
The devil is not happy

Alex noticed her checking her phone and his eyes dimmed immediately. Is she waiting for someone's call?

Could she still be in contact with Luke's real father?

Huh, you won't talk to anybody else until you agree with me.

Luke looked up to him sensing Alex' mood. "Daddy are you mad?"

The boy's question made Lara turn in his direction too. He was fine awhile ago, why is he like this again? This temperamental man, tsk, she thought. They didn't do anything to irk him so she didn't mind him and went back to gaze at the setting sun.

Then she remembered to ask him,

"Mr. Liu, just where are we right now?"

Still not able to chase his dark mood, he look at her intently not replying. Luke's eyes went back and forth to their faces, confused.

"Mommy what did you do?"

Huh? Me? What can I do? I'm being timid here okay! Good as an obedient puppy!

"Luke come here." She called her son and distracted him. The boss is having his tempers it's better to stay clear!

Just then some birds flew across the sky as if chasing the setting sun and Luke exclaimed in delight. She smiled seeing her son happy.

While the devil behind them has gotten more sour. Does the boy look like his father? Probably, he doesn't resemble her. Is that why she always smile at her son? Because he look like him?

But he can't dislike the boy. He adore him, too...Hmmn what to do?

Note to himself:

1. Process annulment. ASAP!

2. Find the identity of that b*stard and rid of him!

3. Prepare marriage to Lara and transfer Luke in his name.

He instructed the captain to sail to his island. As they went out to the sea, they lost the signal to their cellphones. So he made a mental note to send Assistant Cheng the tasks he wants accomplished urgently.

But the marriage to Lara he has to prepare very secretly. Maybe even from her. He just needs her signature...

He wants her to know when he nullify his marriage to Crystal. Woo her in the process. But his character does not accept failures so maybe a secret marriage will be handy in the future...

Noticing that they are approaching the island, he came close to Lara and Luke, and pointed where they are going. She gave him a questioning look, avoiding to say anything as she tried to check if he was still on a mood.

"My island." He said like its nothing.

Ehh?! The devil has his own island?!

While it's not really surprising given his wealth, what really surprised her is that he is showing it to them. She's getting dizzy with all of this. It's only been a day. But he had shown her an expensive array of things.

From cars, to a ship, and now an island.

She took a peek at his face and it looks better now. He took Luke to his arms and pointed some random things while explaining and answering the boy's question.

He is moody as a girl on a period!

But why are they going to his island now? It's getting late, will they sail back into the night? She look at him warily. Sensing her, he said:

"You need training to become my wife in public."

A what?!? What does that have to do with this island? And when did she agreed to do it?! Did she?

She opened her mouth in protest but Luke beat her to it.

"Daddy you'll marry mommy?" The child squealed in delight and he hugged Alex adoringly while looking at her.

She pursed her lips annoyed at him! Holding back her tongue as Luke is still with them. But the guy seemed to ignore her as he turn to Luke.

"You want me to?" He ask the boy gently. He received two kisses on both his cheeks and a tight hug as a reply.

Oh if Lara protests then can I take her place Young Master?

*shameless author crushing on her ML*


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts