
Sorting Feelings

Lara was too stunned to react. Her legs automatically wrapped around him and her hands gripped his shoulders tightly. She thought she was falling off the horse. But when she realized what happened, her thoughts scattered away. Only her senses stayed making her fully aware of his lips passionately kissing her, that they are still riding the horse as it ran, of his one hand holding her tightly.

He let the horse run wild, only holding the reigns firmly. When the horse stopped, that was the moment they stopped kissing as well. Lara gasped for air, her chest heaving up and down. What had just happened? Alex went down and he reached for her helping her down from the horse's back as well.

He hugged her close, inhaling her scent as they both steadied their breathing. There was a stream flowing and they led the horse there to drink some water, while Alex pulled her down to sit on a rock.

"Do you like this place, darling?" By now she is used to him calling her darling that she responds to it almost immediately, but her cheeks still blush on it. Especially after that intense kiss they just shared.

She nodded her head unable to find words. Though the place is a fortune with its vast land and top of the notch amenities, it is rather relaxing and comforting because of the nature. Also its buildings are low and the design minimalist, mostly of glass and steel. Not like the suffocating presence of palaces or the likes. She missed his island. The villa there was simple and homey. More suited for a family. While the mansion in the city defined the rich and status of the family that owns it.

Alex smiled. His impression correct this time. This girl beside him is pleased with serenity not of luxury. He thought of the day he showed her different cars, his yacht, and if his island looked like another palace he knew she would be uncomfortable there. She was even wary of the Stradivarius violin knowing its worth.

He brought her here knowing she is overwhelmed with the entourage assigned to her the moment they came back to the city, she even overslept after one dinner party!

However, when she did found her voice, he didn't like the question at all.

"Any news of Crystal? And I thought we will see the old man we spoke with during dinner?" She look up at him.

Alex can't fathom whether she was wary that Crystal would show up, or if she want to leave again. Frustrated he answered, "I won't care if she comes back, Lara. Better if she did so she can learn that she is no longer my wife."

Huh? It's only been 6 days since they met. Is it easy to dissolve a marriage like that?

"Then that elder? Did you--?" She wasn't able to finish her question.

"I met him early this morning. Also he can't demand things from me. And I don't think any good will come out of you meeting him." If she mentioned of leaving him after this, how would he prevent it? Her school? She can attend it even if she comes back to her place. Luke? But her best friend had always looked after the child, it is no different than when she had work. With these thought, his eyes narrowed.

Lara sensing his sudden change of mood kept quiet. Did she ask something wrong? Maybe it was because she mentioned Crystal and her grandpa?

They rode back to the main building in silence. This time she sat behind him. Alex still deep in his thoughts, while Lara kept to herself. She can feel his indifference as she clung to his waist. The horse was walking slowly this time as if Alex wanted to take his time getting back.


if i finished the other chapter you'll have two updates today

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts