
A rolling hybrid gathers no moss.

You peeked through the eyehole. It was Jungkook. What was he doing here on a Saturday morning? You decided to just pretend to be asleep until he went away. He knocked the door impatiently.

"I know you are there Y/N! Don't tiptoe away from the door." he shouted.

"What do you want at 8am in the morning, Jungkook." you asked.

"Is this anyway to treat your partner who got shouted at in your place?" he asked. Feeling guilty you opened the door but firmly held the handle because you had no intention of letting him in.

"Christ Y/N! Why do you still look like a murder scene?" he gasped, eyeing your ripped shirt and the blood that still covered you. He reached out to see if the dried blood on your arm was wipeable.

"At least it is not your own blood it seems like." he said deep in thought.

"Um yeah, I was just so tired yesterday, I went directly to sleep." even to you it sounded like a bad lie.

"Maybe the chief would believe it, but trust me Y/N, I am not dumb and I'm not leaving until you tell me what happened yesterday." he loomed over you as he removed your hand from the door handle letting himself in.

"Hey this is trespassing!" you shouted behind him as his nose guided him to the kitchen.

He walked into a scene of a half naked hybrid with shackles around his wrists covered in bandages devouring your half eaten egg sandwich. It was probably not a scene he was expecting. Jimin growled at him and you got in the middle trying to calm Jimin down.

"I-I didn't know you were into this." Jungkook muttered.

"I can explain!" you pleaded.

"I don't think you should be using work shackles for your fantasies though." Jungkook added absentmindedly.

"Wait what?"

"You have… strange fetishes." Jungkook's eyes were filled with either worry or pity. Jimin barely could contain his snicker, his shoulders shaking from the suppression of his laugh.

"No, wait, Jungkook! Let me exp-" you exclaimed at him; your hands waving in denial.

"It's okay Y/N, I'm sorry I interrupted you… and your partner. See you at work on Monday!" he took long strides towards the door as if he was trying to escape from you. Jimin had tears in his eyes at this point.

When you heard the door close, you turned towards Jimin.

"Why didn't you deny it?!"

"Wh-what would have I told him?" gasped Jimin, trying to recover from his soundless laugh.

"That a policewoman is housing a criminal?" this made Jimin smirk widely gleeful at your misery. You sighed wondering if saving Jimin was the right move. After all you did witness him kill a fellow hybrid mercilessly. And he did try to choke you.

He was about to start his second bout of laugh however gravity had other plans as he slid off the chair causing him to wince. Serves him right, you thought. Super healing abilities or not, he still had injuries from yesterday. Whether it was the right decision or not, for now you were stuck with him. You helped him get back on the chair.

"You think he will be back?" Jimin asked.

"Oh definitely, once he realizes it doesn't explain why I still look like a murder scene." You said as a light joke but you saw Jimin's face harden with the mention of murder. With the awkward silence enveloping between you two, you looked for an escape.

"I-I'm going to clean myself up, you can watch TV if you want." you said getting up to dump the dirty dishes in the sink.

"You have a TV?" Jimin tried to seem aloof but you could see his eyes were brightening up like a child's.

"I know my place is shabby but I do have a TV." you said slightly annoyed as you lead him back to the bedroom. He looked at the 28 inch screen and looked confused.

"It's so small." he remarked.

"I don't know what sort of luxury you were used to Mr. Jimin but here." you said as you handed him the remote control. Like a child receiving a candy he immediately grabbed it and turned the TV on. You turned away to grab your towel and fresh set of clothes.

"The families that bought me had TVs that covered their whole walls." he said over the happy tune of a TV advertisement. Families, you noted.

"One had a room only dedicated to watching movies." he continued.

"I was allowed in there sometimes." he said as he scrunched up his eyebrows trying to access long forgotten memories.

You could only reply with an "Oh". The thought of him moving from family to family made you feel awful but a tiny paranoid voice wondered if he was the problem. Jimin quietened as something on TV caught his attention and you entered the bathroom to finally have some alone time.