
Food Wars: The Golden Hands

The Best chef on Earth, Known as the Golden Hands due to his unmatched skills in cooking and monstrous talent has died. After waking up he finds himself in the hands of young women. Knowing he had died, his only thought is that he had reincarnated. But the world he reincarnated in is the famous Food Wars anime where chefs are highly respected and praised. What will the Former Golden Hands chef do?? will he distance himself from cooking? or will he prove that he is the best in the field? Again.

Doragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
247 Chs

VS Shinomyia PT1

"You...Better than me!!" Shinomia looked at Alexander with disbelieve, he wasn't alone, the whole hall was having the same expression. A student was proclaiming he is better than alumni!! this is outrageous.

"Pfft!!! hahahaha!!!!" Shinomiya burst out laughing, it was funny, really funny!! " This is a first..." Shinomiya calmed down and adjusted his glasses " This ends h-" before Shinomiya could finish his words he was cut by Alexander.

"I am not a talker!" he said, " I Saiba Alexander challenge you to a match between us, Shinomiya Kojirou." Shinomiya once again went into silent mode alongside the other students. Even for the reckless Soma, this seems like a bad idea to him. Megumi is about the faint.

"A challenge? a Shokugeki you mean??" Shinomiya said to Alexander with a monotone voice, he figured out that if he kept on letting this kid get on his nerves with each word he says then he may cough blood out at this rate " And what do you hope to accomplish by this ' Challenge' of yours??" Shinomiya is still mocking Alexander and treating his words as the last cry for hope.

"Nothing much, just making you realize that my skills are far better than yours and get you to take back your decision," Alexander said with a shrug of his shoulder as if what he is saying is the most natural thing.

'Is this guy for real?!!!'

'He wants to challenge alumni?!!!'

'He must be insane!!'

Students were having mixed reactions most of them are terrified and scared of what is gonna happen next.

"Shinomiya looked at Alexander's carfree face and sighed and relaxed his body " Give up, my decision is final, nothing is gonna change it " Shinomya took the list of the passing and failing students and turned to leave. Alexander saw him leaving and sighed in the same way as Shinomiya did earlier.

"Not only you're not on my level and now you become a coward who can't accept a challenge!" Alexander's words spread through the silent room. "Looks like Totsuki's alumni is nothing but a title." Alexander chuckled slightly as he turned to get his tools too. If it comes to this then all he needs to do is start his plan on opening his tower three years earlier.

As Alexander was heading toward his kitchen, something came towards him and hit him on the head. It was the list that Shinomiya was holding earlier.

"What was that for? " Said Alexander as he scratched his head, it didn't hurt that much. Shinomiya was still in the position of throwing the list. He dashed at Alexander and caught him by his collar and pushed him on the ground. Shinomiya's expression was like that of the devil, his eyes are red and his face s twitching from anger.

"Go, do it, hit me, give me a reason to destroy everything you love!" Alexander grinned widely in Shinomiya's face not scared at all by what happened

"Chef Shinomiya!!"

"Don't do anything reckless!!"

"Don't use violence!!!"

Many students came running towards the two and tried to separate them, Soma tried to pull Shinomia, but he was pushed away, Shinomya raised his fist and aimed at Alexander.

'You dare to look down on me?!!! You dare look down on my cooking?!!!" Shinomiya was screaming inside his head as all he can see now is Alexander.

Before he could punch down, Shinomiya's arm was caught by another large hand. Everyone looked at the person who stopped Shinomiya and It was Doujima Gin.

"What is happening here?" asked Doujima with a chilling aura, his aura was directed at Shinomiya and Alexander but it scared those who were nearby making them step back.

"Nothing much..." Alexander rolled to the side and stood up from the floor, he cleaned his white uniform and smirked at Shinomiya " It just that me and this honorable sir had a little disagreement." he said.

Shinomiya was clenching his fist and controlling his anger more than ever, vines of blood are showing on his forehead. Doujima looked between the two and sighed.

He turned at Soma who was nearby and asked him " Tell me what happened here honestly." he said causing Soma to snape out of the shock he was in earlier.

"Y-yes!!" Soma proceeded to explain the situation and how it happened and what led to Shinomiya almost assaulting Alexander.

"I see..." Doujima released Shinomiya's arm as he had calmed down a little. but still, he was looking at Alexander with anger to which the latter shrugged his arm casually.

