

"Dad I have some pictures of this black car that has been following me for a while. I looked deeper into it and it belongs to Marcus. What should we do? "asked Rimuel.

"We have the evidence so we can just ask for a restriction order on him. This will keep him at bay " Uncle Ricky said

"If it's possible then do it "His father commanded.

He had been following them for a while. But Rimuel not knowing that Vanita was also followed by his cause of her Father's refusal to help him.

"Boss I think they have issued a restriction order on you "

"WHAT....who did ?"

"The Cullz did. Claiming that you have been following them with the help of a black car. They even have evidence of it" he stammered.

"How did they find out? "he asked

Seeing their blank faces with no answers he yelled at them.

"Get the hell out of my faces you useless bums " Marcus shouted

"What are we going to do about this boss ?"

"Let's stay low for a while. They are now waiting for us to do a silly mistake. I won't give them any chance to do that "

"Rimuel had returned to school causing an uproar in the halls again. Girls loved him and he knew too.

Vanita had made new friends when he wasn't around surprising him.

On his way to the classroom when he just came back. He saw her standing with two boys in the corridor chatting happily. She failed to notice him pass by.

"I will help you with this after classes" she promised as she headed to class.

"Morning. Your seat and I missed "

"It's doesn't seem that way. Did you make new friends? "

"Hm..when you weren't here I tried doing the exercise myself and guess what? "she happily asked

"What? " he said

"I discovered am good in science subjects. I was just not paying enough attention to them. So when I did the exercise I passed and became the best in the whole class, so now everybody comes to me"

"So when I was gone you replaced me as the genius of the class. Made new friends through it and even became more bright. Wow am impressed Vani " commented Rimuel

"Are you happy for me or angry? Am confused," she said

Of course, he was happy she had discovered something she was good at but at the same time she had become closer to the male classmates which made him uncomfortable.

Seeing no reply from him she smiled.

"Don't worry they are just my classmates. I can't do more than help them study OK " she said

"OK " he answered

He had started to go home alone since he sometimes had to leave her at school to help others. Who seemed to enjoy her company.

At first, he thought they would try making moves on her. But she managed to control them and soon they were studying.

It made him proud to see her trying to be better. Then she was before.

"Bestie, am having a sleepover at my house next month and I hope you make it. Cause you know we have always had fun " Said Essie through the phone.

"The last time the police had to intervene cause we made a lot of noise that woke the neighbors. Then we almost caused a fire when we tried barbeque. So I don't think my parents will agree " laughed, Vanita

"Don't worry about them. you just make sure you are prepared for it " and she hung up.

Vani thought about what she was planning and wondered. But she knew if she didn't attend her best friend would be hurt.

Yvonne announced the next day that she had prepares for camping for the whole class that was to last for three days. With the help of the class teacher, she was able to persuade the parents of her classmates to allow them to join.

She smiled when she saw that Vanita was excited to go. Not knowing what was going to happen to her.

The day of camping had arrived and some were excited while others only grumbled.

"I hate the cold especially at night. " one complained.

"Me too. I hate sleeping outdoors "

Half the class complained but still had to come. Since it had become a class activity.

Vanita arrived with Rimuel who had picked her up from home.

"Make sure your tent is close to mine". He said

But the teacher had other plans. She immediately told the boys to take the left side and the girls on the right side. Separating them.

"His warm smile disappeared when he had what she said replaced with a frown.

"She probably heard you, " Vanita said as she laughed at his frowned face.

He moved to the other side and made camp with the other boys.

"Seems she hates young couples. But no matter what am going to Essie's tent later on "Eric whispered

Rimuel who was angry suddenly felt happy. Thinking of how he would be able to go next to her without the teacher knowing.

"I will join you. I can't let Vani sleep alone in this cold. I will have to protect her "He said

Eric gave him the side look and laughed.

"Protect her... I think you just don't want to leave her side "

They started a fire and the girls cooked the meal which tasted horrible since none knew how to cook. Then they shared stories, jokes and later decided to go to sleep.

After two hours passed Eric woke Rimuel up and told him it was time to move.

Quietly unzipping their tents they moved out.

Eric swiftly moved to Essie's tent so carefully that it looked like he had done it before.

Essie seemed to have been waiting for him. She opened her tent and let him in.

Rimuel had watched it all happen. Learning from his friend he headed to Vanita's tent. But nothing happened. She seemed to have fallen asleep.

As he tried to wake her up he had someone come out of their tent. He hurriedly rushed back to his and closed it. He was so angry that his plan had failed. How could she fall asleep when she said she couldn't sleep outdoors. He was so upset that he went to sleep with a heavy heart.

Yvonne had heard them talk about invading Essie and Vanita's tents at night. she couldn't allow it. So she had waited till they decided to come out to act. She had let Eric go but not Rimuel.

So when she had him next to Vanita's she pretended to open hers scaring him away. She had planned to stop him another way if that had failed. But luckily it did. She wasn't going to give them a day of peace, not even a second.