
Football Prodigy’s Second Chance

John was a football prodigy. He was in a trash football team when he was younger, and got them a 100% win record. He loved football, but one day his life shattered. He was going on a daily run when a car ran him over. From that day on, he was paralyzed and would never be able to walk again. He wallowed in depression, and had to stay in a white room for the rest of his life. It got better and he was able to get in a wheel chair, and he cried himself to sleep every night before he decided. No, he wouldn’t submit to this shit. Just because he can’t play football, doesn’t mean he can’t watch it, or coach it! He started to watch football games, watched every single nfl player. He then started to find their faults and send them messages on corrections, and exercises to fix their weak points. Many NFL players loved him, because he would help everybody out. They called him the Father of the nfl players, because he acted like a dad coaching his son to the players. The players would visit him and laugh with him. On his birthday, they brought him to a bar, and they drank away. Then one day, he was watching a highschool football game before he spotted somebody. It was the qb. The qb was on the losing team, but that was because of his team. He could tell the kid was made to be a qb. He had the talent, but didn’t have a team. He messaged this kid, and when the kid saw who texted him he screamed in surprise. He immediately had his parents drive him to the hospital and entered the room with his parents. “Kid, why do you play with that team?” “Uhh, my friends are on the team and I wanted to help them” “Friends? If they were real friends, they would want you to join a different team. You are a natural for the quarterback position. I’ll coach you kid, but leave that trashy team first” That was a life changing moment for that kid. He went on to dominate the NFL, and was known as the #1 QB. John was also known as the father of NFL, and one of the best coaches. It was often talked about what a monster would have came out if he wasn’t paralyzed. Some even joked if he didn’t get ran over, he would have destroyed the league. When John died, he died with no regrets, until he opened his eyes and realized, wait...I’m 10 years old?

TheJester_6460 · กีฬา
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17 Chs

School (3)

The next day, John woke up exactly at 7 AM and started working out. He did a few stretches, before going on a simple run. He ran around the area, and after 10 minutes his legs felt like jelly but he persevered. After 20 minutes, he felt like dying and his breathing started hurting. After 30 minutes, he fell down on some grass and layed there for a little before going back to his house.

When he reached his home, he started doing some upper body exercises. When he finished, he took a shower and made breakfast for himself and his family.

When he set the table, his parents came out their room and were surprised by the breakfast.

"Did you make this?" They asked.

"Of course, I wanted to thank you guys." He said. They were a little skeptical, but when they caught a whiff of the food started salivating and tried to calmly walk to the table before sitting down and gobbling the food down.

John chuckled, and started eating himself before packing up for school.

He hugged his parents which also surprised them. They thought their son had become a new person, but before they could ask he had already walked out the door and started waking to school.

John attended a private school that his parents worked very hard to get him in. It was 10 minutes away, and when John reached the school was hit with a wave of nostalgia. He had carried this school to #1, before getting ran over. But in this timeline, he had no intention of joining this schools football team.

John got to his class, and was met with his best buddy Rex. Rex was a great friend, and they had been friends since pre-school.

"Hey John! Damn, what's that smell? Why do you smell so good?" Rex said, as he sniffed the air. John used to be very clumsy and barely used any soap when showering, but the mature John cleaned very thoroughly and he had even used a new soap because the old one sucked.

"That's obviously me, I always smell good." John bragged.

Rex huffed, and said "Ha! You and smelling good? I would have rather smelt a garbage pile then you! You know, a lot of girls would have asked you out for your good looks but you smell like a used public toilet!"

John was a little embarrassed of that comment, after all it was true many girls stayed away from him because of his horrible smell. He playfully smacked Rex across the head, before they entered into class.

They sat next to each other in the back of class, and soon the other students entered the class as well as the teacher.

The teacher was an old man, who had a face that practically said out loud "Listen and I will like you, don't listen and your getting thrown out the window."

The teachers name was Mr. Gilmore, and he was 50 years old. The teacher started class, but John and Rex constantly talked and talked, pissing Mr. Gilmore off. Some of the people surrounding them laughed when they made jokes, and when John started raising his voice when making jokes and made the whole class laugh interrupting Mr. Gilmore, Mr. Gilmore finally lost it.

"JOHN! THATS THE SECOND TIME THIS WEEK, GET OUT!" He yelled, and smacked the ruler against the whiteboard.

John apologized, and walked outside. It seemed his old personality was fading and his immature one was taking over, but he couldn't say he didn't like that. After all, he was a very uptight person and maybe even more strict then that old man when he was his age. Now that he had the freedom of being himself, it felt liberating!

John was randomly playing with his nails and whistling some tunes when he heard the door open of another class and a girl walk out. John looked at the girl, and was surprised to see he didn't recognize her.

He walked over to his he bench she was sitting on, and although she was surprised didn't say anything.

John took a seat right next to her and smiled at her.

"Hey, I'm John! How about you?"

"Um...my names Avery." She said shyly. John was surprised to see she was an introvert, because usually good looking people had lots of confidence meaning they were extroverts.

"Sorry to bother you Avery, I was just super bored waiting outside alone! Hey, how come your outside?"

"A-ah, well, my mom is the teacher and she usually lets me study by myself outside because I'm smarter then the other kids."

When she said that, he realized why she was an introvert. She probably had an overprotective mom he shielded her from any social interaction, making her focus on her studies.

He felt bad for the girl, and wanted to be her friend. "Do you have any friends? I could be your friend, how about it?" John said. It could be said he was acting very intruding, but John didn't care what others thought. He was simply acting as himself, if somebody didn't like it then they can fuck off.

"Huh? Well, okay, but I don't really have many friends. Sorry if I'm a bother."

"No way! You wouldn't be a bother! Hey, why don't you have many friends? Your one of the most pretty girls I've seen, surely many girls would want to be your friend!"

Avery blushed, and said "Well, my mom isolates me from the other kids and I can't really talk with them. Your one of the only people I have talked to for a while, other then my childhood friend Lacey."

"Wow, your mom sounds pretty strict. I can be your second friend then!"

"Oi! John, get back in class!" Rex called to him.

"I gotta go, it was nice meeting you! Can I talk with you after?" John asked.

Avery smiled "Okay! Bye John!"

John walked back to class, and he found he was subconsciously smiling. He felt like his entire day had been brightened just from talking with Avery.

"Why are you smiling so much? Are you two dating?" Rex asked. He had never seen John talk with much girls because of how horrible he usually smelled, and now all of a sudden he was talking with an extremely cute girl he himself had never seen before?

"Not yet." John smirked.

"You dirty dog, hehe." Rex chuckled.