"This is a widely debated topic among intellectuals in the world, and is common knowledge to those who are even a little educated. We are living on borrowed time."
He clapped his hands, dispelling the depressing atmosphere.
"That's enough about the world's problems. Let's return to what we we're supposed to be doing."
He showed me the white block.
"This is now the intermediate result in the process of making the K-4 bomb. When these two substances are in contact with each other, nothing happens, and that is not what we want. There must be a violent reaction between the two. That lets us know we're ready for the final step."
"To get them to react with each other, we need to mix them. To do that we rub the powder into the casing, making sure they are thoroughly mixed. This powder is abrasive so it's easy for it shave off parts of the casing."