
New Beginning

I open my eyes to see the beautiful room, not the girlish one I might add.

I feel so relaxed....ohh no, now I feel something weird.

I sit straight on the bed and to my amaze this is not my room...not my room. Damnn!!



Then suddenly the door opens and there was a boy standing in front.....

He's in his house slipper...he's wearing tracks....and omgggg!!!!He is half naked... my mouth shuts open so wide to see his 6 pack tight abs...woooow that's hot.. he has a tray in his hand, 'that's my breakfast'. woohoo this man have biceps ,strong muscles and his green eyes...

Get up! Get up! You lazy ass. You are again going to be late dumbo...get up..

N bhoom it was just a dream.. A F**KING DREAM. It was shru who woke me up from my awesome dream uggh...

By the way shru actually Shreya is my childhood bestie. We have being friends since she started to walk lol!!

"Oh shukhi seriously in this whole world you will be the only person who wakes up this early. Now go and let me sleep"

"Bro do you have any idea what time it is, its fucking 5:30 and today is our first day at college, and you lazy bitch wanna sleep more. Getup!!!!!!"

Ohh yeah its our first day at college and i am very excited....

Unfortunately i have to get up n get ready for college.. Urgg i hate this...

"Children get down for breakfast" i heard mom shouting..

PANCAKES!!! (yummiest thing in this entire world and i just lovee them)

After breakfast i was running to get into shru's car, bump i was fallen into ground and guess who pushed me.. 'MY BIG BROTHER' ughh i hate him soo much he never leaves a chance to irritate me sometimes i think he is adopted but unfortunately we look alike, my bad...

"Lee you are dead" and i started to run behind him to beat him..

And we bump into shru..

"Hey Shreya" lee said

"Hey lee" shru said

"Hey all" yeah that was me hehehe

(to all... There is something fishy going in between my bro n shru)

"All set and we are ready to go, right shru?" I asked her

"Ohh oh yes yeah yeah all set"

"Now take your fucking ugly ass from her and let us go mister" i said to my brother

"Bye lee" Shru said

"Bye Shreya" lee said

"Omg what a melo drama" as usual me as a third wheel, and i love this role lol!!

Atlast we left to college

"Did you notice lee was blushing" i told

"What.. No.. Never.. Why on the earth he will blush" she said

"Because he likes you!"

"Shutup bitch!!!!"

"And stop blushing!!"

"Im not"

There is definitely something between them.. I should figure that soon...