
Unbelievable Genius!!

Alec wakes up to the sun just beginning to rise. With a big yawn he gets out of bed and stretches checking his body for pain and just loosening up his body for today. As he expected there is no pain he made a quick recover from last night, the scratches he had were all healed and he couldn't be more happy. Somewhere in Alecs mind he thought this was still some kind of dream but he was wrong. This is real and he was ready to start his training.

Alec wasn't the least bit nerves about this training because in Alecs past he had been a sliver knight which is what his dad is now of course this was nothing crazy, after all Alec didn't reach that level until he was way past his prime. Though Alec had a talent for close combat he never wanted anything to do with it mainly because of Alecs dad whom he blamed the most for him being a failure. But this time Alec will use this and reach even greater heights. As Alec finished stretching he headed out to see his father walking towards his door.

"Oh I was just coming to get you, but it seems you're ready." Alecs dad said with a warm smile on his face. "Yes father let's start as soon as possible!" Alec said eager to start the training. "Then lets start meet in the training yard behind the house in 5 mins." After telling Alec this his father left quickly, Actually it's more like he disappeared, "he is so fast even with out magic I wasn't even that fast when I was on his level in my past life." Alec said admiring his fathers speed he could only guess how strong he was right now. Running down stairs Alec ate some food real fast and ran to the training yard.

Once Alec got there he saw his dad who was swinging various different weapons around, Alec gulped as he saw this. Readying his mind and hardning his conviction he walked up to where his father was and said "I am ready father." Alecs face and body was serious letting his father know he wasn't playing around. "Good, I was just trying to find a weapon that I thought would suit you best but I can't seem to find one?" Alec father said while scraching his head. "OH! Why don't you pick out one that you like that way there are complaints?" Alec thought for a second and started looking, he agreed with his dad, If he pick his own weapon there would be no complaints later on. Look through their are many weapons in the barrels but Aelc already knew which one he wanted. He grabbed it without hessitation which suprised his father especailly his choice.

"A Wakizashi? Interesting choice." Alecs father said with a curious voice. Alec cought this but he paid no mind to it. All Alec was thinking about was this sword the "Wakizashi" It is basically a short Katana, It has the speed and the peircing power of the katana but with out the reach. though they are both similar they are used in very diffrent ways. As Alec was thinking he didn't notice his father grab his weapon. Alecs father said in a voice that sent chills down his spin "you better dodge."

As soon as those word left his mouth Alec felt a huge pressure coming from above him


A greatsword came down on Alec like lighting, Alec jumping out of the way just barely living as he looked at the ground it was cracked from where the blade landed. What was even more mind blowing than that was their weapons are wooden. Yet he cracked the ground like it was nothing. A lound voice yelled out from 2 diffrent directions, one from infront of him and one from behind him. filled with killing intent. "You don't seem to be taking this as serious as you were giving off." This resonated in Alec mind, as 2 blades came from both sides one coming stright down on him and the other going for his legs. "You're right let me take this more serious!" Alec let out his own killing intent as he instantly jumped backwards dodging both swords coming at him, while also swinging his Wakizashi with great precision towards his fathers neck.


A loud clashing sound resonated filling the air. As then dust clouds settle Alecs eye grew big as he thought he would he hit his dad after all he was swinging that great sword around. There should have been no way for him to block that attack, yet his dad blocked it and is ready to attack again. Alec who is still in the air cant dodge this next attack so he needed to block it. Faster then before the wooded great sword comes down towards Alecs mid section and he just barely blocks it with his Wakizashi, the hit sends him crashing into the ground and now his hands are both numb.

Alec getting up gets ready to go again, but his father has now dropped his great sword and is now walking up to Alec saying. "Good, you gave me a scare there for a second I never expected you to dodge those two sword images, let alone throw out a counter!?" Alecs was very impressed but what he said next surprised Alec. "We will move on to hand to hand next but first, When did you become a knight or rather when did you develop your martial power?" Alec face told the whole story the surprised look on his face told his dad that he had no clue as to what he was saying. Alec didn't think he was at any level when it came to martial power. His dad didn't bother him about it because he didn't look like he knew. But Alec yell out "Are you sure father? You couldn't be mistaken!?"

"No I'm very sure you are at the first level of Knight. The fact that you dodge my first attack and those two sword images was prof enough." Alecs dad replied very honestly. Alec thought about the situation that happened with the magic crystal and guessed it must be the same thing and decided to not thick about this anymore after all even if he did know it wouldn't help him in anyway. "Okay lets start hand to hand combat." Alecs father said interested in what his son could do.

They both distance themselves about 10 ft. from each other and at this time Alecs mom is now outside watching there training to make sure Alec doesn't get seriously hurt. Alec mom begins a count down "3.... 2.... 1.... Begin!!"

As soon as the count down was up both sides instantly disappeared from there original spots and reappear in front of each other both sending a furry of punches Alecs dad just slightly faster then Alec

Boom..! Boom..!!

Both of there fists clashing creating shock waves from each blow. At first Alec was holding up but he is now being quickly pushed back, on the other hand his father is getting faster as they were clashing before now they clash every 10 punches as for the other 9 Alec is doing hid best to dodge but is being overwhelmed and his hands are starting to numb. "Shit I can't keep this up! I have to find a way to break through!" As more fist come Alec has taken hit after hit but he cant find a opening to attack. As Alec was about to throw in the towel and give up. A single word ran through his mind "WEAKLING!!!"

