
Family of three

[Present time]

Lara eyed the car in the foyer and her brows frowned. This wasn't the same car last night.

Last night, when the assistant kidnapped her, she clearly took note that it was a Lexus SUV. She was very sure she didn't offend anybody that rich so she didn't panic until she saw Alex' face.

When Alex went with her to fetch Luke with the intention of bringing them home, he used an Audi R8.

And now she is looking at a Mercedes S600 Guard.

Being in the entertainment industry for some time, she is well aware of luxury cars. But having one person show her three of it overnight reminded her just how wealthy the person Luke decided to suddenly call father.

This is an armored car alright! Do they really need one in this city? Guns are prohibited here noh?

Alex looked at her and seems to read her thoughts.

'Heck, she hasn't even see the carpark of this house yet. And he has several houses around the country.'

'Huh, you have to get used to money little lady.'

The driver has the door ready for them and Alex beckoned her to go inside.

Lara hesitated but seeing Luke excited she can't help but sigh and obey. She knew she'll have trouble explaining to Luke later. She hate to admit it but her heart is also quite rattled.

She has never experienced such treatment before. Only thinking that this should only be for today that her mind seemed to calm down.

Why is he doing this she can't understand. Does he not know how sad Luke will be when she told him that he can't be his daddy? Alex should have just sent them home.

Her thoughts were everywhere when Luke jumped to her lap and give her a hug.

'Hmmmn, my mommy is worried I should kiss her'

Luke showered her with tiny kisses and she chuckled. She then kissed the child dotingly on the forehead.

Alex looked at them lovingly, silently promising to himself that he will never let them go.

The driver's eyes glistened when he saw them through the rearview mirror. He had never ever seen his master this good. Indeed he needs his own family. The Master has always been serious, devoted to work, and aloof. The driver thought that he will change after marriage but the Young Mistress fled. Although he knew the Master doesn't love the Young Mistress, he can't help wishing that they'll be happy, like what the Master seems to be now.

Alex caught the eye of his driver in the mirror and the later quickly withdraw his gaze and focused on driving.

Alex: 'Huh, this old man! Is he crushing on my wife!'

Old driver: 'Master, she isn't your wife!'

Luke: 'My daddy is so cute!'

Lana: 'Eh?Why did it seem cold all of a sudden?'

Only Luke's giggling stopped these train of thoughts. All of them looked at him tenderly and the warmth returned inside the car.


The car stopped inside a sea port and the family of three alighted the car. When they stopped before a yacht, Lana's jaw dropped secretly.

It's a 65 meter luxury yacht! Although she can't really know the exact size of it, just seeing the ones beside it, she knew this had to be largest on dock.

It's beautiful and proud. She can't see a name on the side, but the family crest is proudly shining on it. And there's a personal security on guard as well, who upon seeing Alex immediately bowed in respect.

"Young Master, welcome aboard."


The yacht has 4 upper decks and 2 lower decks. It is impeccably designed, everything seems to be picked personally. And ofcourse screams money.

A floating palace.

Alex gave them a short tour once aboard while he ordered the chef to prepare an early lunch. He let the mother and son settle first at the sun deck before he went to talk to the captain for a complete check of the yacht and instructions before they sail.

A corner of his lips curved upward anticipating the dinner tonight. He won't let her say no to what he has in mind. He is just determined not to let them go.

Cat got your tongue, Lana? Haha

Okay while writing this I noticed my MC is quite timid and gentle. That she is, but ofcourse it's only the start so who can tell ayt?

She's not accustomed to luxury, she lost her job, she dotes on her son. What can our little girl do for now but observe and go with the flow.

Especially when our ML is clearly taking advantage. Hmmmn.

So this is my 15th chapter and I'm writing in advance of my release date. 15 per week should be ok? Let me know =(^•^)=

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts