
Who is Alana Yu? (2)

Oh the cliché of the treasured princess falling in love with the ogre.

Well, the ogre really wasn't bad looking. Alana stared at the guy back mockingly then. Having been used to men and women idolizing her, she wasn't the type to get intimidated being ogled at.

'What? Want an autograph?!' Alana smirked.

But the man just looked away. As if he doesn't really see her. This made her frown. Not see her?! Who does he think he is?!

The man has chocolate brown hair, his eyes were captivating but she was unsure of the color as it is hidden behind gold rim eyeglasses. His clothing was decent but she can immediately tell it wasn't anything fancy. He has a gentle face however he was deep in thought appearing cold and aloof.

Not bad. Handsome but poor. And Alana found herself curious about this certain human in front of her.

For a woman of her status, this is something. Everything she ever wanted was handed to her on a plate. However she knew, she cannot desire another man. She has a very handsome and rich fiancé for Christ's sake!

'Curiousity killed the cat, Alana!' She reminded herself. Still, she flicked her phone and secretly took a photo of him.

To her surprise, the man stood up, walked and sit in the chair on her front!

"Miss, you can take better photos like this eh?"

Alana's face reddened silly. She was never humiliated in her life!

She immediately stand up and was ready to walk away when he called her. She barely looked at him.

"Hey, if you're bored waiting for somebody, you might as well earn a friend alright?" He gave her a slight smile.

Alana raised an eyebrow. But realizing she doesn't really feel like roaming around the airport while waiting for the driver to pick her up, she went back to her seat.

Their small talk started with who's waiting for who. Alana learned the guy's flight was cancelled, his destination was having a very bad weather thus all flights to and from that country was on hold. He was waiting for the next possible flight. And she for her driver.

As she had guessed the man is of average lifestyle. And to her surprise, completely oblivious of her identity. Wow, there is somebody in this city who doesn't know me?!

Her curiousity peaked. Turns out the man is half foreign and he was out of the country most of the time. Thus explains his dark brown hair and eyes.

When her driver called her to apologize and that he did fell asleep in the car at the parking lot, Alana felt disappointed that she had to part with this stranger. He was easy and fun to talk to. Probably because that was the only time somebody approached her not wanting her beauty or name. Just to pass by time talking!

"I realized you haven't told me your name, yet, and so do I. Charles Lee." He extended his right hand to her.

Alana hesitated. She was having mixed feelings in her heart. Why does parting seem so wrong?

Thus she replied, "Lana. Just Lana", and shook his hand.

She might as well had been electrocuted with that hand shake. Never had she felt it before with Andrew. But it was so wrong. She is engaged.

"Well, I hope we meet again, Just Lana." He smiled at her handsomely.

"En." Alana walked away.

'I hope not. I'll only trouble your simple happy life.' She thought sourly.


Charles Lee looked at the back of the girl as she walked away. Clearly an heiress of some sort. He wasn't interested in knowing her at the start. Anxious on getting on the next flight while sulking on the cancelled one, he was really surprised when a shutter of a phone camera clicked.

Huh, that little beauty took note of him? He didn't offend an Imperial princess now, did he?

But seeing her face tired and wary, he pitied her and decided to be nice.

Lana. Just Lana.

He was sure he won't see her again. Her refusing to give her complete name means that woman is completely out of his league. Well, her whole appearance screams money anyway. Charles shrugged but her face hunted him all through morning.

By noon he was able to book a flight. As he settled in his seat, he found the face he didn't quite forgot, sprawled on a cover of a fashion magazine.

Then he read the caption:


'Future Mrs. Andrew Liu.'


That's just sad, noh? Finding your soulmate just to let each other go...


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts