
The threat

"The guys all looked scared fighting Andrew, they all looked frightened. They looked at each other and ran. Andrew looked at Charlotte who had already passed out. He took her in his arms and carried her in a bridal style inside his car.

"How is she feeling, doctor?". He demanded immediately that the doctor come out of the guest room.

"She will be fine. She just needs to rest, when she wakes up prepare food for her". The doctor said,

"Thanks doctor".

"I will take my leave now but before I do,she really resembles someone I've seen before,is her name Skylar?". The doctor demanded.

"Nope..she is...Charlotte. She is kind of a celebrity. Maybe you saw her on social media". He replied.

"Maybe...just maybe. Bye Andy". He said and left.

Thirty minutes later Charlotte woke up and she groaned, feeling headache. " where am I?". she looked and saw Andrew why is his face always cold chocolate torte

"Are you okay?" Andrew said supporting her with a pillow

"I'm fine so you were the guy that helped me out thank you so much Andrew".

"You should be careful causing troubles with all guys can cost you a lot of things. You were almost raped there". Andrew said, looking at her intently. She might be stubborn but definitely polite.

"Were you worried about me?". Charlotte asked and he looked at her.

"Huh? Of Course not,I just felt like helping you. By the way what business do you have with them?". Andrew asked. Are you sure you ain't worried about her? His conscience mocked but he just ignored him.

"I saved a girl and was almost raped". Charlotte voiced out before she could cover her mouth.

"You saved a girl when you knew you weren't saved. You amazes me". He said, making Charlotte blush. She is also soft hearted. Andrew thought.

"At least, thanks for coming to my rescue. I can't imagine going through rape trauma. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to bear it". She replied smiling.

"You're welcome. You must be hungry..."

"Sure...this is my first time passing out and you expect me not to be hungry?". Charlotte rolled her eyes. Something is really strange. She's surprised at how much she opened up easily to Andrew. She looked at him and saw him smiling.

"You are really cute when you smile, Andrew , unlike when you frown. Smile always and look younger". Charlotte said unconsciously and Andrew left the room.

"Charlotte what the heck is wrong with you!"She muttered to herself covering her mouth.

"Enjoy your meal". Andrew said bringing in a tray of hot chicken with a glass of juice.

"Jeez...that I said I'm hungry doesn't mean you should bring the whole food in White House by the way...what of your parents?".

"I live alone". He replied instead.

"No wonder you became a meanie". Charlotte smiled.

"I'm sure you know my name Charlotte. Stop calling me names". He said and Charlotte rolled her eyes and munched on the chicken. Twenty minutes later...she was surprised she had finished the whole chicken.

"Of the truth,you don't eat much". Andrew joked.

"Whatever". Charlotte said embarrassed.

"The girl I saved,I hope she was able to escape". Charlotte said hopefully.

"You are still worried about her? Such a weirdo". Andrew said leaving the room.


"Thanks so much Andrew. I really owe you". Charlotte said. She was now in front of the mansion the company gave them. Her phone rang and she gasped.

"Twenty missed calls". it was from Donald.

"I know they would have been really worried about you,bye anyways". Andrew said and drove off.

"Where have you been...we were really worried". Jasmine said immediately Charlotte entered. Donald hugged her tight and she just smiled.

"Aww...I was almost raped today...all thanks to Andrew. He saved me". Charlotte said.

"Raped? How, where,when". Jasmine asked surprised.

"Take a Chill pill baby...I went to school and ...". Charlotte told them everything.

"I'm happy you were saved". Donald said.

"Congratulations baby". Jasmine said.

"So you guys didn't buy anything for me?". She pouts.

"We bought a lollipop". Donald said smiling and she glared at him.


"Let's snap here". Valerie shouted happily and Charlotte and Alexander just rolled their eyes. She has been to Paris before but at a very young age.

"That's the tenth place we will be snapping pics val". Alexander groaned.

"Whatever, I never forced you to bring me here Xander". Valerie said and Alexander just went there reluctantly .

"Charlotte, whether you like it or not...you're gonna upload this on your Instagram page". Valerie said authoritatively.

"Alright ma'am". Charlotte said in obligation. Valerie forced both of them to snap pictures with different poses. They just wanna make her happy.


"Alexander Blake and Charlotte Ray?". The hotel attender whispered covering her mouth.

"Sssh...stop shouting. You will draw crowds". Alexander said.

"I'm a big fan of you...oh my god I ...". She said,

"Do you wanna lose your job...he just said he doesn't want you to draw crowds". Valerie said harshly, making Charlotte gasp. Alex smiled.

"I'm sorry ma'am". She said and Valerie just rolled her eyes. They were given their hotel keys and their necessities.

"What the hell was that about?". Charlotte said immediately they entered their hotel room.

"Thanks sister...you are so loving". Alexander said and Charlotte frowned.

"Loving?..she just disrespected someone".

"I just saved you ass from stress duh!". Valerie said, rolling her eyes.


"I need to take a shower...". Valerie said, taking her towel.

"Too slow duh!". Charlotte said, rushing inside the washroom.

"Charlotte don't..."

"Pay back time...". Charlotte said and gave a chortle.

It was night time and everyone was in the living room going through their phones. Charlotte decided to try replying to all her Instagram messages. She replied to fifty messages and was exhausted.

She wanted to log out when she saw an unknown message. The message says "I'm coming for you". Skeleton picture was also sent to her. Charlotte read aloud not believing her eyes.

"Coming for you or what did I just hear?". Alexander said.

"You heard it clearly Alex...why?". Charlotte said.

"Cause someone also sent the same message to me like a week ago. I just discarded it cause I thought someone was playing around". Alexander said, shrugging.

"You saw a threat message and took it as playing around? You are such a weirdo". Charlotte said.

"So who do you think it might be from...I mean who is your suspect?".

"I'm befuddled right now". Alexander said.

"Who could it be? Can't remember making enemies". Charlotte said.