
Why Is It So Good...

By the time she arrived the hall was full of excitement and happy faces. Most of her friends had arrived already with their partners. Essie saw her and waved for her to join them.

"Wow, girl you outdid yourself! "Essie complimented

Vanita was dressed in a red mini skirt with a black slimming turtle neck matching it off with white sneakers. She looked casual but eye-catching.

She smiled and looked around awkwardly.

"Well, it seems you are looking for someone. Who hasn't arrived " Essie stated

Vanita immediately turned to look at her friends who smiled sheepishly.

"No am not. I was just checking if most if our classmates arrived"

"Hmmm... anyway Rimuel has arrived"

The moment Essie said his name Vanita froze. She slowly turned around to see for herself.

"Ohh God he came. He looks manly in casual clothes " she thought

Rimuel looked more mature in casual clothes making him more attractive.

He wore faded blue Jeans, a white shirt that was open in the chest area, black collarless jacket. He looked dashing.

He searched the room probably looking for her and when his eyes saw her he stopped.

"She looks.s.... amazing " he murmured

He sat next to his friends as they enjoyed the party. But he made sure his eyes never left her line of view.

She was happily laughing and enjoying herself with her friends. He smiled whenever she did.

Vanita had decided to ignore him since he did the same hence enjoying herself in the end.

The lively music that was playing changed to a couple of love songs making most of her friends head to the dance floor with their partners leaving her unattended.

She watched her friends dance for a while before she felt someone come near her. Turning her head she saw Rimuel standing there.

"Can you join me on the dance floor? " he asked. He had debated with his emotions to ask her to dance. "What if she says no! " he thought

Vanita could feel her body react to his questions with excitement

Smiling she nodded in approval. Standing up she followed him to the dance floor.

He leads her to the most comfortable spot with dime lights & not to crowded

They stared at each other not knowing what to do. He moved closer to her and held her waist.

The moment their bodies collided Vanita's body froze. She stood in one place like a porcelain doll. He felt her freeze but he didn't stop and pulled her to him completely.

"Relax your body. I can feel your anxious " he whispered in her ear.

His warm breath hit her ear making it turn completely red.

"Am already nervous. Why is he whispering in my ear, am almost going crazy " her cheeks brightened.

He turned and looked at her face showing the most amazing smile.

"Are you scared of me?" he asked

she shook her head

"Is that a Yes or a No " he chuckled

Finding her voice "Am not. am just not used to this"

"Well relax so we could both enjoy our selves like the others "

When he said that she immediately turned her head and saw her friends enjoying themselves.

"OK.. "

She relaxed her body and let her self into his warm arms. she then felt him slide his hand around her soft waist.

Her body felt fragile under his arms that he felt like protecting her, forcing him to glue her body to his.

Vanita felt his every touch, and move. She closed her eyes and followed his lead. She felt his warmth slipping into her body that her body turned for more. She subconsciously encircled her arms around his neck, rest her head in his chest.

They moved at their own pace, slowly feeling each other's emotions through the dance. The onlookers didn't bother them as they were in their world.

Time had seemed to stop in their world but around them, it moved so fast.

The music slowly stopped as the partners left the dance floor. But one particular couple had failed to notice the change

Rimuel had the music stop and whispered in her ear "I think we should leave too"

That was when she realized they were the only ones still dancing. She blushed and nodded.

He held her hand & guided her off the floor. To the seating area where his friends were. When they arrived she stopped and looked at him.

His friends stood up without complaint and left them in the seats.

"Wasn't that rude? They might take it the wrong way "

"They won't. I told them I wanted to seat with you " he replied

He offered her a refreshment and took one for himself.

She silently enjoyed her drink while watching her friends chat. Feeling bored she yawned.

He saw it & asked " Are you already tired? I can drop you home? "

"No... am just bored"

He then went quiet and took a sip of his drink.

"Then let's leave " he held her hand and moved to the exit.

Leading her to his car without saying a word. She silently obeyed.

"Why do I always do what he says ?" she thought as she entered his car. "Am I going with him? Do I trust him that much? "she continued to ask herself

He started his car & heading to the road.

Without saying a word to each other the car was silent.

"Can I ask where we are going? "Vanita asked

"To see my father. He told me to take you when you are free "

She almost jumped out of the car. "your father? I don't think we are so close for me to see your family "

He just smiled and looked ahead.

She thought it was a dream she had to wake up from. "His family..... am I going crazy? "

They arrived at a luxurious house. That seemed to belong to some big family.

Parking he got out and opened her door.

She was hesitant to move out but his encouraging eyes gave her the will.

"Are you sure it's right to bring me here? "she nervously asked

"It is. Am sure about it"

They moved to the doorway but before they could go in. She stopped and sighed.

He held her hand and moved into the house.

The house was huge filled with expensive items. Her eyes wandered from corner to corner with amazement. "You have a lovely home "she commented

"Glad you like it" he replied

Moving to the sitting room her eyes met with five tall handsome-bodied men with one who seemed to be in his late forties just like her Dad.

"That must be his dad," she thought.

He leads her towards them and sat in front of them

They looked at them with faces full of surprise."Do I look awkward? " she thought.

But they slowly recovered when they heard Rimuel voice.

"Father ..this is Vanita. "

His Dad looked at her and smiled with the most identical smile to his son.

"Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Vanita Rian. Rimuel's classmate "

His Father nodded then said to his son

"So you like her that much to bring her here? Is it to show off or to get my blessings? " his father asked

Vanita's eyes almost jumped out of her sockets "He likes me. blessings . show off " her cheeks grew bright red.

"Both actually. I wanted to show off to all of you. And also get father's blessings ".He arrogantly said

"Vani his my dad, the one next to him is Uncle Ricky, then Cass, mark & Jake. he told her as he pointed to them respectively.

After saying her greetings to each of them. He gave her a tour of the huge house which ended with his room.

"This is my room " he led her in.

She looked at his room, it was painted grey, a wide bed in the center, a shelf full of books. It was a very organized room displaying his personality.

She turned to face him and asked "Aren't we going fast. We haven't even started dating but we hold hands, eat lunch together, sit together, and now your introduction to your family. it's all moving fast. "

He looked at her with his dark beautiful eyes and moved closer to her.

She looked at him move closer but she didn't try to move away. Instead, she continued to talk

"I mean we are not dating..... Or are we? "she asked confused

He screened her confused face and smiled " We started dating the day you turned your back in class and looked at me. And I accepted your feelings when I kissed you that day "

His eyes held hers for a moment before he lowed his head to met her already parted lips.

Feeling his lips claiming hers .she closed her eyes and let him kiss her.

His hand held her head and stroked her hair gently bringing her closer for him to taste her.

His tongue invaded her mouth mixing his saliva with hers. Exploring her mouth with his tongue. Leaving her completely breathless.

She had decided to let him kiss her, taste her lips feeling his tongue into her mouth.

The kiss went deeper and deeper. That when he let her go they were both breathless. They breathed feeling each other's warmth.

She had felt her body warm-up with a tingling sensation that she couldn't understand "Why is my body on fire ?" she breathed.

He looked at her flushed face and chuckled "Did my kiss have such an effect ?" he smiled.

She pushed him away and moved further. But he grabbed her into his warm embrace.

"No, it didn't have any effect on me. it's just that I wasn't ready " she defended herself still trapped in his arms

"Are you sure? Cause I know it does and I love it that way"

She hid her face in his chest and smiled letting him hug her tightly.

After a while, he let her go and peeked at her lips. "I should take you home. it's late "

Her face frowned but she nodded.

They left his room. Saying her goodbyes to his dad and the rest of the family.

"Will they be alright? " Uncle Ricky asked his best friend

" My son fights for what he wants. She seems pure and good-hearted. Am just not sure if she can fight for their love" he answered "But they are still young and the future is bright "he continued

Watching them leave they both smiled and agreed.