

Chapter fifty two

"Let the ladies in please" Alex told a guy and he bowed. He came some moments later with two ladies.

"Racheal?" Charlotte called surprised. she smiled sadly.

"Rachel is the sister you're talking about?" Donald said surprised.

"Is that the best way to greet a friend " she rolled her eyes smiling, Jasmine and Charlotte ran and hugged her.

"Wow, it's so nice to see you again," Donald said and hugged her really tight.

"Catherine, how could you betray..."

"betray who? You molested my sister, remember? You fucking have the nerves to even threaten her" kate raged in a gritted teeth.

"He raped you? how, when , where?" Jasmine asked surprised and Rachel burst into tears.

"He coached her when she was twelve, along the way she got molested by bim, her mom didn't believe it and thought she was only looking for an excuse not to study" catherine said and they sighed sadly. Some behaviours and actions of some American moms here baffle Charlotte at times.

Donald walked up to Williams angrily and punched him around his ball area and he groaned. Something is definitely wrong somewhere. Donald continued punching him and no one could stop him because they all thought he deserved it.

"Donald stop, you will kill him" Rachel hugged him from the back and he stopped.

"Mr. Williams, I'm grateful. I was finally able to break off from those bad times. you can never imagine how painful those trauma was", Rachel said. she quickly wiped the tears and smiled.

"You don't know how happy I am right now but my only grief is those still out there that are still being molested, If only they can trust someone to confide in. A problem said is a problem half solved. They are dying slowly and at the same time refusing to speak out because of cruel people like you!" she shouted.

"I'm so sorry '' Charlotte said and hugged her tight.

Rachael has changed a lot. She is now brave and confident.

"Anyway Williams, I have a very good gift for you, some minutes, please" she excused herself. She came back holding a bag. Mr Williams looked scared. The surprises he had received today are just enough.

"surprise!" Rachel shouted, bringing out the belts and distributing it to everyone in the room.

"Don't use that on me, I will tell you the Don's name" he said scared. Rachael looked at the rest.

"Now that we know it's your stupid Don. All that we need is his name but I don't think we need his name again. We will surely know him one day ``Charlotte said and shrugged,

"Alright let's do this!" They started using the belts on him and he continued screaming in pain.

"you know what to do '' Alex told the boss of the warehouse

"yes boss" he bowed and they left.

"Thanks Charlotte, I feel fulfilled, that was a big sacrifice " Rachael said as they got to Andrew's house. Andrew's house is really magnificent and beautiful. Charlotte just smiled at her. The ladies used Charlotte's room while the guys used a guest room. The ladies showed and wore Charlotte's clothes the same as the guys. They came downstairs to relax.

"I think we should order food or what do you think?"Alex suggested. Jasmine, Racheal, Charlotte and Kate already deliberated on what they were going to walk.

"We ain't ordering any food"Charlotte said .

"we wanna eat..." Racheal trailed off.

"spaghetti with grilled chickens" Kate completed.

"And you guys will be the one to prepare it," Jasmine concluded.

The guys processed what they just said and looked at them like they've gone crazy.

"And what will you ladies be doing?" Alex said, frowning.

"We will do the dishes" Valerie completed entering the room.

"I knew you guys would be here and they greeted each other .

"Hi val" Alex said and she glared at him. Charlotte squeezed her hand softly.

''I hate you Alexe but my love for you covered that up" Val hit him and they.

"Ahhh, you guys really look cute in that" Valerie mocked as she videoed the guys in their aprons.

"stop it Val.. I know it doesn't look good on us" Donald said and frowned at the Camera. Donald and Val got along well after Charlotte broke up with him.

"Awwwn, guys see your King charmings" Val said. Charlotte and Jasmine did the same and a lot of people continued to comment. The nine snapped pictures with funny poses.

"Aww babe, you look really cute in this" Jasmine told Josh and he blushed, stealing a kiss from her. 'my babe said I'm cute in this,' Jonah captioned and posted some Photos with the apron and that of him and Jasmine.

"I Knew something is fishy between them''

"I really wish I was Jasmine"

''so Josh could fall in love"

"Lovely Couple "

"I'm freaking jealous our prince charming has been taken away"josh's fan continued to comment and Jasmine laughed.

" But you know what babe, they just like over hyping you, you are not as cute as they described you to be" Jasmine whispered to him and he frowned. He replaced it with a smile. He is used to that already.

"you and I know that's a lie, you! I remembered our first date, you continued stealing glances at me and staring at my sexy lips" Josh said to their hearing. They started coughing and Jasmine glared at him.

"You Liar" she shouted and he smirked.

"Just admit it Jaz" they continued teasing her and she rolled her eyes and continued eating. It was a weekend. Andrew came back from work and sat on the couch.

Mr Williams was put behind bars and Mr. Henry was rescued. He told them Williams threatened him to leave the position. He will forever be grateful to all who tried their best to rescue him. Charlotte Sometimes wakes up early in the morning and runs to the toilet to throw up.

"You guys will be going on trip next week, we discussed it with the C. E. O. Just for you guys to relax, ``the manager said, smiling.

Charlotte squealed happily while the two smiled and appreciated him. "Can we go in two ? " Jasmine said thinking about Josh.

"Sure, sure," Henry said and she smiled.

"I will be going on a week trip" Charlotte told Alexander and he went cold.

"going to where?"

"L. A… I've always long to go to that place" Charlotte squealed happily and Alex rolled his eyes. Sometimes,he wonders if Charlotte is really twenty one years old because of her babyish behaviour.

"Can I tag along?" Alex asked.

"Capital No'' she said immediately


"Because Andrew is going too" Charlotte shrugged and put on the television.

"You're kidding right? Alex demanded, getting jealous.

"of course not" she rolled her.

"That day in his house you never behaved like you guys have something together" Alex pressed further.

"It's not compulsory..is it? " she smiled widely at him enjoying the scene.

"Seriously? You're going with Andrew and she is going with josh. This isn't right ``Donald frowned and Jasmine and Charlotte chuckled. "What of Racheal?" Jasmine teased.

"Don't start with that again Jaz, i told you she is just my friend" he Scoffed.

"There is more to you guys, wanna place a bet on that?" Charlotte chipped in and he groaned going upstairs.

It was an arrival in LA. They all came out of the Aeroplane wearing face masks. Charlotte and Andrew, Josh and Jasmine, Donald and Racheal. They did everything needed and collected their room keys, they left not without signing an autograph for the receptionist.

The hotel is a prestigious one with everything in surplus and available. Charlotte woke up in the morning and ran out of her room to the restroom. She emptied everything in her bowel and grabbed water from the refrigerator.

Andrew, who was in the living room, came out and. seeing Charlotte he sighed.

"Good morning charlie". he mumbled.

"Good... wait what did you just call me? I prefer Charlotte to Charlie Please" Charlotte retorted. A lot of weird behaviours she brought up since the past few weeks can be surprising.

"fine ma'am my mind keeps on telling me you still have the baby inside of you" Andrew said with seriousness. Charlotte burst into laughter but just decided to play along. She smiled widely at Andrew. "If I later discover I'm pregnant, then I will let her call you daddy". Charlotte teased and winked at him.

"No need for that, I was not part of the deal" Andrew said scratching the back of his head. Charlotte returned the water to the refrigerator and hit Andrew with her leg.

"Stop saying nonsense, it's been three months now and my stomach is still small, besides I don't see the Sign of it again" Charlotte replied sitting down. Sometimes she wishes the baby wasn't gone while sometimes she feels it's the best for the both of them..

"Would you like to go skating?"

"huh?" she jerked up right.

"you don't look okay, is everything alright, Did you…? " he was shut up by someone

Who shut her up?
