
Forever After

What does it mean to be powerful? What is your power? Let's take a look at this awesome world known as Alveration, where power is everything. Two friends set out on an adventure to explore their world and to have fun in the process. Little did they know this world had more to it than they realized. In order to protect his friend and the one he love, Jet will have to become stronger.

Fun_Mind · Fantasy
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10 Chs


"Ok, you two, as I said earlier you have three days to finish your tasks. I want you to know these creatures are quite powerful but the dien bear is stronger at this time but if the killer monkey continues on this path in six months he will surpass the dien bear. For this one time, I want to see where your strengths are currently at, so with this one exception you can take off your weights when you are ready to carry out your task."

There was a brief moment of silence the Jet began speaking

" Seth this dien bear is it the same creature I had an encounter with, in the woods?"

Seth nodded.

"Seth what are we supposed to do for training in the meantime, will you tell us where these creatures are located. I mean, will you tell us their exact location?"

" Your training is to execute your task the way you see fit. If you choose to just rest for two days and then go search for the creature the third day it's up to you. I will not tell you the creature's exact location. You should use this as a way to learn something new or put what you learned into practice."

Jet and Sandy got up and told each other good luck Jet started to train himself he got into a crunching position and his upper body firmly upright, he then started to punch forward left then right and he did that for the next 2 hours. Sandy on the other hand went off to the woods she took a knife from the house along with a piece of string. She was about to make a bow and some arrows.

"My task is to take out a very powerful creature, I think I can test its capabilities from a distance to know what am up against, I've only seen this weapon used once by someone in the village and it is good for hunting"

She made the bow and arrows in an hour then went on to practice how to use them for the next hour. So two hours had passed and Jet and Sandy went in the direction of where Seth told them the creatures were located.

"I need to know where this bear is so I can keep track of it and study its movements so I can know how to kill it. Last time it caught me off guard and am going to do my best to stay alert and one step ahead of that bear."

Jet cautiously walked through the woods searching for his prey. Sandy headed in the direction Seth told her the monkey was in.

"I need to know what am up against. I know information is key in any given situation so I will test the fire and see how hot or warm it is."

While Jet was walking he realized he was close to where the dien bear attacked him so he started to move in stealth mode and was making sure he is 100% alert.

" I see some tracks here, I will closely follow them and see where they lead."

While following the tracks Jet started to smell a bad odor that he didn't smell the last time around.

" What is that smell? That stinks!"

Jet felt disgusted and after a couple of steps, he came upon a gruesome sight that made him barf.

Jet had come across a site of three dead bodies of men, they were torn apart.

"They are dead! This bear doesn't play around. By the looks of it these men were out hunting when they got eaten by the bear, so it hasn't gone near any villages as yet. I think it will return to finish its meal soon. I will go to higher ground and watch from there."

Jet looked at the bodies in disgust. Jet then climbed a tree that would overlook the site of the dead bodies. He sat and waited. Meanwhile Sandy had found her creature. She was about half a mile away from the felco killer monkey. She noticed that minions were patrolling the area so she moved around in caution and stealth.

"This felco looks to be a smart one having these lower monkeys patrolling the place like it's his palace and keeping an eye out for intruders. This ones gonna be tricky, it all has to do with timing."

Sandy moved around to have a better understanding of the surroundings and the situation. Jet was still waiting to see if the bear will return to finish its meal. And after 10 minutes of waiting the bear returned to the scene to finish its meal. Jet hid and watched the bear and was looking for an area of opportunity to see if he could kill it there and now. However, he seemed to be on edge like he is missing something.

" I can't shake this feeling, it's as if that darn bear knows am watching it and wants me to attack. I remembered how it attacked me out of nowhere and I want to return the favor. Let's see how it will react if I throw this stone at it."

Jet firmly pulled his hand back and then brought his hand forward with as much force as possible and let the stone lose towards the bear. As soon as he threw the stone he moved from his current position. The stone hit the bear and it turned quickly to see what had hit him to the side. It didn't see anyone and roared out of anger. The bear knew someone was watching but couldn't tell from where. The bear then started to run from its location and Jet followed it from a distance. The dien bear stopped running and lied down. Jet stopped and started to wonder why it stopped to lie down.

" Is it tired or is it trying to bait me in to attack I wonder?"

The dien bear got up and then bend a bit like It was about to jump. Jet started to wonder what the bear was about to do. Then it happened, the bear ran off with great speed toward a tree as if it was going to ran headfirst into it.

"That stupid bear is going to collide in that tree headfirst how stupid."

The dien bear was a meter away from colliding in the tree but that was not the case it leaped onto the tree and pushed itself to another tree then another...

"What the hell! It's jumping from tree to tree but that means it knows where ....."

And before Jet could finish his words the dien bear was upon him with its jaws wide open and Jet steering down its mouth.

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