As this word resonated through entire being. He had almost forgot that he wouldn't give up ever again even if he lost he would still fight to the bitter end. As his fathers fist became more overwhelming his mother closed her eyes because she didn't not want to see this scene. But when Alecs dad felt that Alec was about to give in, just then a "CHILL" went down his spin. As he looked more closely at his son he was dodging more efficiently and he wasn't taking steps back anymore, he was taking steps forward, his punches more powerful then before and right before his eyes he was the one being pressured. The Aura around Alec completely changed! Now Alec started throwing in feints into the mix making it harder to hold back against Alec. Alecs dad got excited and was not holding back anymore. Alec saw an opening and threw a punch but it was a feint to trick his father but he didn't fall for it, Alecs real goal was to end this in one big move called the Destruction Palm he didn't know why or how but he had a feeling that he could use this move.

Alecs mom thought the battle was over but to her suprise they were still going they had been exchanging more for past 3 hrs and Alec started to show signs of slowing down but somehow he is pushing back harder than ever he wasn't a fauilre in his parents eyes to begin with but after seeing this display of power and talent they both had one thought "He is a unbelievable genius!"

Now Alec and his fathers fist both clashing pushing them both back 5ft. Alec takes a weird stance and says "Time to finish this father!"

His father noticed that stance he took and was suprised he took such a stance he doubted that his son actually knew this move but his instincts are telling him that he should take this next attack serious. No longer holding back Alecs dad raised his martial power to the peek and took his stance Both arms are relaxed and his feet are spread alittle more then shoulder length apart knees slightly bent. Alec knew this stance this is are familys secret art Zero Stance. It is a stance that allows you to do a variaty of moves in almost an instant it also looks like you have given up defence complete but that is far from the truth. "I was never taught this in my past life i only heard stories of its power."

Alec thought to himself while sweat dripped down his face.

Both Alec and his fathers eye meet and... Boommm Alec shot out like a flying bullet the ground beneath him cracking, while his dad didn't move an inch. Alec gathered all the energy in his plam and sent it flying towards his father. In the moment Alec sent his attack within range, a plam of swiftness he had never seen clashed creating waves of martial power.....


When Alec came to he was in his room and hid body ached all over, though it was just pain from bruising. "Shit... I lost... At the end when i threw my Destruction Palm, father countered with his own palm attack it was just as strong as destruction palm, no it was way stronger if father didn't hold back i might have died or seriously hurt." Alec was slightly depressed but he discovered something that was truly awesome. "I'm at a knights level it wont be long till i hit bronze rank and then i can use Enhance Strength! I might as well start reading Enhance Strength to rasie my understanding of the skill, after all i never had intrest in Knight skill." After a few hours of reading it was already dark out his parents had come to check on him shortly after he started reading and he quickly hid Enhance Strength and pulled out Mana Ball to trick his mother. They made sure he was alright and they all talk about the battle from today and they told Alec he was a "Unbelievable Genius!" Alec laughed at there claims and told them goodnight. Alecs mother was the first to leave then Alecs dad but not before Alecs dad told Alec something to suprise him again.

"We will continue train for one month. Your skills are good but you must train your body, your technique is excellent you can only improve upon it yourself. With in this month i will teach you are familys secret technique called Zero Stance. I have no doubt that you will be able to understand the technique, we will start training 1 day from today. Read this book it is are families heirlooms Zero Stance." After telling Alec this he was headout of Alecs room but as he left he remembered he had one more thing to say. "Oh right i nearly forgot to tell you, your rank i said it was at a knights level, but you are actually bronze rank that is certian from are battle." After saying that he left. Alec was overwhelmed at the moment and couldn't say anything as he never experinced this feeling of joy.

"I will defintely become someone you both will be pround of!" Although his parents are already proud of him, Alec will never forget the debt he owes them. Alec gets back out enhacnce strength and starts to read it after reading it he gain a perfect understanding with the technique and how to utlized it, After bonding with the book he got a gold aura meaning he perfectly understands the skill.

"Now time to read this book lets see how good Zero stance is?" Alec saying with a big smile on his face. Night has arrived and Alec is still reading all that is heard it the flipping of the pages of the books and the crikets of the outdoors. While Alec is rading he discovers a big secret left by his fore fathers. "Zero stance is a technique of a still mind and a still body in other words it's primarily a defensive skill which is why you cant move while in Zero stance, but that seems like it would be usless against mages?" As Alec gets to the end of the book he understands Zero stance and its weaknesses but as he finishes the book he discovers 3 hidden pages that apper blank to those who dont have whatever it if that allows Alec to see these things in certian books. "Zero Step? I wonder if father knows about Zero Step." Alec continues to read and soon finds out how amazing Zero step is!

Zero Stance is a still mind and a still body in essence it is being like water. But Zero Step is like the leaf that fell on the calm water causing ripple across the water. Zero step is a skill that requies you to be able to flow while the ripples move. For example Being able to walk on water while a storm is going on. To be able to uses Zero step you must master Zero stance for Zero stance is only the foundation of Zero step. "Hhmmm this skill is crazy if one masters Zero step you can move while having all the benifits of Zero stance! Complete Harmony!"


The sounds of many wolf howling breaks the silence. "So that young wolf was going through the right of passage.? Shit if i dont face the leader are town might face an attack." Alec said nervously he didn't think of it at all at that time, honestly he forgot about the battle as soon as he started training with his father. "Well i will finish this tonight, hence Alec started bonding with the book his father left and he achived that Ashen arua to others it would look like what ever his understanding of said book would be in this case it was gold which is complete understanding. After that he jumped out the window and ran towards the ruins where he meet the wolf before. As he got there he saw the body of the wolf was gone confirming he thoughts. He looked around but saw nothing as he was about to head home he heard one big large howl coming from deeper into the forest.