
Free: A Mutiversal Adventure

After being crushed by his family's expectations, Jordan died of exhaustion. Follow him as he embarks on a journey of freedom. (Cover art does not belong to me the author, all credits go to the original artist)

GhoulKingJay · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
13 Chs

The Tournament

The forest was bathed in a warm, golden glow as the sun barely started to rise. The sound of birds chirping filled the air, as a little breeze rustled the leaves. The young man sat on the tree branch and slowly opened his eyes. He brushed the sleep from his eyes and took in his surroundings with a glance.

He became aware that he was currently dozing off among the tree's limbs after a failed search for a place to sleep the night prior. The forest below him extended as far as the eye could see, providing an incredible view from the tree. He experienced a sense of calmness and quiet and briefly closed his eyes to take in the morning silence.

He descended the tree gradually, his feet resting on the soft grass. After a restful sleep, he felt his muscles reawaken as he stretched his arms. He appreciated the tree's shelter and solace as he glanced up at it.

He inhaled deeply, enjoying the crisp air. He felt revitalized, alive, and prepared for a fresh day. He assembled his belongings and walked toward the residential area smiling, eager to explore and learn what the day would bring.

As he trudged through the forested area just outside the empire Jordan couldn't help but revel in what had happened the night prior.

Jordan made his way over to the small table that had two people who seemed to be giving the tournament's participants their numbers.


The duo of attendants who sat bored at the entrance to the tournament couldn't help but sight at the grizzled and hideous faces of the many men who had walked into the arena believing that they were almost certainly going to become the big winner. They had assigned a number to a particularly burly man that had massive chunks of the flesh on his arm missing. The large gashes on his mutilated arm disgusted the two attendants who desperately tried to hide their disgust at the man.

They felt that they were almost certainly going to spend the next hour seeing increasingly heinous and hideous-looking people. When they were granted a reprieve when they saw a young man with short spikey brown hair wearing a rather nice outfit that was covered with a large overcoat. He held a sword to his side and greeted the attendants with a smile that held no ill intent or lecherous thoughts. They gave him his name and the moment he left their presence their entire bodies deflated.

The two attendants were once again given a shock as they saw another rather gook looking man approaching them. The man had chocolate brown skin and white hair that was twisted up and left hanging past his ears reaching the nape of his neck, he was dressed in some inconspicuous-looking black clothes. He had a lazy expression on his face and he seemed almost bored at the idea of taking part in the tournament.

The attendants kept a professional look on their faces as he grabs his number and walks past them. He stops and takes a few steps back before letting out a smug smile as he said "If I were you, I'd put money down on me cuz I promise you, I'm Goin all The WAY!" once he said that he left with a bit of a smug laugh.

The attendants looked at each other and almost as if they were the same person he said "Wow that is cocky, what a Jerk!" once they finished their odd bout of synchronized speaking they couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

The two would never say this out loud but it was a fact, they both couldn't but find the attractive jerk very captivating in all the wrong ways.


Jordan walks into a small area in which all the other fighters are waiting, many of the people there were incredibly gruff and large, and their bodies were peppered with scars and battle wounds. These people are all occupying this keeping themselves closed off and mysterious for one reason or another.

Jordan found a quiet corner and sat there quietly waiting for the matches to begin. After 7 fights Jordan finally hear his number being called so he trudged over to the stage with a rather bored expression on his face. He couldn't explain it maybe it was the changes that had occurred as a result of what he had done but just felt unbelievably bored at the prospect of facing these pathetic and overconfident weaklings. He made it into the arena and stood opposite his opponent a bulky man with large and powerful arms, his feet on the other hand were nothing more than chicken legs. Jordan stifled back a laugh as he faced off against the chicken-legged man.

Jordan faced his opponent while raising his hands in a bare-knuckle fight style. Jordan avoided the opponent's reckless swing and responded with a powerful strike. In a couple of seconds, the guy was defeated and fell. Jordan won, his fast thinking and better hand-to-hand fighting abilities gave him the overwhelming victory.

The crowd erupted into defeating cheers as they celebrated the easy victory. The quarter-finals and the semifinals would be the same as the first round a quick and easy victory that didn't require Jordan to even pull out his blade.

The finals however were a different story Jordan was running around and buzzing like a live wire at the prospect of facing Tatsumi in one on one combat. He knew for sure that he wasn't going to kill Tatsumi no matter how enticing the rewards are since he would be brutally murdered by Akame's hand eventually. The thought made a majorly stronger Jordan shudder at the thought.