"I was passing by to see if everything is going fine, turned out not everything was..." Doujima went Alexander's dish and took it in his hand " You two. Follow me." Doujima ordered Shinomiya and Alexander to follow him and they left the hall.

As soon as the door was closed, everyone fell to the floor and released their breaths they were holding back.

"What the hell just happened?!"

"That guy is getting his ass kicked!!"

Many students started talking about the situation.

Soma and Megumi were still looking at the door with different expressions and feelings.

"Soma crossed his arm and clenched his fists ' God damn it!!' he screamed inside his head, he just witnessed his brother being humiliated and couldn't do anything for him. Of course, that was just how Soma saw the situation, nobody knows who humiliated who in the previous skirmish.

Megumi was trembling and she was about to cry " This all because of me!! I shouldn't have taken the good one, I should've let him take it." She was really feeling guilty. Soma put his hand on her shoulder and said: " This is no one's fault, Aniki gave you that with his own will." Soma's eyes looked at Megumi with serious light

"If you said things like this, then his action will be meaningless." Soma took his headband off and his apron too " You should continue to win for his sake...let's go Tadokoro" Soma left the hall and went to get ready for the next assignment.

Tadokoro took Soma's words to heart, she clenched her teeth and thought ' I needed Soma-kun for help every time, now I needed Alexander-Kun's help this too...Until when... Until when I am gonna help myself?!!'

Tadokoro took it upon herself to pass this training camp alone without anyone's help, if she can't pass it then there is no need for her to be in Totsuki and just turn to people to carry her around.

15 minutes later, the whole 1st year students heard about the fight between Alexander and Shinomiya. Alexander's group was freaking out and the students betting that the new student will get his career ruined by chef Shinomiya.

While the other Alumni were shocked to the core, most of them and mostly Shinomiy's friends went to Doujima's office where the two of Alexander and Shinomiya are. They need to check if the rumors are true and maybe this could be it...This could be a chance for their friends to open his eyes again after such a long time.

At Doujima's office, Shinomiya's friends entered and found Shinomiya and Alexander each one of them standing at the one far end of the room while Doujima is standing in the middle of them. The distance between the three is strange and kind of awkward.

"What is this, Senpai? you got in trouble again?? " Inui went to Shinomiya and started teasing him but her words weren't heard by him, his cold gaze was still on Alexander who didn't lose to him and gave him the same look.

"This is good!!" Hitoshi Sekimori tasted Alexander's dish and expressed his satisfaction, the dish made him feel like he was in the middle of nine fields of vegetables

"Yeah!! this very delicious!!" Fuyumi Mizuhara too expressed her satisfaction, she looked Shinomiya with confusion not understanding why this dish is not good in Shinomiya's eyes.

Inui heard their exclaimers and ran and took a bite from the dish, immediately she felt a surge of pleasure run across her body.

"This dish is fine!! it should pass!!" Inui started running around Shinomiya trying to get a reaction from him " Bonehead! Bigheaded Shino-senpai, Narcissist!!" Shinomiya's patience reached it's limit and grabbed Inui by her head and raised her up

"Keep it down, Hinako!" he is already angry so Hinako being her usual self around him is just making him more irritated.

"Can you explain to us why did you deem this dish as not good?" Doujima asked Shinomiya to explain himself since everyone is here, they can help him take care of this problem.

"I have already said earlier, the dish he presented had some sourness in it due to using Vinegar wine and my dish is supposed to be a harmony between the sweetness of the 9 vegetables." Said Shinomiya as he looked around his friends...And Alexander. " The dish he presented is already different than I ordered for them to make. Do you perhaps think that my assignment is unfair, Doujima-san?" Shinomiya looked at Doujima with a somehow an angry look, this is the 2nd time Doujima interrupted him from taking actions against this kid.

Doujima smiled and shook his head " No...I have no problem against it, but since we heard your judgment then let's ask Alexander." Doujima looked at Alexander who had finally moved from his place and sat on the couch not even caring about all of his Senpais that are present. He sat and supported his head with his hand on the edge of the couch and looked at Doujima in an indifferent expression.

"Can you tell us why you think that Shinomiya's decision is wrong??" Asked Doujima.

Alexander looked around the room to see the other chefs that arrived. He can tell although they are curious about this conflict, they are sure looking at him with an intimidating aura, Shinomiya is their friend after all.

He sighs at how stupid this situation is but at the same time he can't just take that guys words and leave like some inferior chef.

