
Finding my missing pieces

read to find out. You'll like it. First few chapters and maybe future chapters are co-authored with @maow_chu and she will be posting the Vietnamese translated version of this but not everything is exactly the same as we lack the time to communicate on ideas with each other and sometimes the story will be completely different in the Vietnamese version. This is her account https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4327813140 pleases cheek her out if you are interested.

shamiko_yukoi · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 1: new beginning

 I'm just a normal person, that's right I'm just like anyone else. That's what you will think when you see me… sadly that's far from the truth because i completely have no emotions at all. However I was not born without any…

 I used to have emotions.

 At least until my mother passed away when I was five. My stepfather threw away all of the memories I had with my mother then he started drinking and gambling. He brought home his friends and womens that beat and tortured me, they break and steal things then they'll blame it on me. School was not any better either. I was bullied constantly because of my family conditions and upbringing, and yet no one helped me even teachers. It's like everyone abandoned me. Slowly I started to grow duel and cold, I have wants but no emotions to repel me forward. Just when things were getting a little bit better my stepfather disappeared leaving me with a huge debt to pay off, 16 year old me at the time had no home, no money, nothing at all. The only thing I could do at the time was rent a super cheap one room flat and take on a bunch of odd jobs. My daily pay was only 20 dollars compared to the thousands of dollars I have to pay back. 

 To compare my life to that of a dog I would definitely be more miserable, going hungry days at a time without a proper meal and being treated like trash by my boss. Not to mention the horrible quality of life I had to endure with people banging on my door every day demanding money. Even now I'm still not financially stable working multiple odd jobs, I don't even think I'll ever have a future.

 I had just finished up my shift at the store and was walking back to my apartment, the streets were empty and the rain was falling down on my umbrella. Then I saw a woman probably in her late twenties running pass, then a thick book fell out of her bag. I picked it up and ran after her.

-Hey, wait this book, you dropped your book. i shouted as i ran after her 

The woman stopped and looked at her bag.

-Ah that's right, sorry I didn't notice… i was in quite a hurry but since you were such an honest person how about i give you that book as thanks.. .well only if you want it of course. The lady said in an apologetic tone.

- Um..a.. well alright, sure. I said.

-Well that's good, I have to go now. she said and ran away from sight.

 That was the first time I had received a present since the day mom died, especially from some random stranger on the streets. I held the book in my hands. It was a novel called " Sunflower Princess" . There was a summary at the back that seemed interesting enough. Well it had been a 

a while since i treated myself for working hard right? I thought and then walked into a café near there. I got a window seat next to the raining road outside, got a warm cup of coffee and flipped through the first page. It was warm and cozy there and even though the café was closing in an hour I just wanted to do this for a little while longer. 

 I had no idea how long i was there since i was busy reading the summary of the book which is rather long since the entire thing was so thick. 

In short, the story is about two princesses in the kingdom of Platinum, Princess Riyes who is loved by everyone and Marie, her half-sister who no one loves. Because Riyes had always lived happily with the people she loved while Marie was Being mistreated by everyone since she was only the daughter of a maid, she gradually became jealous and cold towards Riyes. One day, bitter Marie decided to poison Riyes but failed, because of that she was beheaded, and died in humiliation and suffering.

I really think this story is nothing special, but the character Marie and I have similarities, right? If I were her, I would have left a long time ago and if I could turn my life around, I wouldn't stay there and let them oppress me...Only if I can live again to change my life, maybe I wouldn't forget what love is, I will still have feelings... If she and I were smarter back then maybe we wouldn't have suffered so much.

 Before I knew it the staff had already came to tell me that the café was closing for the day. I reluctantly got my umbrella and walked out onto the cold street again, it was still raining. Maybe I'll continue to read this once I get home. Out of nowhere I saw a bright light coming towards me … and then everything went black… I can't move … is this the end I'm not even sure anymore. I can't just die like this. It's not fair what did I ever do to deserve to end up like this…

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

I woke up in an old, dilapidated room, its musty smell made it hard for me to breathe.

"I'm dead, I was hit by a car, this is definitely not a hospital," I thought

Looking at my hand, it's strange, my hand is not like this, and the outfit I'm wearing is not like the recent modern clothes I was used to, it's quite outdated... I groped around trying to find something too see my face with. Mirror or something that can be reflected here.

Suddenly, "BOOM", a little girl appeared with pure blue eyes and short black hair wearing a completely black outfit with a white apron . The strange thing here is that she has cat ears and a long tail. At that time, before I could ask anything, the girl spoke up:

–Every century, or every 100 years, there will be a lucky soul chosen to be reincarnated into the last novel they read, the character you have the most impression on, that will be you. In particular, When this event happens to someone, that person can arbitrarily change the plot or not. This time, in the 21st century, that lucky person is you.

The girl clapped her hands as if congratulating me.

Still not surprised, I asked:

-Who are you…have we met before?

-Forgot to introduce myself, I am Mimi, the messenger of the world of novels, I will accompany you here. I possess a lot of magic like being able to turn into a cat so that no one will recognize and fear me. because of my appearance.


This is probably the weirdest thing that has happened to me so far but if what she said is true then I decided to not live according to the plot that the author had given to the character I transformed into, determined to change my life and get back my emotions.

-But who am I right now though? i have no idea.