
Meeting the nanny

When they arrived on the island Lara stared at the small villa ahead of them. It seems that whoever takes care of the place expects them as the house is lit up beautifully. Colorful lanters light the pavement, creating a beautiful scenery against the fading sunset. The place is lit like christmas as there are also small unblinking lights decorating the trees.

Luke like his mother is in awe and he went around in circles looking at the lights.

"Careful! You might get dizzy." Lara took her son's hand and steadied him as they walk the path.

An old couple greeted them at the porch. Lara almost mistook them for his parents if not for the greeting. She then remembered that she and this devil is in a different class. Surely his folks won't be this simple.

"Good evening Master Alex, Miss Lara and Little Luke."

Alex nodded while Lara replied good evening and Luke smiled warmly at the couple.

'Oh grandparents! I'm really good, not only have I found myself a daddy now we even have elders! Hehe'

After the introductions the old lady whose name is Mei took the mother and son to their bedroom so they can freshen up before dinner. Casually she also asked Lara if she prefers any particular dish for dinner.

However, she had been served with lavish lunch and snacks when they were at the yacht, that she cannot think of anything. Afraid to offend the old lady she racked her brains but she can only think of soup. Ugh! She studied music okay, and she can eat whatever anyway. Is it critical to learn the menu of the rich too?

The old lady studying her expression let out a chuckle. "No worries, Miss. You can be very comfortable around here." And smiled at her.

This seem to put her mind at ease. The Grandma, is she aware I'm just an average person? Then why is she treating me this nice?

"Young Master Alex has never brought anybody here before. This island has been his for three years already and we have never had any visitors except for Lady Sandra."

"Oh." Was all she can say. Well, what else can she say anyway? She don't really know him. Just that he is Alex Liu, is that even his full name? He has a sister named Sandra, they are the most prominent family in the city, probably in the country. By now he must have held all the information about her, but apart from what she saw and heard from him since they met, she knows nothing.

The old lady continued to chat. "I was his nanny, and my husband his driver. After this house was built here three years ago, the Young Master asked us to take care of this property instead of working at the Liu residence all our lives. We only come to the city if our two children with their families are visiting."

"Does he own the whole island?" Even if it is only a small one, owning an entire island is still news for someone like Lara. It is very different from owning a building! And for someone with an average upbringing, she isn't acquianted with someone with such a lifestyle.

If he is an island, she sure is the ant in it. How could he ask her to pretend to be his wife. I'll look so fake and cheap! This won't really do. I'll just shame myself if I agree to his ridiculous proposal!

"Yes, Miss. The whole of it is his. Our food and other supllies are scheduled to be regularly brought here. Even though we really don't need so much, the Young Master has it all taken care of."

Lara sighed alerting the old woman. "Is something the matter? Is he giving you a hard time?" Grandma Mei raised the man. Sensing that Lara is in a dilemna, she can't help but offer her assistance.

"Grandma?" She look at the old lady, and felt vulnerable at the moment. She miss her mother. It's been six years since she received a motherly comfort.


"You said apart from you, Grandpa, and Sandra, Mr.Liu has never invited anyone here?"


"Why didn't he take his wife here?"

2nd day on our 2nd week, I have to keep tabs on my schedule as I work on two novels. I really want to keep up on my writings.

this is my 4th chapter this week, have to carry on writing, i need to furnish at least 11 more waaaah haha

and this is supposed to ease my mind as i write dreamcatcher however lately im into it more and its easier for me to write it.

no worries, i'll work on this one too


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts