for making such a mistake. I had the chance to grow stronger and escape my family. Speaking about my family, l heard that they reported me missing. But I have no intention in going back, even if I was allowed to leave here.

"The 10 of you are here for a chance at becoming official members of the International Secret Corps. Nathaniel here is a special case who already resides here unlike the rest of you here, but he isn't an official member just yet. The rest of you have all previously tried to join, but failed. Now this mission here is your chance to change that fact. Recently there have been rumors claiming that White Tower has become active once again after being quiet for over two years after the death of their executive Roy Evans. You ten are to investigate and verify the truth regarding these rumors. The ten of you have already been to Canada before no?"

"Yes mam, even though in my case I just stayed at the fort"

I'm guessing we're going to be sent to Canada. I've only been there once during boot camp, although I don't know exactly what part of Canada it's located at. The ISC doesn't have us train here in any of the military forts in the United States. They intend on keeping their identity secret even from the armies under the countries that are part of the UN, so they have us train at a fort that only members of the ISC's army can make use of.

Only the leaders of each nation know about our existence, but even then they aren't allowed to mobilize us unless 75% of the countries in the UN permit us to take action.

"Oh, that's unfortunate, but I guess you personally were focused solely on your training. The rest of you should be more knowledgeable about other areas in Canada right?"

"That's right mam."

I notice the nine guys just smirking at me. I guess they gotten arrogant due to the fact that they have more expertise in one area than me. Me and my friends tend to get a lot of hate because many people are mad that kids like us are on the same level as them. Anyways, I don't really care about idiots like them. I'm probably not going to see them much after this mission anyways.

"That's good. We heard rumors that some White Tower members have been spotted at Gatineau. You are all to head there and investigate. You should all try and blend in with the crowd. So for you Nathaniel, that means you have to avoid using most of your weapons during the day when people are out and about. If you have any questions feel free to ask them."

"What are you sending a kid with us?"

"Yeah, he's only going to drag us down."

"I would be quiet if I were you guys. Nathaniel is much stronger than the rest of you. He's practically on par with official members, it's just that we aren't allowed to let him become one until he follows the proper procedures."


Dumbasses, they're really looking down on me. If it weren't for the fact I could get into trouble for causing another fight I would show them who's stronger.

They seem to be mad, but I don't think they're planning to do anything else... for now.

"It seems that you guys don't have any more questions so I'll take my leave. But before that, you should all start packing what you'll take with you. I expect you all to be ready to leave by tomorrow morning. Goodbye now."

Secretary Blake takes her leave and I leave right after her in order to avoid any problems that could arise by sticking with these jealous bastards.

I immediately go back to my room where I find everyone waiting for me. Katsumi takes the lead as usual and comes up to me.

"So what have you been assigned to do?'

"I was assigned to go to Canada and investigate rumors regarding White Tower."

"So it's true."

"What's true?"

"I've heard that White Tower has a new executive that is supposedly Roy's successor. Be careful, this mission might be harder than everyone believes it to be."

"I'll probably be fine, the only problem is that I can't have my katanas out in the open during the day."

Honestly, how bad could it go.

"Well, maybe you're right. But either way, please be careful."

"Yeah, I know."

Katsumi backed off, but he still seemed a bit worried. I think he's just overreacting. Like what are the chances I actually meet the new executive on my first mission.

"Anyways, Nathaniel, before you go to sleep, do you want to hear our stories?"

"I guess there's no harm in that if I wake up on time."


Bro, I think you might have jinxed yourself. You just raised like a million death flags. I guess it's time I introduce this series's new protagonist. Nah just kidding. Anyways, y'all should follow my Instagram account @fdtcei. Once I have a huge enough following I intend to create some interactive opportunities between me and my readers. Like deciding what chapter I should release next whether it be someone's back story, a regular chapter, or something like someone else's perspective. It would be fun.

Nalzaarcreators' thoughts