He made his way to the arena and was met with Tatsumi. The youth looked exactly like his anime counterpart just a lot more realistic.

'Good Luck Kid' Jordan wished him a silent good luck as he knew that he was going to not only embarrass him but also take Esdeath, one of the baddest Yanderes away from him. He smirked at the idea of being in Tatsumi's shoes for real this time.

He knew that unlike the meek and uninterest Tatsumi, he was going to make her his from the first chance he got.

Jordan stilled his thoughts and got ready for his clash.

The two combatants moved toward one another, their gaze locked in a tacit struggle of wills. The two competitors jumped into the fight as soon as the referee gave the all-clear to begin.

The first to strike was Jordan, who quickly punched Tatsumi in the abdomen. Jordan was sent backward by a strong uppercut that Tatsumi delivered. Jordan regained his equilibrium as the two combatants proceeded to trade punches, each of them striving to emerge victorious.

The duo separated and almost simultaneously reached for their blades.

The two charged at each other, their swords clashing in a shower of sparks. Jordan was the first to strike, his sword whistling through the air as he delivered a powerful blow. Tatsumi was quick to counter, his sword flashing as he blocked Jordan's attack.

The two continued to exchange blows, their swords ringing out as they battled for supremacy. Tatsumi was fast and agile, but Jordan was relentless. His sheer power kept Tatsumi on the ropes he was forced to stay on the offensive just barely managing to get any leverage.

The fight continued until Jordan recognized an opening as Tatsumi began to tire. Tatsumi overcommitted to his defense as a result of his feint to the left. Jordan quickly changed courses before striking Tatsumi in the side with a crushing strike to throw him off balance.

When Tatsumi fell, Jordan seized the opportunity. Tatsumi was unarmed by Jordan with a swift flick of his wrist, and he placed the blade of his sword to Tatsumi's chest. For a split second, he debated whether or not he should kill Tatsumi but ultimately he decided not to, but he did need to light a fire under him that was so strong that Tatsumi would hate him and everyone in the empire who bowed before the wretched minister.

He sheathed his blade as he looked down at the defeated Tatsumi, He looked at the young boy with as much arrogance as he could. Jordan stood in front of Tatsumi, who was lying on the ground. " This was the most pathetic thing I have seen in a while," Jordan said, his tone stern.

Tatsumi was taken aback by the man as he clenched his fist upon hearing Jordan's condemnation. His mind immediately flashed back to when he was too weak to stand by bulat's side and defeat his old master.

"What the Hell do you know!" Tatsumi screamed out in rage, he was blinded by the memory that seemed to have returned fresh in his memory.

"You're not trying hard enough. You have the potential, but you're not putting in the effort. You're not pushing yourself to be better therefore, you are completely worthless!"

Tatsumi wanted to get up and activate incursion yet the harsh words stopped him everything the man said was true how was he supposed to protect the rest of Night Raid when he was so unbelievably weak. His knuckles turned white as he clenched even harder upon realizing that the man who was talking down to him was also giving him the motivation he needed.

Tatsumi didn't even look up but Jordan knew that he had lit a fire under Tatsumi which would hopefully save everyone else before they lose their lives to this war.

Esdeath walked down to the ring impressed by Jordan's display, he was completely dominant, he decisively defeated his opponent and then expertly critiqued him and gave him advice. While she didn't think a weakling like Tatsumi could ever use advice she did believe she had found the one He was as strong and as brutal as her.

She could see the pride he had in his eyes as he talked down to Tatsumi. She knew that she must have him. Once she made her way to the arena she said nothing as she attached an ice chain to his neck before attempting to knock him out.

He caught her hand and with a devilish smile simply said "Take me with you, I'll go anywhere with a beautiful woman like you".

The ice queen was taken aback by his shameless utterance and a blush spread across her face, because of how pale she was the blush was far more pronounced which meant that Jordan could watch his favorite yandere blush under his flirting.

The two walked out of the arena as the entire audience including Night Raid couldn't help but gasp.

Finally, a loud chant was yelled by all those who were there


The people there couldn't believe what had just happened. Seeing the state of sheer panic and confusion.

The announcer decided to step in

"Well, folks I guess that concludes the end of this fighting tournament, have a glorious day in our empire, and good day!"

The people shuffled out still dazed at the fact that the ice general was in love with some random guy who won a tournament.

{What do you guys think, feel free to leave a suggestion}