
Chapter 4: An Old Friend.

Chapter 4: An Old Friend.

Darla walks towards the large, white door and opens it.

"Scarlett! Its so nice to see you!" Darla happily yelled.

"Yo." Scarlett said, sounding unenthused.

"Man, your place is still as vivid as I remember." Scarlett said, letting herself in.

"Bruv, why are we hiding in the closet. I can feel Goldie breathing on me and I'm about to knock his lights out." Galaxy said, trying to keep herself from punching Goldie.

"Uh, first off, you won't touch him? Second, you have some major anger issues." London remarked.

"Both of you shut up. If we are heard we might be in a world of trouble." Goldie said, trying to get them to shut up.

"Then stop breathing on me you yellow dimwit!" Galaxy yelled, being heard by Scarlett.

"I thought you lived alone?" Scarlett said, visibly confused.

"I do! I just have...uh...big mice..in my house?" Darla hesitantly remarked as she banged on the wall, signaling to be quiet.

"Get your filthy hands off me Galaxy!" London yelled, trying to make Galaxy leave him alone.

"If Goldie was doing the same thing, you wouldn't be complaining." Galaxy said with an enormous smirk on her face.

"Wha- Okay. Sure. Whatever you say bruv." London said, not even attempting to argue back.

Goldie sighs very loudly.

"I can't. Your sibling drama is too funny and too annoying all at the same time." Goldie remarked.

He opens the closet door. London and Galaxy come tumbling out like tumbleweeds in a desert. Galaxy smacks the ever-living hell out of London.

"Now tell your boyfriend over here...to stop breathing on me!" Galaxy yelled very loudly.

"He's not my boyfriend, you dumb cactus!" London yelled.

Scarlett enters London's room only to see Goldie, Galaxy, and London all fighting.

"Oh my stars-" Scarlett said, trying not to scream.

"Uh...meow?" Goldie awkwardly said, trying to make a diversion.

"Darla...?" Scarlett asked.

"Uhg, fine...I'll explain everything." Darla said, getting the couch ready.

After explaining, Darla turns on the TV. They see that the Commander of the Houston Prison is on TV. He explains that Darla Foresight is missing and needs to be detained along with London and Galaxy. He also explains that 2 different relics he found at an archeological site have vanished and assumed that Darla took them. Whilst all of this was being said, Galaxy and London were flipping off the TV and everyone else decided to join in.

"Wait, Goldie. You're a relic from an archeological site?" London asked.

"No. The Commander knows way too much about dark magic. He worked at the pizzeria only to trap me in that forsaken plushie." Goldie said, looking down at his hands.

"So then how did you get out of the plushie?" Galaxy asked, actually intrigued.

"London. That's how." Goldie remarked.

"Me? What could i have possibly done to have gotten you out of that plushie?" London asked, vividly confused.

"Its probably something to do with true love." Galaxy said, yet again, mocking London.

"No. The mirror you brought with you? The one you gave to Darla? It hides more than what you think. Each of us represents something on that mirror. Only someone with "The Power of Heart" can let trapped individuals free of their vessels." Goldie said, as Galaxy was looking at him with a huge smirk.

"What?" Goldie remarked.

"Oh, I don't know. Is it the fact that London has the Power of Heart or the fact that you would do anything for him that sticks out the most?" Galaxy said, teasing Goldie.

Goldie nervously laughs as Galaxy is walking around just interrogating him.

"Galaxy, leave him alone! You can't just interrogate someone who you don't know!" London yelled, pushing Galaxy over.

"You-...You pushed me over..." Galaxy stuttered.

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?!" London angrily replied.

"I'm shocked you have the arrogance to stand up to me." Galaxy said, getting back up.

"Well, I'm tired of being your doormat. It's about time you start showing me a little bit more respect, sister." London remarked.

"Hm. You earned respect fair and square." Galaxy said, brushing herself off.

"So the mirror that I was handed has powers?" Darla asked.

"Yes. Though I'm not sure what the rest of us have. I only know London has Power of Heart because I was freed from my vessel." Goldie said, trying to figure out everyone else's powers.

"So what happens if I just-" Darla said, as she's opening the mirror.

Nothing happens.

"Oh, well that blows." Darla said, sounding sad.

As time passed, the night sky lit up with countless stars as the Milky Way Galaxy was seen from the white-dotted sky. London walks up to the massive window and stares into the abyssal plain of the galactic supercenter. Goldie cracks the door to see what's going on.

"I just don't understand why this is happening." London said, talking to the window.

"What seemed as impossible as the stars of the sky becomes a full reality that I did not see coming." London said, starting to cry.

"Well, you aren't alone in this crazy world." Goldie stated, closing the door behind him.

"How much of that did you hear?" London asked.

"Enough to know that you are confused." Goldie said.

"You know when I first met you, everything changed. What seemed like revenge taking over every part of me proceeded to disappear in the vanishing blindness of daylight." Goldie said, hugging London.

"So what do we do now?" London asked, with his head down.

"We wait and see." Goldie said, looking out the window.

"Hey, you guys should really get some sleep." Galaxy said as she opened the door, standing in the doorway.

"She's right." Goldie said.

London walks over to the bed in the corner and puts a ton of blankets over himself.

"Heh. You have my permission." Galaxy said, walking away.

Goldie gets in the other bed, and soon everyone falls asleep.

Towards midnight, everyone is fast asleep and then it happens.

"Uhg, where am I?" London asked.

"Woah, this is so wierd!" Galaxy said, looking around.

"It's nothing, but pitch black as far as the eye can see." Goldie said.

"So...you three seem to be the people that saved me from the Commander." Someone said.

"Who's there?" London asked.

"I'm what they call, The Entity." Entity said.

"So what are we here for?" Galaxy asked.

"You three are very special. You have something that not everyone can say they have." Entity remarked.

"And what does that just so happen to be?" Galaxy asked.

"London has the Power of Heart. A very rare occurrance. You have the power of crystallinekinesis. The power to manipulate and control crystalline solids and liquids. As for Goldie over there. He's the Horror Master. Typical. A horror game character obviously gets that title." Entity listed.

"Have fun!" Entity demonically yelled.

"Wha- Where- what is this? Am I on acid?" Darla asked.

"Yo, same bruv." Scarlett said.

"No, Darla. You saved me from being trapped by the Commander." Entity said.

"Who are you?" Darla asked, creeped out.

"I'll just get straight to the point. You and Scarlett are special. You saved me from eternal damnation. You have Raw Power and as for you, Scarlett, you have the Power of Darkness." Entity listed again.

"Have fun!" Entity demonically yelled again.