
The surprise parcel

Its a sunny Saturday morning and the sun is dazzling into Paballo's eyes.She opens her eyes and looks at the ceiling.She quickly wakes up and and goes to the bathroom and while she brushes her teeth she hears a door bell."Who would it be?"she asks herself.Within a wink of an eye Oratile jumps to check who is at the door because her mom was busy making breakfast."Good day ma'am.I'm asking for Paballo Ndaba?This parcel is hers."said another stranger. Paballo looks at the man with confusion and takes the papers to sign."Thank you ma'am".

Paballo quickly closes the door and runs upstairs.Onthatile also wants to know what's in the box,she follows her sister.Paballo gets in her room and starts unwrapping the box."Wowww"shouted Onthatile.Its a necklace and a teddy bear.But the question is who sent it to her?She keeps on wondering and Onthatile sees something on the box."Ro..s..eeyy." "Ohh its from my bestfriend,Rose Carter.Oh my...she is such a darling.Let me face time her."Unfortunately there's a network problem.She rapidly takes off her pyjamas and wears a nice shirt with a short ,nike kicks and a sunhat.Without any waste of time she wears the necklace and runs downstairs .She eats the sandwich her mom made ,takes her last coins from her savings and goes out.

She meets her cheeky classmates on the way and they give her a nasty look.She confidently passes in front of them and one of them spits on the floor.Luckily the minibus just arrived and she takes a ride.It took about ten minutes and she arrived at the big city of Joburg.That's actually where her bestfriend lives.She quickly jumps off the bus and goes to the public telephones.She tries calling her bestfriend and finally the call succeeds.She asked her for her address and finally she goes there.