
Where are we?

"But I'm already his father." He countered.

'Boss, you aren't his real father, okay?'

Lara sighed in exasperation, more with herself. She needed a job. He is offering her one. She just needed to act. She'll be paid, sent back to school and need not worry about Luke for the mean time.

But what if Crystal Liu came back as he intended? What will she tell her son? And what of this strange feeling she has when Alex Liu is around?

She chastised herself with the thought. What feeling? Am I crazy?! Don't you dare Lara!!!

"How long this should take?" She sighed wearily.

"Depends on how long will it take for Crystal to return." Not. If she returned she'll have to face their annulment. If she didn't, he'll have his way anyway. "Don't worry even if she returns the very next day, the benefits I promised will carry on until you graduate. And Luke will be forever my son."

He really likes the little guy.

'Eh, boss what if I marry someday?' She sighed with where her thoughts are going. She can't even find a proper job, how else she can find a man to marry.

Alex had been prepared ahead on how much he will offer her as salary, a new wardrobe for the occasions they will attend among other allowances she might need. But seeing how wary she is with his wealth, he aporoached her with what's closest to her heart.

When it comes to reading people, he is barely wrong. It has been a very long time since he had met someone like her, someone not interested with great wealth.

"Daddy? Mommy?"

Both are startled when they heard Luke's little voice, as they are still very close with each other.

Lara quickly pulled away to get Luke, but Alex is quicker as he snaked an arm around Lara's waist and called Luke to them.

Lara's face burned with embarassment but found herself unable to get away. Ugh! This devil!

Luke giggled as he ran to them. Sitting in the sofa Alex held them both. The child is clearly happy finding them together.

The yacht has sailed smoothly and as the sun is about to set he took them both to the upper deck for a view. They had been served snacks while at it.

Alex is contemplating whether Lara will take his proposition as he had yet to have her answer when Luke came into the room. He almost had a yes and wouldn't want her to change her mind.

Nevermind, he hasn't ran out of ideas to convince her yet. He smiled sheepishly at the thought.

Meanwhile Lara is thankful for the distraction Luke made. Her brains seemed to stop working when he is near. However, what better choice does she have?

As of now she is unwelcomed back at the company. She might be able to pull some strings but it will take time.

She decided then to call her best friend Jenny for advise later tonight. But when she checked her phone she found it has no signal! What the heck?! Where are they right now?!

I find this chapter quite short, but I just have to leave it at that hehe

And also, the next chapter should be tomorrow about the same time (=*•*=)

Boss where did you take them huh?

Don't worry I'm still on my target at 15 chapters a week. I'll let you know ahead if I'll be late. Weekend is coming soon as I write this and it will give me more time to write.

Will you write back to me? :)

Thanks xoxo

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts