
Five - Cinco

From time to time, five children favored by fate are born, bringing changes to the world. I'm not fluent in English, everything written was translated by Google Translate. I don't have a release date and I write when I'm inspired. Advice and criticism are always welcome :)

Xural · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

in the statue

[ ] speaks

{ } thought


How long have I been here? And how did I end up in a statue!?

Even being in such an awkward situation for so long I will never get used to it. At least I can still see, I actually think I see too much, I know I'm in a stone hall, the door in front of me is also stone, it has an aged look, there are drawings everywhere and a magic circle in the center, by the way I'm inside this blessed circle! I don't know what he does exactly, but I know he's taking something precious of mine.

Well it's not like I can't do anything, you see, I can use magic, not only that, if I concentrate I can go to another world, I don't actually know what to call this place anyway, come on!


Here I am again, in my "owl world", why call it that? Simple! There's only one thing in this world, a little house, it doesn't have windows just a weird door, with an owl print on it, when I say nothing but the house I mean it, there's absolutely nothing but a vast expanse of white it doesn't matter for how long i walk or which direction, in the end it's just scary, believe me you don't want to get lost in a place like that.

You must be wondering what I look like right? My appearance is not at all worthy of note, I am white like the surrounding landscape, I don't have eyes or mouth, nose, hair, nails or genitals either. I don't have anything that can draw attention like characters from books out there, I think the only cool thing is that I can change my height according to my need.

[you might have already guessed, but yeah, I'm naked]

Well, coming back to the little house, it's full of books, in the kitchen, in the living room, in the small bedroom... why are there books even in the bathroom? They are everywhere! from top to bottom, there are even some hidden in the ceiling or under the floor.

I've read almost all of them, most teach magic, only 3 to go, it doesn't take long to finish. They teach a bit of history and geography too, telling about some of the races that live abroad as well as some of their customs.

I've read a few hundred books of the most varied types, but I can't find any kind that has any resemblance to me, I admit it's frustrating, I remember at some point in the past I had freaked out because of it and ran away from the house...

Well, then I thought of some possibilities, the most likely being that I was raised with some purpose by some wizard, although it's been some time since I've been here, and I haven't had any contact with anyone. Of course, the possibility that I'm here by accident or chance is also likely, so I'm excited about the content of the book I have on hand at the moment.

The big boy in my hands is called "Cycle of five" tells about a phenomenon that happens from time to time, shortening every boring part: newborns gain gifts, turning them into walking catastrophes, the problem is that almost nothing that is known is It's an absolute truth, there are always exceptions, so it seems you shouldn't take everything as a definitive rule about them.

These "children" until the time that the author wrote followed the following pattern: after reaching maturity and going through something that impacts them in a strong way (example: near death experience) they will awaken their characteristic.

The easiest way to recognize these "children" is the magical mark they naturally carry from birth and their changes to later maturity.

Something noteworthy was the last words written in the book: The cycle will restart the moment the fifth child dies.

[Aaaahh!] I can't help but scream in frustration, yes the book tells about a strange phenomenon like he set out to do, but I expected something from me! Fuck! I expected something minimally related to me! But that's it!


*tak**tak**tak**tak* (noises)

When he got up he heard noises, it was something new, the house never creaked, never crackled, obviously something was happening somewhere the problem was, where?

*tak* *tak* *tak* *tak*

Sound again! It was coming from the room!

Upon arriving he looked around the place and found nothing out of the ordinary, the noises were coming from outside then.

He slowly approached the window to look around, and looked for the source of the strange noise, then something passed in the periphery of his vision, it was fast, big and gray, a strange animal like a wolf, but there was something scary about it. creature, haste and claws of iron. At fleece he tried to remember animals that matched the description, and something came to his mind [an Iron Haste Wolf]!

A predator, or rather a monster, specialized in ambushes, with deadly haste sharp and strong enough to cut through pure iron, a monster that honors its name. But that wasn't the boy's only concern, creatures of this type hunt in groups of 2 to 3, but he didn't hear or hear another animal nearby

{okay, for some reason there's a monster near the house, if he's circling the house he probably already knows he's in a hurry here, but he's recognizing the place first. I can use the knowledge of the place to my advantage, but I have to be careful, until a few minutes I was alone and now there is a monster here, at any time another one could appear}

After thinking of a strategy the boy finally took action.

{let's see who hunts who!}

By channeling a little mana in the tips of his fingers small magic circles formed the magic "magic missile" was ready, even though it had little power and being used by novice mages it was his current specialty, having a missile in each finger he had a power one to kill a monster if it caught him off guard.

After taking a deep breath he turned to the window.
