
Forever After

What does it mean to be powerful? What is your power? Let's take a look at this awesome world known as Alveration, where power is everything. Two friends set out on an adventure to explore their world and to have fun in the process. Little did they know this world had more to it than they realized. In order to protect his friend and the one he love, Jet will have to become stronger.

Fun_Mind · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs


The dien bear had surprised Jet and caught him off guard. The bear was only a meter away from Jet. The bear was about to have a sweet bite with its mouth open wide. Jet had calm down and was able to allow the weights to help pull him back wards out of the tree at the last second and was able to avoid being lunch or so he thought. The bear quickly used another tree to propel it self at the falling Jet. As soon as Jet hit the ground the bear was almost upon him.

" What the hell! This bear is fast but not just that it is smart. It knew I would dodge and used it to its advantage to launch an attack, I can't dodge."

He was on one knee looking at the bear flying towards him and he was unable to dodge.

" Pshewwww"

The sound of an arrow flying towards the dien bear eyes. The dien bear saw the arrow and if it wanted to avoid losing its eye it had to dodge which it did and Jet was able to escape.

" What was that the arrow came out of nowhere. Whatever, no time thinking about that I bearly got away that bear still managed to put a strach on my weights gear. If it wasn't for them I would be bleeding out right now. This bear is powerful."

Jet started running away. In the mean time Sandy have been monitering the killer monkeys but still did not find the felco killer monkey.

" I wonder where it went I know I senced its massive ruler instect half a mile away earlier but now I can't sense it. Well since it won't show it's self I will start making trouble for it. There is one thing every king has to take action for and that is to protect its kingdom and his subordinates."

Sandy had a smirk smile. She went up in a tree and hid like a snipper. She readied her bow and took aim with her arrow and released the arrow at the first target and the arrow strikes the target. Sandy then took out eight more monkeys quickly then an alarm seemed to go off. The monkeys where making alot of noise but Sandy kept on killing. She killed about 25 more monkeys and when she shot at number twenty-six. The monkey caught the arrow and loooked directly at Sandy.

"What the hell? It caught it and was able to pin point my location, is he the king? He looks really strong."

Sandy felt a bit of fear an excitement. The monkey that caught the arrow roared and Sandy saw about 150 killer monkeys assembled behind the monkey.

"What the heck! Where did so much monkey come from? There is more than a 100 there I need to retreat even tho the foot soildres are week they can still do damage with those numbers, Am Out Of Here!"

Sandy quickly came out of the tree and started running.

Sandy was running away as quickly as she could. The leader monkey then gave his minions comand to pursue her and kill her if capture is impossible. The monkeys started to chase Sandy but she had a head start.

" These weighs are slowing me down but I can escape."

Sandy had a smerk look and cold sweat running down her face. Fifteen monkeys caught up to her and was right on her heels. Sandy saw the monkeys and they attacked her. She dodged and slit their throats but bearly. She used the knife she took from the house to kill them. with the knife.

" Well, we can't use this knife for cooking anymore."

Sandy laughed while she kept running. Then she saw fifty more monkeys caught up to her and as they where about to attack they all stopped suddenly . Sandy stopped and made a quick turn and was looking at the monkeys in the tree. She saw the fifty that was following her and the rest came along and stopped as well. She looked at them and they look at her then they all started to return from where they came. Sandy watched them as they left and was wondering what happened

"What just happped? They all stopped. Is it that they can't go too far from there master or is it that am out of there territory. This is good information. I will call it a day, tomorrow I will confront that king I saw. It looks really strong I know am not at its level even if I take off my weights, I think tomorrow I will cash in on my prize for that special training Seth promised me."

Sandy laughed as she started to walk away and headed home. The day was almost at an end and Jet had made it back after coming close to death. He was at the house before Sandy.

" Hey, where is Sandy?"

Seth did not reply.

" She is not back as yet."

Jet had a bit of a worried look then he heard a laugh and these words.

" You look all beat up, was the bear too much for you?"

Sandy entered the house. Jet turned quickly and saw her and he had a look of releife on his face.

"Good you both made it back safely please go wash up and come we are about to prepare dinner. "

" I won't bathe as yet am going to do an hour of training then, wash up and eat."

Sandy laughed and agreed. They both went and trained for an hour and then washed up. Everyone was seated and was eating.

" So how was it?"

Jet stopped eating and answered.

" That bear is strong, if it wasn't for Sandy firing that arrow it would have killed me."

"What arrow are you talking about? I was nowhere near you, so what are you talking about?"

Jet was quiet for a second.

"If that was not you then who was it?"

Jet sat there and wondered.

"My task is fun I killed alot of monkeys and found their leader I will attack it tomorrow."

They talked alot and laughed.

"Well, off to bed you all go. I will see you tomorrow bright and early."

I'm enjoying the story more and more. I hope you are too.

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