
Tangled Relationships

"You know her?" As Crystal is 24 years old this year, then her mother had been gone as long. It dawned on him that the old couple has been with the Liu's even before his birth. They had been brought along by his late mother.

"We have met her a lot as she frequented the Liu residence. You may not remember as that time you were only four years old." Gramps recalled.

Alex thought about his childhood. He was so young then he barely remember things. Also since his mother died when he was only two years old, he was frequently asked to visit his maternal grandparents. His father and paternal grandparents were always busy, and it was Grandma Mei who had taken care of him. Even if Alana Yu visited the old residence frequently, he may not even be there to see her.

When he was a young boy at thirteen, his father introduced him to his second wife and after two years she gave birth to Alexandra. His stepmother is sweet and kind and a simple woman. It didn't took long before he warmed up to her specially when Sandra was born. He love his little sister to death.

Back to the main issue, he really doesn't recall meeting a woman named Alana Yu. Aside from his stepmother, Andrew Liu never introduced another woman to him.

"Why was she a frequent visitor at home then Gramps?" Business maybe? But then shouldn't it happen at the office and not at the residence?

"Because Alana Yu would have been your stepmother had she not broken her engagement with your father 26 years ago."

Alex felt as if his head blow up with what he heard. Engaged?! Alana Yu and his father were engaged? She ditched him?

He then grabbed the laptop that is still open with the email his assistant sent him earlier. He showed the photo of the woman to the old guy.

"Is it her? Is she Alana Yu?" He probed.

"Hmmn." He nodded. "I'm surprised you didn't know about her. That young lady you just brought over, your wife Crystal and Lady Alana would have looked triplets if they sit side by side."

"Gramps, I found Lara by mistake, and I never bothered with Crystal's family before." He shook his head in frustration. If he bothered before, he wouldn't have to worry asking his father about it now.

Did his father loved Alana Yu? It had only been two years then since his mother died, but he was already engaged to someone else. However, Alana Yu broke her engagement and married Charles Lee, is that it? The Yu's probably broke their ties with their daughter hence she changed her name to Lana.

But why is Crystal raised at the Yu residence and not with her parents? And why make Alana Yu's background tightly sealed?

Unfortunately this questions cannot be answered by Gramps. He only knew that the woman Alex is asking about was his master's former fiancee. While it is clear that she broke off the engagement for another man, everything else is a theory.

The old man reminded Alex that Grandma Mei sent him to inform him dinner is ready. While Alex didn't explain to him why he was investigating Alana Yu, the reason is easy enough to guess.

When Alex arrived earlier with his guests, he almost couldn't hide his surprise. The girl named Lara has the same face as Alana Yu, only she has a brown hair. Surprisingly her character is simple and plain enough that he can immediately tell she isn't a reincarnation of the famed socialite, nor is she the annoying woman their young master unfortunately married.

From what they know, Alana broke off the engagement and later on got pregnant with another man's child. The man had never acknowledge her and she died giving birth, hence Crystal grew up with only her grandparents. But out of nowhere, Alex found Lara.

What does this mean? Did Alana gave birth to twins? Did she really died giving birth? But then why didn't the Yu's raised Lara too? Ah, the old guy decided all these questions are too much for his age. The Liu's seems to be in a tangled relationship with the Yu's it looks like a curse. He can only hope everything ends well this time.


your author is continuously writing, its midnight as i write. i wonder if you're liking the story?

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts