
Hunt and Hunter

Approaching the window, the boy was ready with his magic missiles. Looking out the window he saw the wolf slowly approaching the entrance door. And he fired.

With a small snap, five projectiles fired from his right hand. The monster as if he had foreseen the blow he ran away from the shots.

{what speed is this!}

The boy couldn't help but be amazed, the shots were fast enough to cover a hundred meters in a second, but the monster dodged!

The creature with the sudden onslaught left his field of vision, but it wasn't out of his sight. The boy ran to the kitchen and the closest place to the room, as he moved he cast another spell.

{electric field!}

When he reached the kitchen he looked back, the entire floor of the room was a bluish tint, occasionally he could see a spark, he was confident that if the creature invaded the room it wouldn't continue as fast as before.

It was then that he heard a big bang coming from his room, looking back he saw the tips of the claws coming out of the wall.

{this thing is trying to open a hole!}

He couldn't help but be amazed, the whole house was made of some kind of smooth stone, the house always remained undisturbed, no matter what he did inside, even an explosion wouldn't do anything to its walls or floor. But here was a wolf creating a hole with its claws.

Quickly or after a few kicks the hole was big enough for the monster to look through a hole, it was just one of his eyes.

Seeing those red eyes the boy felt the temperature around him drop, but he was still sweating, he didn't understand why the creature appeared, nor its purpose, but he knew something, the monster would kill him, this thing he had eyes red with hate.

He had to think of something fast or he would die. The wolf continued to hit the wall quickly increasing the size of the hole.


After a few dozen kicks the hole was big enough for the wolf to go through, little by little the huge creature entered the house, a wolf with gray fur 3.20 meters long and 1.60 meters tall, something like a metallic exoskeleton it protruded from his head, rising from the base of his neck, leaving only his ears and eyes to show beyond his grotesque teeth exposed, two rows of unnaturally large serrated tusks.

After a few steps a sudden electrical current surged across the floor, passing through its metallic claws and briefly stunning the monster. He was only slightly bothered by the discharge, but he soon got used to it, whichever source of electricity was weak.

After a few brief seconds the wolf started to look around, looking for the resident of the place, but finding nothing, the creature then decided to track him, concentrating on his hearing and scent.

He could hear everything around him from the electrical crackles to a strange noise of wind, his nose also found something interesting, the smell of the resident was everywhere in the house, but it was stronger in the room ahead, his haste was there the a short time, but soon after it disappeared.

The monster knew it was some trick, his instincts screamed it, so he made the decision not to trust his nose so much on this hunt. After making his decision he inched slowly through the house, moving forward he entered the kitchen.

He could hear a slight rustling, his prey was trying to remain calm, but there was something strange, his haste was breathing, but there were no other sounds he normally heard, without the incessant pounding of the heart being the thing that caught his attention the most, again his instincts were warning him, his haste was trying to do some trick.

Soon he arrived in the living room, but did not find his haste, even his breathing had stopped now, had the master of the house fled? No he would have listened if the mouse had run away, no! His haste was not a mouse, but an insect! This insect just hides and is not even capable of hurting you.

His instincts continued to scream that there was something wrong and with time this feeling was becoming more and more unbearable, he must find his objective and then he could destroy the insect's lair.

It was then that the creature started circling the house while observing its surroundings looking for an object, after a few minutes it finally found, among some books in the lower part of a shelf in the room to the right of the window, was its target, two books .

As he prepared to destroy them, the wolf felt a slight fluctuation in the electricity from the ground, then a large discharge was dumped on him.

Like lightning, a big flash occurred and a crippling electricity, the monster knew that its haste would attack it now, and it raised its guard and focused on its senses to predict where the attack would come from.

Gradually the effect of the shock was wearing off and the smell of his haste was getting stronger, soon he knew where he was, up!

Reflexively the wolf lifted its head and opened its jaw, ready to slash through its target. It was then that he saw it.

From the ceiling, or more precisely from its shadow that was on the ceiling, a strangely white body was emerging with a black spear aimed at it!

The monster knew it was too late to get out undamaged, but he could mitigate it. Then he moved as far as his head to the right.

The spear missed its killing blow, but took an eye from the creature, its left eye!

He ran through the house in an attempt to get away from his haste, but he didn't back away, no matter how fast he ran, his target still chased him, or rather the shadow he was attached to.

Making a decision, the monster fled the house, thus leaving the influence of the electricity that slowed it and the insect that chased it.

That was the right choice, as soon as he was free, he saw her haste standing in the hole of the house, watching him. The insect was there, standing still as it slowly emerged from the black ooze that had once been the wolf's shadow.

So he made a decision, he was going to back off, this escape cost him not just an eye but also some wounds, none particularly serious or deep, but they were turning black, just like the insect's spear.

As he ran into the vastness of nothing the Iron Rush Wolf knew, in this hunt he in the end was no longer the hunter, but the rush.


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