
Chapter 5: Back to School.

As everyone was getting up, no one said anything about the dreams they had. No one wanted the other to think that the lethal radioactivity was the cause of this.

"So..uh...how was everyone's night?" London hesitantly asked.

"Normal. Nothing...unusual." Darla hesitantly replied.

"Galaxy? How was your night?" Darla asked.

"Okay. Hell no. I had this crazy as heck dream last night. Some weird thing was talking to me and said I had like crystal-kinetic?" Galaxy explained.

"No, he said you had crystallinekinesis." London replied.

"So we all had that dream last night? I thought it was me just going insane." Darla said with relief.

"I miss school." London said, sounding sad.

"Well, we can't go to school now. We are all over the news. If we are spotted we'll be sent back to Radioactive Island." Galaxy remarked.

"Not if I have anything to do with it." Goldie defensively said.

"Goldie got real defensive there." Scarlett said.

"Mhm." Darla said, glaring at Goldie.

"Well, I could just give you guys disguises so you can go to school." Goldie said.

"You don't want to do that because it would make London leave your sight, huh?" Galaxy asked.

"How did you-" Goldie said in shock.

"I have my ways." Galaxy said.

"Maybe I don't have to." Goldie remarked.

"What do you-" Galaxy said, being interrupted.

Goldie turns back from his original form to his plushie form.

"You can just take me with you." Goldie said.

"Works for me!" London happily yelled.

"Wait, but how are we supposed to blend in? As soon as we are spotted we'll be detained!" Galaxy remarked.

"No need for that because-" Goldie said whilst raising his hand.

Galaxy and London immediately change into two completely different people.

"EW, WHAT AM I WEARING?!" Galaxy screamed.

"Ha! I got my favorite color and you have to wear red and purple." London yelled whilst laughing.

Galaxy's hair turns from blonde to brown so she won't be as recognizable as before.

"Oh my god." Galaxy said.

"What?" London asked.

"Your hair- ITS RED!" Galaxy shouted.

"Wait, aren't we supposed to be enrolled first?" London asked.

"Got that covered." Goldie said.

"Nothing happened." Galaxy stated.

"You'll see." Goldie remarked.

Goldie leaps from the floor onto London's head. "I'm pretty sure people are gonna be really suspicious if you stay there." Galaxy said.

"Then I guess I'll just have to blend in myself." Goldie suggested.

Goldie changes back into his original form and then puts on a nice suit.

"Just say you have a rare disease that makes you look like a bear." Darla suggested.

"You really need to get better excuses Darla." London said.

"Alright well, off we go." Goldie said getting ready to teleport.

They appear in front of the school and walk the rest of the way so nothing looked suspicious. As they walked up to the school, however, many people were staring while Goldie was not giving a care in the world. "Goldie, there is a heck ton of people staring at you." Galaxy explained. Goldie looks around, shrugs, and enters the building. The three of them walk into the office and the secretary asked who they were.

"We are the new students here." Goldie said.

"And what are your names?" The secretary asked.

"This is Bismuth, this is Justin, and I'm Freddy." Goldie listed.

"Ah. I see your names. Here are your schedules. Please make your way to first period." The secretary said.

As they were making their way to first period, London and Galaxy run into some old friends.

"London, look!" Galaxy said, whilst pointing at 2 people.

"Oh my god, its Harley and Alyssa!" London happily said.

Harley and Alyssa are sitting at a table with 3 empty chairs at it. They decide that was gonna be their seats. They all sit down and class starts.

"Welcome, students." Mrs. Raulston said.

Goldie looks at Mrs. Raulston with wide eyes.

"London..." Goldie whispers. "Your teacher has a power!"

"What? How can you be sure?" London replied.

"Talking while I'm teaching?" Mrs. Raulston asks.

"No, ma'am." Goldie replies.

"Alright, lets proceed." Mrs. Raulston remarks.

As class ends London and Galaxy decide to try and make friends with Harley and Alyssa.

"Hey, Harley!" London said.

"Uh. Do I know you?" Harley asks.

"Uh, no I just heard your name down the hall?" London hesitantly said.

"Oh ok. Are you the new student here?" Harley asks.

"Yo, Harley , is this guy giving you trouble?" Alyssa asked.

"No, he's the new student here." Harley replied.

Goldie and Galaxy walk up behind London and ask the same thing.

"No, I just thought these guys would make good friends." London happily replied.

"Alright well I guess were friends then." Harley replied.

"Oh my god." Alyssa said, pointing at Goldie.

"Woah I never noticed how frickin' tall you were, my god!" Harley said, backing up.

"You notice how tall I am before noticing I look like a bear? Where is the logic in that?" Goldie sassily asked.

"Look, bub, I don't take crap from anyone. And no 8-foot tall bear-lookin' thing is gonna make an exception to that." Harley hastily replied.

Goldie stands above Harley and looks down at her.

"Sassy. I like that. You earned my respect." Goldie replied.

"Good." Harley finished.

"Alright, both of you cut it out. Ill shove you and Lon-JUSTIN! in the closet...!" Galaxy said, almost spillin' da beans.

"Wait. What were you going to say?" Harley asked.

"Nothing. She's just tripping on acid?" London said.

"Wow, you have worse excuses than Darla." Galaxy said, widening her eyes after realizing what she said.

"GALAXY!" London yelled.

"LONDON, SHUT UP!" Galaxy yelled through her teeth

Harley and Alyssa's jaws drop.

"London?! Galaxy?! Oh my god were so happy to see you!" Harley and Alyssa said.

"Wait, you guys aren't freaking out?" London asked.

"Uh, no? You're our friend. Criminal or not." Alyssa remarked.

"We aren't criminals. We got put on that boat because were test subjects." London said.

"WHAT?!" Goldie yelled at full volume.

"Ooooooh, someone's pressed that his boyfriend was a test subject for radioactive death." Galaxy mockingly said.

"Shut up, Galaxy." Goldie and London said at the same time.

"The real question is, why the hell do you guys look so wierd?" Harley asked.

"Uh...teenage hormones?" London replied.

"What? I'm pretty sure teenage hormones doesn't make your hair red." Harley said.

"No, but hair dye does." London defensively said.

"Yikes. He got you there." Galaxy said.

"Well, no matter. You girls wanna help me get Goldie and London to make out?" Galaxy asked.

"Hell yeah." Alyssa and Harley said at the same time.

"Bruv. What is up with you and your damn ships?" London asked angrily.

"Well, my brother is interacting with a FNAF character without DYING. I think Goldie likes you either in a friendly way. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR. He likes you in that way." Galaxy suggested.

"Well, London did free me from that plushie. So I have no reason to kill him." Goldie angrily replied.

"Getting defensive I see?" Galaxy sassily said.

Goldie walks up to Galaxy and looks down at her with an angry face and snaps.

"You need to learn that some people don't like to be forced into relationships, Galaxy!" Goldie yells.

"So, I'm not wrong!" Galaxy yells.

"And what do we have here?" Someone said from behind London.

"Uh. Is there someone behind me?" London asked.

"Wow, you are good-looking." Gavin said.

London looks down with a red face.

"You know you should look up. I wouldn't be surprised if other people want to see that gorgeous face of yours." Gavin said, putting his hand on London's face.

"Oh, god. I'm gonna throw up." Galaxy said.

"Get away from him, Gavin." Harley said.

"Yeah, you don't want to flirt with him, Gavin." Alyssa said.

"Why not? He's almost perfect. You almost remind me of someone I used to like. He got sent to Radioactive Island, though. So, time to move on right?" Gavin said.

"You moved on 3 times." Alyssa sassily said.

"Guys, look at Goldie." Galaxy whispered, pointing at Goldie.

Goldie's pupils change from white to red.

"Get your hands off me, Gavin." London said.

"Aw, ok. I'll be back." Gavin said, winking at London.

"God, London. I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you that Gavin was still here." Alyssa said.

London clenches his fist.

"It's ok. Even being sent to Radioactive Island, I can't avoid him." London said.

"Goldie? Are you ok?" Galaxy asked.

"I'm...fine." Goldie said hesitantly.

His pupils change back from red to white.

"Alright, bruv." Galaxy said.

Goldie walks up to London.

"Are you ok?" Goldie asks, putting his hand on London's shoulder.

"Yes. Gavin has liked me for the entire time I was here. He doesn't take no for an answer. Every time I would be in his sight he would call me Icey." London said.

"I knew it." Gavin said, entering the room again.

Everyone looks at him.

"So, Icey. You're back here. Oh, that's a shame. Would be a real one if someone found out you were here." Gavin said, smirking.

Goldie can't hold himself back and attempts to walks up to Gavin. Right in the middle of the next step, Galaxy stops him with her head down, trying not to cry. She shakes her head 'no'. Goldie stops walking.

"Gavin, I-" London said, being interrupted.

"I've wanted you for so long and now I finally have the chance. I told you I would get you by any means necessary, Icey." Gavin said.

"BACK OFF, GAVIN!" Harley shouted.

"Woah, ok, princess. Sorry to invade your friend's personal space." Gavin said, getting closer to London.

Alyssa walks up to Gavin and pushes him over.

"Don't touch my friends, you pathetic piece of crap!" Alyssa snapped.

"So scary. I'm terrified." Gavin said sarcastically as he was getting back up.

"Galaxy, I can just kill him right now. Why are you stopping me?" Goldie asked.

"I'm sorry. I don't want you getting involved with London's problems just because of that reason right there." Galaxy replied, trying not to let Goldie go.

"Is it necessary to hug me though?" Goldie asked.

"I know this is really awkward, but if I don't you'll go and kill Gavin in broad daylight." Galaxy said.

Goldie sighs and pulls Galaxy off him. The bell rings and the next class starts.

"Alright, guys, we are gonna learn about cube roots today." Mrs. Smith said.

Everyone sighs.

"You can take your sighs to detention or you can stay in here and pay attention?" Mrs. Smith suggested.

"London, Mrs. Smith has a power as well." Goldie whispered.

"Ok, let's pay attention before we get in trouble like last time." London whispered.

As class comes to an end, lunch starts. Everyone is minding their own business when all of a sudden Gavin plops down right next to London.

"Oh great, here we go." Galaxy angrily said.

"Oh what's wrong Galaxy? Got a problem?" Gavin mockingly said.

"WE ALL DO. EVEN THE SANEST PERSON HERE DOES!" Galaxy shouted at full volume.

"Gavin, please go away. I'm only gonna ask once." London said.

"Oh, Icey. I'm not doing that." Gavin replied.

London shoves Gavin full force off the seat and onto the floor.

"I warned you. It's not my fault you can't listen." London said calmly.

Goldie is trying to hide his red face.

"What's wrong, Goldie? Got something on your face?" Galaxy said, teasing him.

"Shut up, Galaxy." Goldie said, putting his head down.

As school is ending, London, Galaxy, Goldie, Harley, and Alyssa have decided to have a massive sleepover later that night. They soon get home and change back into their normal selves.

"I can't believe Mrs. Raulston and Mrs. Smith have powers." London said in disbelief.

"What powers do that have?" Galaxy asked.

"Mrs. Raulston has ferrokinesis. As for Mrs. Smith, she has electrokenisis." Goldie replied.

"So similar to my crystallinekinesis?" Galaxy added.

"Indeed." Goldie said.

"Alright well let's get the sleepover ready." London said in excitement.