
Two feminine souls tie

She didn't know that her jersey would be no where to be found.

She explained to her mother and she bought a new one .

Months passed and she met a coloured girl called Rose Carter.

Rose is a very bright and brilliant girl.She is light in complexion ,

with golden brown eyes and a very beautiful smile.She is compassionate

and also a staunch friend.Some learners don't really like their friendship

because it is trustworthy.They both benefit each other in a positive

manner .They are both determined to succeed.They sit together during

breaktime and eat together while reading books and pausing to

catchup.Paballo is very happy because she found a blessing in disguise.

A friend who understands her and a sister who is not quick to judge.

Thats very interesting.Don't you sometimes wonder why this kind of

friends are hard to find?Its a harsh world.Most of the time we find friends

who dont build us but instead they want to be better than us.