
"Please not now..."

Vanita felt butterflies in her tummy when she arrived home. She could not believe that Rimuel was finally dating her.

The way he held her, talked to her she could feel his emotions in his every movement.

"Someone seems rather happy this evening "her mom commented

Vanita smiled and rushed to her mother "Mom I have the most handsome and best boyfriend "

"Hmm.. so you finally got him"

"Yeah. First, we danced, held hands, then kissed " her mom listened quietly

"Mom I even met his father! "

Her moms' eyes widened "You met his Dad. You seem to be taking things faster"

" I no right. But he said he wanted to show me off to his Father"

"Don't leave your head in the clouds. Be careful and enjoy yourself "

"I will mom "she assured.

Rimuel thought about their dance and kiss which caused his ears to turn red.

When he returned from dropping her home his Dad summoned him in his study.

"She is pretty, "he said

" Hmm... "Rimuel replied

"Does she know about us?" his Father asked

"It's too early to tell her "

"You might end up hurting her if you don't. People like us don't usually enjoy such luck" Mr. Cullz warned

"Dad am not going to hurt her, I treasure her. The time for telling her will finally come "said Rimuel

His father looked at him and wondered why he had chosen that path. The path of being in fear that your loved one will be hurt by your enemies. But he trusted his son but his enemies weren't completely gone.

Later in his room, Rimuel thought about his Father's words and frowned. He was right about him telling her the truth.

His father's background wasn't that good which also tainted his too. They had countless enemies even when his Dad had left the dirty path.

It was like a shadow that lingered over their heads reminding them of their evil deeds.

He remembered how he was trained by his father on how to use the gun and a dagger so that he could be ready for any dangerous situation.

He never had a normal childhood due to the constant threats his father received. Forcing them to move around to safer places. He wasn't even sure if they were safe.

It had been a year now everything was quiet. Too quiet it scared him sometimes, but after he saw her face he forgot everything and decided to finally enjoy a normal life.

She had bumped into him outside the school on their first day. But she was too busy to notice what she had done.

Her long black hair swayed side to side, she had a smile that seemed to bring spring to his long winter. He finally felt normal just by looking at her.

He watched her for a while silently, that even when she noticed him he still stayed put.

"I should let myself feel these new emotions" he had decided when she had boldly sat with them during lunch.

Now after finally making things official he felt happy.

He had decided to enjoy the whole vacation with her.

Vanita had rushed off after breakfast to Essie's place. Telling her everything that had happened to her the previous night.

"Well, it seems he does like you. I mean he even took you to see his Dad "commented Essie

"Ahhh... I feel so happy right now "

Just then Essie's phone rang. Displaying her boyfriend's name.

"Hi, babe...Am OK. Ohh he never got it, OK am going to send it to you" after she hung up, she sent a text message to Eric

"What is that all about? "Vani asked

"Someone wants your number. so I sent it "

Vani knew Eric was close to Rimuel. Which meant it was he who needed it.

She hadn't thought about it. But he didn't have her number.

After a while, her phone rang. Looking at the unknown number she slowly picked it up.


"Vani? " No one called her name as he did. "If you are free. Can we meet? "he asked

She hurriedly answered with a yes. Not wanting to waste time. After telling him her location she screamed her lungs out

"Hey... hey.. get out of here before you destroy my eardrums. Essie shouted. She rushed outside and patiently waited for him.

Seeing his car she waved her hand at him.

"Did you wait long? "He asked leading her inside the car.

"Nope "

"Where should we go? "he asked

"Thought you had a plan. When you called me "

"No... I just wanted to see your face "he replied

Her face brimmed "Let's go to the amusement park. Always wanted to go with my boyfriend "

"So Eric was right. He said girls like going to such places "

"Ohh... so you got advice from a love expert. You shouldn't listen to everything they say " she remarked

He smiled and drove to the park.

She had never had so much fun. When they arrived she dragged Rimuel to the bumper cars which he seemed not to enjoy. Then rushed to the pirate ship where she screamed liked crazy.

Next came the roller coasters that seemed to be his favorite.

He had watched her scream, shout and smile making him happy that he had caused those changes in her.

She tasted every snack and food sold at the park.

"You should slow down or you will get sick " he warned her

But her ears seemed not to work anymore as she dragged him everywhere.

He had followed her without complaint. Enjoying the feeling he felt in his hand that held hers.

After being moved around he finally asked her "Aren't you tired? you should rest"

She turned around and looked at his face he looked exhausted.

"Am sorry I must have been too excited. I just dragged you around "

"Am OK... Am just worried about you "

She smiled and pulled him to a cotton candy stand. "Two please " she ordered

Receiving them they sat down. She gave one to him and ate the other.

He looked at the cotton-like stuff and watched her enjoy hers

"Is it safe to eat? I have never really eaten one"

"Hmm. it's safe "she assured him.

He took a bit and was surprised at how good it tasted.

She finished hers and watched him instead. But he immediately noticed and turned to face her.

"I can give you mine? If you want more" he said

Waving her hands she said no.

"Am OK "But he still handed his to her even when she resisted completely.

Eventually giving in she enjoyed his too.

"We can come back anytime you want".

"Was that a future promise?" Vani thought

she nodded.

As she finished the last piece she felt a sharp pain in her tummy.

It increased that she had to put pressure with her hand.

His face changed "Are you OK? "

"Trying to laugh it off she answered "Am OK just a little tummy ache". But the pain increased that her face turned pale.

He got worried and stood up ready to carry her out of the park.

"Ohh God please not now "she pleaded.

But it was too late cause she felt something warm, liquids like flow out of her lower body.

"Ahhh.. this is the end of me... "she cried

Having watched her face change to worse he squatted to her level and asked "Tell me where it hurts. am worried now "

She couldn't say anything her body had betrayed her. How was she going to tell him that her period had hit her?