
Friendly Neighborhood Youtuber Spider-man

Mc reincarnates into Peter parker from the MCU before iron man 1 and decides to be the best spiderman there ever will be, but the path he chose led him to be an internet celebrity. This is my 3rd first fic so please be gentle The first 6-8 chapters might be awful but i promise it gets better. You can read 5 chapters ahead for $3 on my P@TREN/kambrofam and 12 chapters ahead for $8

KamBroFam123ERT · ภาพยนตร์
115 Chs

A new chapter in life

P@treon shoutouts - Devor 👑👑(Thank you for being the first member king)

Chris chalich, Danny york, Hastien056

-Ben POV- 

Why do they have to appear at the worst damn time and cock block me, couldn't they have waited a little more sigh I'll deal with these fucking thieves, *click* ohh these are not thieves then, I know that click means trouble so I take May's hand and shush her as I take her to a closet before pushing her in and pressing the panic button which immediately spun the inside of the closet.

I headed for peters room on the second floor as I took the noise cancelling ear muffs, I opened his door to find him sleeping on his bed so I put the ear muffs on him and turned around to find a man wielding a cleaver trying to hit me, I held his hand and pulled him close to the wall before I took Pete's laptop and hit the guys throat with it. 

Twice just to make sure, before I moved out of peters room I saw three people and one of them moved his gun towards me but I took hold of the window curtain that may insisted on buying before I swung it at the thieves blinding them for a while before I got down on my knees and pushed forward, effectively making myself a pinball, as they fell down I grabbed the arm of the guy who had the gun and aimed it at the head of one of the other ones.

He fired by reflex when I held his hand killing his friend, I moved it to the other guy and another shot killed him, I then blocked the trigger and started to wrestle the gun to its owner's head.

I could see the sweat glistening on his skin and the fear in his eyes, but I held on and pushed until the gun aimed right at his head before I released the trigger which he fired because of his grip, killing himself. I heard footsteps from below and thanked the gods that V wasn't home.

I took the gun from the lifeless body and lied down alongside them and waited with bated breath as the sound of footsteps approached from the stairway, as 4 more people climbed the stairs and looked at the bodies of their lifeless companions I silently sat up and fired *bang*bang*bang*bang* four holes into their heads. Fuck the Geneva convention playing dead would have helped a lot in my time of service. I heard a cell phone ringing.

I calmly got up and picked up the cell phone from one of the bodies and answered the call "is the kid dead?" I felt anger course through me as I said "yes" and cut the call, these weren't the Russians from the bus this was someone else who planned an attack against Peter himself but who would do that?

I need to know.

-Peter POV- 

When I woke up the world felt silent so I took off the earmuffs on my face, I don't know where it came from but it probably isn't important, I searched for my laptop but couldn't find it so I moved out of the room and asked uncle ben who was standing there "have you seen my laptop?" He replied with "V took it to book some tickets for us" I frown and ask, "what tickets?" He smiles and says, "we are going to L.A" I was about to jump at the chance of a vacation, but I asked, "why though?".

Uncle ben smirked and said "I got a VIP suite at a 5-star hotel in L.A from a friend it would take care of food, bed and travel for us in L.A for two months so I thought why not" I was feeling happy at the chance to go somewhere else, but I stopped and thought, I have to meet Billie and apologize.

But do I have to apologize right now, I need to rethink what exactly my fault was and what was her fault because it definitely wasn't all my fault, and a month of travel might clear up the fog in my mind.

I'll think about it later, right now I want to ignore my problems and make a YouTube video to improve the image of Peter Parker among this city again. 

What should I make this time to appear like the coolest guy on the planet, I could do a lot of things with the kind of money I have but it would appear insincere to make something without any budget limitations because once you remove the budget it feels like something anyone could have done, so I have to do something crazy but on a budget.

What should i dooooooo, wait I know let's do that, it should be easy enough if that is available, let me check, oh yeah it exists so it's going to be much easier to make, we need this cannister, we need this guy's help with the metal, would I need a permit for this one, nah I don't think so.

I got everything settled to make it so I went downstairs and saw uncle ben leaning on the chair as V searched on my laptop for a ticket to LA as she said "uncle ben I can probably get a jet specifically for us, why bother with the airlines even" uncle ben laughed and said "I am not allowed on private aircrafts since 1994" V was confused as she asked "Why?" Uncle ben just said, "I smoked in one" I frown as I ask, "you're not allowed to smoke in your own airplane".

Uncle ben flinched as he said, "whatever that's what I said," I just shrugged and asked, "Can you help me with a video I'm making?" uncle ben nodded but asked "what happened to Ned?" I grimaced and said, "he is still angry at me for making him sing Infront of thousands of people."

Uncle ben laughed and said "I'll be coming downstairs, you set up everything in the meanwhile" I nodded and headed down to get all the setup complete, I got the camera setup easy enough, I just needed another camera that records different angles throughout the video which will be handled by none other than uncle ben.

I've had some materials I had ready for when i eventually make this, but I have to make do with alternatives for some of them because we have a time constraint of one day.

Uncle ben gets down into the basement and I ask, "why are we in such a hurry to get there?" Uncle ben frowns as he explains "I have to meet the friend who is giving us the tickets tomorrow before he leaves LA" I nodded and handed him the camera before I pointed at the second camera as I said "that one will record whatever is in that area but whenever I point to something, I want you to record it" he nodded and took the camera from me.

He asked as he clicked record "what are we making by the way?" I smirked and said, "the thing you have been asking me to make for a while now" he appeared excited as he exclaimed "finally!" I smiled at his enthusiasm and started the video with "what's up everyone I'm your friendly neighborhood youtuber."

-Uncle Ben POV-

"I didn't think the smoke detectors were this sensitive" peters voice was drowned out by the smoke alarm going off in the background, I facepalmed and asked, "was that supposed to happen?" He gave a quick nod and started to explain "tungsten oxidizes when introduced to heat."

"Aaahhhh" we both turned at the shout from may and found her holding a fire extinguisher which she promptly used to extinguish our eyes from this world, once the fog of the extinguisher was out may yelled "did I get the fire?" I looked down at the burning carpet and put my foot on it as I said, "yes dear, thank you for saving us".

That is when V arrived as she yelled "I got the tickets, let's gooooo but what's that smell" I sighed and smiled at my weirdly cute family and thought of the real reason I refused the private jet offer, 'they will be panicked if I'm out of their surveillance for too long, I hope you stop showing concern for me my one-eyed friend'.

I hear peter sighed as he said "ok aunt may you stay on standby, uncle ben you move the camera back to me and V" V perked up eager to be included in a science video "just make sure you don't make too much noise" I laughed at that as V pouted and May said chuckling "come on Peter, let her help" Peter sighed overdramatically and said "fine you can be in the video but only if you use safety first"

As Peter took a hard hat and eye protection from a box and gave it to May and helped V put them on, I felt content at seeing them happy, unaware of the threat we face. Their smiles make me feel like taking fury's offer of help, but I held myself, as the hotel in LA is enough of a favor for now.

After all I can only make favors, I can afford if I want to stay away from that life.