"It is simple, with the ingrediants I had in my hands, my actions were limited and changing the recipe and using the vinegar wine was a must. He insisted on sticking to the recipe and neglected my situation and how I coped with it and came out with the best result in that state." Said Alexander, he looked at Shinomiya with cold eyes and uninterested expression. he was about to continue but Mizuhara interrupted him.

"Shinomiya's assignment was focusing on speed and the top priority inside the kitchen and getting the ingrediants in the fastest way possible." She said. she was sitting on top of the chair and squatting on it, her eyes had lost interest in Alexander after his explanation. " It's a mini-simulation to the real-life situation where a kitchen's stock is completed and the chefs have to run down the market and get the best ingredients and fight the other customers for them." She said. She somehow understood the general idea behind Shinomiya's assignment but that wasn't what made Alexander refused to back down for.

"I agree...." Said Alexander. "But that if his assignment was about that, he deliberately put the bad ingrediants inside just to narrow down the passing rate." Alexander stood up from his couch and walked to Shinomiya.

Mizuhara looked at Shinomiya with blaming eyes. Her eyes were saying ' Is this true??" She didn't get an answer but from how he looked away she realized her mistake.

'Alright, I am never defending him again.' she thought. Her interest was brought back to Alexander and waited from what he was going to do next.

Alexander walked to Shinomiya but he was stopped by Doujima to prevent the two from getting in a fight so Alexander could only say what he has from there " Don't take the phrase " You'll work as their employees..." Literally. In the end, we are still students and this is a test for us." Alexander's eyes looked into Shinomiya's soul, there was a hint of anger.

"This camp is about us, the students, not you or any Alumni here. We came here to show our skills and stand out from the rest." Alexander's words started to go deep into the Doujima, Shinomiya, Inui, Mizuhara and Hitoshi's ears.

He is technically right! they thought.

"Your assignment should be focusing on bringing the best of us not to copy your dishes. If you want to cook your dish like you imagine it to then do it in another place. This is Totsuki's students' Training camp. Your assignment should be about us, not you. In the end, we will work for ourselves not you."

Alexander's words were like nails digging inside the Shinomiya's chest, he can't deny Alexander's words. The same goes for the rest, although their assignments are like what Alexander said should be, but it still feels bad to witness this happening to Kojirou.

"And that's why I said you're a failure, you brought your personal problems here and disturbed our Training." Again Shinomiya's anger returned and he lashed out at Alexander.

The two of them grabbed each other by the collar and exchanged a few punches before Doujima and Hitoshi separated them.

"ENOUGH YOU TWO!!!" shouted Doujima. he grabbed Alexander and pulled him back.

"WHAT'S WRONG?? CAN'T TAKE MY WORDS?" Alexander shouted with a wide grin and a smug face THEN PROVE YOUR SELF AND ACCEPT MY CHALLENGE!!!"

The room was in chaos as everyone was trying to prevent the fight from continuing. Doujima with his big body couldn't restrain Alexander's movement completely. 'How can this kid be this strong!!" he screamed inside.

"SO BE IT!!!!" Shouted Shinomiya causing everyone "I'M GONNA SHOW YOU WHAT IT MEANS TO CROSS MY LINES!!!"

"Oy Koujiro! he is just a student!!" Hitoshi locked Shinomiya in his place while trying to bring Shinomiya to his sense.

"APPROVED!!!" Shouted Doujima with a grin, he was waiting for this moment. the others couldn't believe their ears as Shinomiya and Alexander stopped struggling to get to each other. Each of them had a big grin. Alexander tidied his clothes and adjusted his collar.

"Then it is a deal..." He looked at Doujima and said with a grin " So, What do you have in mind for us, Doujima-san?" he asked. Since Doujima was the one to approve of their fight then he should the one to organize it.

"Indeed, but before that, if I win, you Saiba Alexander would've to kneel down to me and apologize and take back every single word you said." Shinomiya pointed down as Hitoshi let him be and freed him.

"Oh! we're adding conditions...Then I need to add mine isn't it?" said Alexander

"Do what you want, it's not gonna change the outcome!" Responded Shinomiya.

Doujima and the rest are looking at these two who are deciding what the Challenge should be about and making their conditions as if they don't exist here at all. The two of them look like they are two dragons about to kill each other.

"Then..."Alexander put his hand on his chin and thought "...Ah!! If I win, you Shinomiya Kojirou will work for me." He said.


Chapter 24 is out on Pat-reon.

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