

Oh damn the signal!

"Shru just break the damn traffic signal dude,we are already getting late." I said with irritation.

"You know what it's all because of you, so just keep your mouth shut..." she ignored me and continue to explore something outside the window.

The boy next to my window is what bothers me. He removes his cool helmet as if a hero in a film... his hairs reaches his forehead, in his eyes..

Wait! Enough!

Major distraction in life are boys... Ria focus on your career and most important close your mouth dumbo.

But his fresh skin..!


And when I look up next to my window he was also staring back!

Holy sh*t

What should I do?

Stare him back?

Ignore him?

Say hi?

Or still Ignore him?


Smile yes! No!! Yes!! Shit man!!!

While i was arguing with myself he speaks up...

"You seems to be lost in my charm "

My mouth is wide open but I couldn't say anything, it felt like someone knots my mouth.

"Close you're mouth, dust can cause allergy "

He says with his amazing voice.

"Does that even mean something?"

I was just about to complete my sentence and ahh he leaves as soon as the signal turns green! Damn ... I'm seriously a lazy ass I could had dreamt less.

First time I wished for signals to take hours..

"Hahahha, you're so impossible " speaks the one I totally forgot about shru.


"Nothing babe, just waking you up"

"Haha now can we go, we are already too late for first day"

"Not my fault"

"Whatever" i said with an irritating face

What's happening to me?