
The Bodyguard

The next day, they traveled back to the city after having breakfast. Since Lara will be starting her school the day after, they decided to go home earlier much to Sandra's disappointment. She wanted a reason to skip school.

It was Alex who woke the mother and son duo. He kissed Lara good morning which prompted her to wake up suddenly. Feeling shy she covered her face with the comforter only to be tickled endlessly which woke up Luke.

The poor kid was looking bewildered when he woke with the scene before him. Alex only stopped when Luke laughed heartily and they realized they have company.

"Morning Daddy." He dimpled at his newfound father. While Alex kissed both his cheeks.

"Morning son."

After they freshened up they went down for breakfast. The assistants have taken care of their belongings while they head back to the city. While on the way, Lara having a light sleep from the previous night unconsciously laid her head on Alex's shoulder and fell asleep. Then he reminded his driver to drive more carefully so as not to wake her up.

Sandra and Luke boarder another car, with Sandy's assistant and Luke's nanny. It isn't wise to board only one car. Yesterday all the bodyguards were on high alert as they had all traveled with one car. These bodyguards had all come with military backgrounds and though no one in the city will dare mess up with Liu's, they can't be complacent.

There's already some incident with lower ranking families being kidnapped for ransom. And some ended up badly. The head bodyguard was sitting on Alex's car. He was the one to suggest that the four split cars on the way back. Aside from these worrisome incidents, his Boss is never short of threats.

A lot of companies, big and small, has been crushed to the ground by Alex Liu. One would not dare to be outspoken before him lest they find themselves on the street penniless the next day. That is also why no publication would write an article about his personal information. Some would carefully mention which gala he attended, how attractive he was, but there was never a photo of him. Everything else is about his company, the rest is mystery.

Nevertheless, everyone knew his name. And are afraid of it. Lara may only knew him as the richest man in the city with a temper. But she still doesn't know how extreme it could be. Some had disappeared from this earth without their families knowing what happened as they haven't found any corpse at all. If the bodyguard only didn't know that the intelligence department is still looking for Crystal Yu, he would think that she was already disposed.

He look at the rearview mirror and caught a glimpse of the couple at the back. Being the head bodyguard he knew all the details about his Boss' personal life. Naturally he knew how Lara came into the picture and just this morning he was informed that the relationship between those two has levelled up for real.

Heh, she looked like a lost kitten sleeping beside the tiger.

He always thought that his Boss would marry a woman of high social status or someone who would be on par with his intelligence. He had been Alex's bodyguard since the young master was 12, making them together for 18 years. Though he had never seen him go on an actual date, he never expected that he would pick a woman as delicate as the girl beside him. Much more so, a single mother! However, looking at the girl again, he wondered how can a girl like her have gotten pregnant so young. The boy's father must be really stupid to leave them.

He was surprised when the partition of the car came up between him and the view of the back seat. He laughed softly when he heard Alex grunted annoyingly at him.

"Eh, you can't be jealous now are you Boss?" Though he was older by a decade and married with kids, what Alex just did now shows how possessive he can be.


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts