
Finding my missing pieces

read to find out. You'll like it. First few chapters and maybe future chapters are co-authored with @maow_chu and she will be posting the Vietnamese translated version of this but not everything is exactly the same as we lack the time to communicate on ideas with each other and sometimes the story will be completely different in the Vietnamese version. This is her account https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4327813140 pleases cheek her out if you are interested.

shamiko_yukoi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

chapter 2: Now or never

 I was still there not knowing fully why this was happening.

-um alright?...But can you give me something like a mirror… you know, to see what I look like…since i don't really know which character i am? I asked, still quite unsure if I can trust this magical cat thing called Mimi, but at least she didn't look like she was going to hurt me.

-well yeah sure if you want, here ya go!-she spoke in a rather childish manner while putting her hands into her apron and handing me a huge antique mirror as big as myself. That mirror is certainly nowhere near the size of the little pouch on the girl's apron. Well, she did say that she could do magic so I guess this was supposed to be expected. 

 Looking into the mirror I see someone that looks completely different from myself, except for the icy expression on my face that hasn't changed one bit. Other than that, the girl in that mirror had fluffy rose pink hair that goes a little bit over her shoulders. A remarkable thing about this body is that it had deep blue eyes like the ocean… a mesmerizing aqua marine blue that seemed impossible to achieve. This girl was about 15 or 16. I'm not too sure. but she is rather on the pretty side isn't she. I thought to myself.

-I've been watching you for a while now but i didn't really see you make any surprise, scared or any expressions really… So tell me why is that? Mimi said as she looked at me in a curious way. 

-I don't have any strong sense of emotions, but ever since I've come here I seem to have been wanting something… something i don't have or used to have… would you know why that is? I looked back at my new companion expecting an answer.

-That's because when you got transferred here some of Marie's character and habits got transferred into you. That means that you have the capacity to want things and have emotions that she had. Mimi said unbothered but I can sense that she pitied me.

-but i don't feel anything at all. I said slowly.

-well.. you must find your true self only then can you know her and feel something. Mimi said as she came and sat down next to me.

-How do I find my true self? I asked, not sure of what the outcome of her answer may be.

-That depends but most of the time you just have to see what other people's lives are like. Some of our readers ventured off to see the world and new people. It might work on you too. Mimi told me with a wide smile.

-that means that if I want my emotions back I would have to leave this place then.-i thought

-Marie… isn't she the evil princess that no one loves, if so I have more reasons to leave this place. I wonder how I can do that though. I was deep in my thoughts when Mimi suddenly turned into a black cat and said:

-Someone's coming.

 Just then there was a huge bang someone threw the door open. It was a maid. She was wearing the typical working outfit but to compare it was even prettier than whatever I'm wearing. She had brown her hair in twin braids and her freckled face was red with anger. I didn't know Marie even had a maid, but if even the maids are more nicely dressed than her then the people here must really not like her. before i can even said a single word she pulled my hair and shouted straight to my face:


Then she pulled my hair harder, making me fall to the ground.

-YOU BETTER GET DRESSED AND GET TO THE MAIN HALL RIGHT NOW . Screamed then stomped out of the room.

 Now that I have seen this I wonder if Marie is even considered as a human in this place. Or simply a thing for people to put their anger on. There was barely anything wearable in the room at all. I wonder how do I "get dressed" if there's nothing to get dressed with in the first place, at least I had clothes in my past life. 

-Here ya go. Mimi was in her human form again and gave me some clothes. It wasn't anything fancy but it was decent enough.

 I put on the blouse and black skirt that Mimi gave me and walked out of the room. The room was located in the basement next to where they keep the prisoner so I had to climb up for a while to reach the hallways. I followed the maid. The hall was filled with sunlight unlike the dark room. The place was filled with light but darkness as well, people whispering and laughing as I passed by,this experience… It was somewhat familiar to me. At last I reached the main hall, luckily I didn't get lost since the place was so big thanks to some of Marie's memories that are still with me and the maid leading the way. Sitting on a large throne was the king, Marie's father next to him was another girl with fiery red hair and dark green eyes that's Riyes I supposed. 

-I've brought the second princess here, your majesty. the maid said as she bowed down.

-Thank you, you can leave now. the king said calmly.

The maid bowed again as she walked away leaving me there not knowing what to do. Then the king spoked again.



-Please father~Marie did not mean to hurt me, it was merely an accident. Riyes said looking pitiful and rubbing her injured arm.

 Though it was faint I could definitely see a smirk on her face at the time she said that.

-oh my poor Riyes, you are much too kind to this girl. I cannot stand to see her hurting you any longer. the king said with a worried expression.

-But father Marie is also your flesh and blood and my younger sister, I cannot bear to see her go. Riyes said as her crocodile tears fell down.

 This is going just the way I wanted. I won't let that daddy girl ruin it.

-No I'll go, I don't wish to stay here any longer. I said it loud and clear for all the servants and ministers to hear.

-If there is nothing else I will go back to my room to pack my things. With that I left to everyone's surprised reaction but no one stopped me.

 Back in that dark room i told Mimi

-You said that you would be my companion right? Then I want to find the pieces that I'm missing. Will you follow me?

-sure! she said already knowing what happened earlier and what is going to happen next.

-I'll go on my own journey, the plot doesn't matter anymore. We just need to pack up our things. I said 

-I've already packed everything we need. Then she handed me a bag that I can carry on one of my shoulders.

-It's magic there are clothes, money, food and any other things you may need except for a house you just need to put your hand in and take it out. Mimi said happily

-And here's a gift.

 She started to tie my hair into a high ponytail and asked.

-What do you think?

 I looked in the mirror and there was a big black bow on my head tying my hair together. I have to say it fits my new appearance. Before I knew it we were ready to go.

-what are you waiting for? Let's go! Mimi said as she turned back into a cat.

 With that we walked out of the palace doors, not caring about the plot of the original story, the whispers and eyes. I don't know where this journey will take us but I'm willing to give it a chance. And maybe in the future I might be grateful for this decision. My new life has officially begun it is either now or never.