
First Glance

/Intro/ I fell in love with her smile because it was odd- her words were sweet, but she looked strange. Her smile would unwind once she was alone, her eyes narrowed in tiredness, her legs looked weak, her arms almost dropping her books, and her stomach growling out of hunger, but- around others, she played the part of a hero with a smile. She saved many, helped others, defended herself, and took care of everyone, no matter what. She acted one way but was another- everyone saw her as a perfect doll, but I only saw a broken girl giving a smile for everyone because it brightened their days- her smile made them happy, and it made her happy too. He wasn't like regular people; he didn't push me aside- he kept me close. He wanted to hear me, see the real me, and that scared me. He was able to tell the truth, see what others didn't, fight for what he wanted or knew what was right, no matter what I did- he always saw the happiness... why was he ok with being rejected? Why was he ok with pushing me over the finish line? Why was he ok with losing? Why was he ok with anything I said? Why was he ok with me yelling at him? Why was he ok with me? Why did he want me? *First Glance* {|Warning: This story contains tough topics of suicide, abuse, mental illnesses, self-harm, s*xual talk, misleading ideas of romance, lgbtq, alcohol, drugs/overdosing, rape, trauma, etc. If you have a tough time with these topics- please stray away from this book. Rated PG +13.|} Extra Information: I did not create the graphic used for this story- my best friend made it, @dani_tales4u designed it. (Check her out on Wattpad because she is a really good writer!:) *Sorry I can't link her profile- It won't let me.*

Somethin_Sue · สมจริง
51 Chs

Chapter [25]

~Sue's POV~

  Ad's week is almost up about his decision, and since then, I've been avoiding him- I've been focusing on classes and helping my friends.  "Ok, so this is how I do this math problem. Right?" Nic asked Alyra with confusion. "Yeah-" Alyra seemed distracted by a girl near the bookshelves, "She's pretty-" Nicole said, "Yeah, you should go talk to her!" I urged her as she nodded, leaving in confidence.

"You seem pretty lively- lately."

I nodded at Nicole's question, "Yeah, I've been focusing." "Did everything with Ad get solved...?" She asked as I shook my head, "what happens if he doesn't pick?" "Then, I'll decide for him." I gulped.

"And what's that decision?" She questioned- "I don't know yet- I'm hoping that I'll figure it out once it happens."

/Time skip/

I was walking to the bus stop by myself, "Sue! Sue!" I turned around to notice Justin- he seemed to be in a bit of stress. "Sue, I think we should talk about-" He paused as he saw the annoyance on my face- "I'm not in the mood today, Justin." "I don't care if you are- we have to talk about Ad and this girl." He passed me his phone with a pic of Ad and Aanu...

"What about-" "So I got drunk a few days ago, and I got bored, so I decided to look through Ad's page, and the first thing I noticed is that he is f*cking boring. Then I saw his last name and his birthday- I tried to log into his account, and that's his f*cking password." he rolled his eyes, "You guys are idiots." he said to me with a growl.

"I'll judge you later-" he passed me his phone again and showed me Ad's text history with Aanu... "They've been s*xting if you hadn't noticed- I got a plan which will involve setting a car on fire-" he spoke, pulling out some paper and a lighter. "What- no! Look, I am upset, but I'm not going to hurt him!" I explained as he rolled his eyes.

"Technically, my first plan involved his shins and a crowbar, but that's illegal, so I thought burning his house down would be funny- for me." he said with a grin. "No." "Come on! I'm bored! Plus, he's an *sshole!"

I went on the bus, leaving Justin. I don't really know what to believe; I miss Ad, but genuinely I can't be blind to a cheater. I took a bus to Ad's and arrived really soon. I took the key from under the mat and opened the door- as soon as I walked in, I saw Ad and Aanu kissing on the couch...

I felt myself tear up, but I said nothing- I turned around to walk out but felt someone grab my shoulder. It was Ad- "Sue-" "I think we are over- you obviously don't like me, and you couldn't even say it to my face that you picked Aanu." I said, grabbing his hand and kissing his wrist. "I let you go," I said, hoping to hear him say something, but he was speechless.

I closed the door and immediately I started walking down the roads for a while until I arrived in front of the bar. I gave up and sat onto the ground, crying- I heard the door and felt a presence next to me.

"You might want this." I felt something cold against my arm. I looked to see Justin sitting with me- him drinking a beer and passing me another. I opened it- chugging it down. "You were right; I saw Ad and Aanu making out." I sighed as he groaned, "I honestly didn't want to be right- I kind of hoped that I was wrong." He said.

"Some people aren't redeemable." He said as I nodded, "Like me..." "Look, you're an airhead, you're lazy, you have no filter, your a terrible dater, and you can't control your feelings-" "Justin, how is this supposed to make me feel better?" I asked as he critiques me. "I'm not done- you're a smart girl, a bit annoying at times, but you love with everything you have and if some dumb guy can't see it, then f*ck him. You deserve better." He said as I smiled.

"Thanks, but it feels like I'll be lonely forever." I sighed, almost crying again, but something unexpected happened- Justin wrapped his arm around my neck. My head laid on his shoulder as he laid his head on mine. "You aren't alone, ok? I'm here, and so is Nicole and Alyra, we all love you." He blurted out. "Thank you... that was really nice." I smiled, "Yeah, if you tell anyone, I swear I'll kill you." He said in annoyance. "What a romantic-" I laughed, "F*ck off." He said.

We both laughed, "By the way- now that I have you here. Maybe we can-" I interrupted Justin's sentence- "We aren't setting a car on fire." I said- "Damn- you never let me have fun!" He yelled. "I'll get you a burger." I said as his eyes brightened, "With pickles! You still owe my broke *ss after you knocked my last one out of my hands!" He looked like he was going to cry again. We laughed some more- today was surprisingly one of those the best days I've had.