
Meeting the Don

Meeting the Don

"Let's bet on the best skater," Rachel said and dragged Andrew away. Only a few people could recognize them because the beach was filled with celebrities. "feeling lonely?" A guy in just pants said sitting beside her. she stared at the unfamiliar face and furrowed her brow. He was using a black spec so she couldn't recognize him well but she could tell he is damn cute,

"Who are you?" she finally found her voice. "Does that really matter!" he asked smiling, she frowned at him, she felt something about him isn't good already "fine, I will just tell you everything only if we could make a deal. I know you always keep your promise" Charlotte just godded not knowing where exactly he is going to. "I have your words" he said and she just nodded.

"I'm the Don" he dropped the bombshell and she choked on the soda she was sipping.

"Surprise right, I sent all those dwarfs to talk softly with you but they acted like dumbasses so i sent them to h*ll" he said coldly.

"You Killed them?" she asked, surprised.

" oh please, they deserved it for ill treating you" he sad smoothly she had always thought of the kind of punishment and beating to give the Don when they and here she is looking dumb and not knowing what to do.

"I also sent williams but I give you the award of being able to fish him out, but he is still my boy for not exposing me" he sipped from his soda again and smiled.

His body is really built and his abbs alone can make a girl drool. He is really young and Charlotte wonders if he is really the Don.

"So what do you want from me exactly?" she looked at him. He kind of resemble someone but she could not figure out exactly who.

"Actually, I only came here to show myself to you because you were dying of curiosity to know this Don '' he said sweetly.

"So you don't want anything from me? Then why did you shoot Alex?"

"About that I never instructed them to. I only said he should capture him and if he refuses he should be sent to hell but the thing now is I got someone else already So I don't need you for now".

"for now!?" Charlotte said again.

"Yep and trust me, we shall meet again" he smiled widely this time then replaced it with a smirk. An evil one at that.

"You're too young to be doing this,what's the reason behind this motive of yours?" Charlotte demanded softly.

"I heard you always try to change people but not this heart of mine. I will tell you the reason when next we meet, see you again cutie" he winked at her." seems they are coming back bye" he left afterwards. Charlotte stared at his retreating figure, and she faced palms .

"What is wrong with me?" she slapped herself.

"What's wrong, you looked worried," Alex said and she flinched.

"surprise" he wanted to say but she quickly hugged him. Alex was stunned but just stayed like that.

"Alex" they all called to be sure. They are not expecting him there. They all thought he would be in New York, she disengaged from the hug and stared at them all.

"We ain't save here anymore, let's go back to New York" she said and stood up ready to go.

"what happened?"Jaz and Racheal asked softly,

"Let's get to the hotel first, will explain everything to you there" They nodded and changed, then left.

They all sat down in Andrew's and Charlotte's big and well built living room. They lodge in a suite.

"What did you see?" Donald asked after some time of silence. The others looked at her expecting her to say something.

"I saw him" she said and the fear written on her face was evident.

"Saw who?" They all stared at her confusedly.

"The stupid Don, we talked for a while" they stared at her in disbelief

"The Don… Are for real.. he was at the beach ?" Andrew said, staring at her intently and she nodded.

"What did he say?" Donald asked slowly.He has been acting gentle and shy lately but they just decided not to ask him why. Charlotte told them about all their conversations.

"Gosh! this is really more complicated than i thought" Andrew and josh said.

"He said he is still coming for me, that we gonna meet again" charlotte shrieked,

"The fact he knows everywhere we go means he has someone close to us working for him";Alex observed and they nodded.

"I'm so going to kill this don when we meet," Alex said with gritted teeth. He hates all this shit seeing Charlotte this way. "We should leave first thing tomorrow morning?" Andrew suggested and they all agreed, Charlotte looked at the hotel for a last time and Alex squeezed her hand softly and she faked a tight Smile on and entered the siena car carrying them to Airport.

They got back to New York and the manager and their parents were surprised they came back so early. They didn't want anything bothering them so they just decided to keep it away from everyone. "Charlotte if you keep on thinking about this matter you might be traumatised '' Andrew said and of all the advice she has been hearing from him,only that caught her attention because she looked up at him. Andrew quickly used the opportunity to tell her more of sickness associated with being traumatised. Charlotte isn't worried about herself but about Alex driving her nuts. She just have this feeling he is after Alex. she just wants him to be safe and fine,

"I won't think about it anymore"

"don't believe you, let's make a deal, '' Andrew smirked.

"you brood again and you gonna be doing the dishes for a week". he smiled and winked at her but she just rolled her eyes. " ouch!" She faked winces.

"You in or not in fact I accept you're to see you in the evening turtle neck" Andrew said and left for work quickly before she could protest. she remembered Andrew's words again and laughed. A nervous laugh because anything Andrew says concerning her always comes true most times. She looked at her small tommy again and rubbed it.

"Do you still love me?" Val asked Bryan. They were seated in the school garden and after studying, decided to relax. Val tried her best to get used to reading alone since they were now doing different courses. Bryan has never played pranks on her before, maybe he should just try her today.

"What is keeping you from answering?" she was getting impatient,

"I used to love you but I don't feel the same way anymore" He finally found his voice. That was the hardest thing ever! saying he doesn't love val anymore. Val choked on her saliva then laughed.

Okay Bryan, you need to act like you're real. He thought and frowned.

"What's funny?" He asked and Val stopped laughing.

" So who are you in love with then?" she asked not to believe him.

"Rose, my first love,'' he said and looked away.

"You never told me you had an ex. Bryan, Don't play with me" she said and frowned at him.

"I never told you cause I don't want you feeling sad, we met a few days ago and I realised my feelings for her are back again" he said holding her hands. Val processed what he just said and removed her hands from his immediately.

"Bryan!" she warned.

"I'm serious," he said and stared at the ground.

"So you don't love me anymore and here I was rejecting a lot of guys because I love you? You know what, I think I'm done here" she said and a tear dropped from her eyes. She carried her bag and car key and attempted to stand up but he held her down.

"what?" she looked away so he won't notice she was crying,

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love me again" Val said looking at him and he stared at her, scaring the hell outta her. will he say the word, maybe it was a bad idea afterwards.

" I love you, I'm crazy about you. I just felt like pulling your legs. I'm sorry I made you cry " he said wiping her tears off.

"I hate you Bryan" she screamed at him smiling and hit him continuously.

"Ouch! That Word hurts babe" Bryan said and holds his chest like he was having chest pain.

"Be rest assured I'm gonna have my payback! ". She smirks at him and he stares at her. His eyes piercing into her ocean blue eyes, he stared at her full pink lips lovingly. He pulled her into his arms, Secured her waist with one hand and cradled her face with the other. He stroked her cheeks lovingly and lustfully, he lowered his head and kissed her bottom lip, Valery could do nothing but stare into his steel grey eyes.

She closed her eyes slowly and let herself get lost in the warmth of his kiss, Bryan sucked on her bottom lip a while longer, she could do nothing but enjoy the feel of his Iips. he moved his hands from her face and moved it to her shirt …thankfully she was putting on shirt and a cute little skirt, he popped the two top buttons and got access to her Breast, he lifted his head from the liss, and stared at her Breast, the bra covering most but leaving just enough for his eyes to feast on.
