
First Vampire God

"First Vampire God" is a tale of redemption, power, In a universe where worlds collide and ancient beings forgotten gods parallel universe destroyed gods like clash, Ajax first was human in earth and turned to a vampire and entered supernatural world because he turned into a vampire his desire which were suppressed to support his family burst out then he goes to other women to fulfill his desire and forgetting his wife who also turned into vampire same time as him his wife leave him saying he was weak indirectly, then he fell into a dimension hole came to outer universe where gods control where gods live as normal humans here he started a quest for redemption might just change his fate and outside universe—or perhaps even the multiverse itself. this is also my first time writing a novel leave comments below what your thoughts and what you guys want to add to this if I can i will add those things in it

Muruli_Muruli · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs


Ajax came out of his room and met his sister as usual. Baillie greeted him with a little hug and said, "You look alright. Shall we go to our home?"

"Yes, sister," Ajax replied.

She led him to the teleportation circle from where she had arrived, and they teleported away. Upon reaching their destination, they saw a beautiful sky filled with stars. The stars were so bright that their light mixed with the moonlight, creating the most beautiful sky Ajax had ever seen.

"Wow, sister, the sky looks amazing," Ajax exclaimed.

"Yeah, because the sky you are seeing was made by our grandmother Nyx, the goddess of night," Baillie explained.

Ajax was shocked because he thought the gods of the inner world didn't exist in the outer world. He asked Baillie, "Sister, I know of the goddess Nyx from my inner world. Is it the same goddess here?"

Baillie laughed and said, "Yes, you can say that the inner world gods and goddesses here are the same in a biological way, but they are different persons."

"Different persons? What does that mean?" Ajax asked, confused.

With a serious expression, Baillie looked at Ajax and said, "Ajax, what you are about to hear is a guarded secret among the gods."

Ajax listened intently.

Baillie continued, "When the gods found the inner universes, they wanted to expand their influence but couldn't enter the inner universes directly. So, they sent parts of their godhood to these inner universes to increase their influence. Those godhood parts would grow there, become influential, and send back some of their power here, increasing the gods' power in the outer universes."

Ajax asked, "If they send parts of their godhood to the inner universes, and if those parts become as strong as the original gods, could they come here and fight to take over? Has that ever happened?"

Baillie laughed at his words and said, "No, nothing like that has ever happened. Even if they find out about the outer universes, they will become so busy fighting and controlling other universes. Moreover, those gods don't even know about the outer universes. The inner and outer universes are separated by an energy barrier that can't be breached. Only mortals with strong wills can cross that barrier and come to the outer universes."

"So, you are saying that only mortals with strong wills can survive this energy barrier?" Ajax asked.

"Yes," Baillie confirmed.

"Sister, has anyone come here like that? Do you know about them? And do you know anything about vampires?" Ajax questioned.

Baillie replied, "Some mortals have come here and become gods. As for vampires, they don't exist in the outer universes. I don't even know about them. Why do you ask?"

Ajax said, "Sister, you know I am a vampire god, a blood god."

Baillie looked at Ajax for a moment and said, "So what? I am also a blood god. Because of that title, my mother was expelled from the Nyx pantheon."

"Does that mean my mother didn't have darkness powers? Is that why she was expelled?" Ajax asked.

"Something like that. But my grandmother loved my mother so much. Even though she had to remove her from the pantheon because my mother possessed war and blood godhood, she truly loved her," Baillie said with a smile.

Ajax realized that the gods he knew and the gods here were different. He wanted to meet these gods, but that would be a future plan.

Ajax asked Baillie, "So where are we going? It's night time. Is anyone awake at this hour?"

With a smile, Baillie said, "Oh, Ajax, you don't know. This isn't night time here. It's always like this. There is no day and night here. The sky remains the same all year. Only once every 10,000 years does a star's dying light brighten the sky. We live in moonlight all the time. Don't you like it?"

Ajax replied, "No, sister, I really like it." He couldn't find the words to express his amazement. He had always thought that places without sunlight would be frozen solid, but here, anything was possible.

As they talked, they arrived in front of a building that looked like a red fort. All the walls were covered in red paint, even the entrance gate.

Baillie said, "We've arrived at our destination. Let's go."

As she said this, she pulled Ajax inside. The guards at the gate quickly opened it when they saw Baillie. Ajax noticed the guards looking at him as if he were an enemy, but he didn't understand why.

Inside, Ajax saw books arranged in an orderly manner. It looked more like a library than an office. An old lady with glasses was sitting on a chair.

Baillie approached the lady and said, "Rupa, this is my brother from now on. This is a letter my mother wants to give you."

She placed a letter with a red seal on the table. Rupa looked up, adjusted her glasses, looked at Baillie, and took the letter. It said, "The boy Baillie brought is her brother. Register him." That was all it said.

Rupa looked at Ajax and then at Baillie. "So he is the one you wanted to register as your brother?"

"Yes, he is the one," Baillie confirmed.

Rupa pulled out a book that looked like it was made of skin. She chanted something, and it opened to reveal only two written pages. She looked at Ajax and said, "Come here, boy, and put a drop of blood into it."

Ajax came forward and dripped a drop of blood into the book. It started to glow and then disappeared. Baillie, looking at it, was happier than ever in her whole life.

Ajax, seeing Baillie's happiness, asked, "Sister, what is that book?"

Baillie replied, "That book is an inheritance book connected to all databases in the outer universes. It's quite useful for identifying lineage and origin."

"Okay, sister. So when are you going to teach me magic?" Ajax asked.

Baillie grabbed his chin and turned his head towards the bookshelves. "Look over there. Those are all books and grimoires. You can read and understand them. There's no one who can teach you now. If you don't understand something, come to me. I'll arrange for someone to teach you."

Ajax, eager to test his learning ability to its full power, was excited to read.

Baillie went to Rupa and said, "Rupa, my brother will read books here for some time. I don't want anyone to disturb him. So close this place until he leaves, okay?"

The old lady Rupa stood up and said, "As you say, Princess Baillie. I will do as you say."

Baillie left the library. As she did, Rupa began to chant some magic, and immediately all the entrances to the building started to close. Those who were inside were transported out without knowing what had happened to them.

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