
I waited all my life

Her thoughts wander as they rode in silence. If Alex had processed his annulment then she don't have to pretend anymore. Should she suggest going home? If he can do it that easily why did he need her in the first place? But wouldn't she be overstaying if she didn't leave?

She sighed. It's been only six days. Sure he makes her feel special and adored. But that isn't enough reason to live with him. Also, until when would he like her? Wouldn't she find herself on the streets the next day because he changed his mind?

Besides, it isn't only herself alright. She has to consider Luke's feelings too.

"Lara." He called her name softly.


"Will you trust me? Even a little." He can feel her slip away. Having all the money in the world suddenly seemed futile, if he can't make her stay.

Lara stunned at his words. Would she dare? If her heart can ache like this now, how much more if he leaves her.

Alex can tell she is afraid. Is it because of her previous experience that she dare not trust again? Or is it himself that she cannot trust.

"You don't even know me that much." Lara whispered.

"You're right. I don't know the joys and pains of your past. I don't know about Luke. I don't know what you feel. But I know what I feel.

I know that when I saw you, I don't want to let you go. I know that there's nothing in my possession that you desire. I know that if I hurt you once, I might not have another chance. I know that when you're with me, that's the happiest I've ever been.

Is this how it feels to fall in love, Lara? I don't know. But I'm certain I don't want you to go. That I want to protect you and Luke, that your happiness is my happiness. And waking up beside you is the best morning of my life." He said all those words softly.

Lara's eyes got misty. If this isn't a declaration of love, then she don't know what it is.

"Isn't it too soon?" She asked him.

"Haven't I waited all my life for you to come along?"

He still have his back on her as they ride the stallion slowly. Lara leaned her face against his back. She was clutching the sides of his shirt until Alex grabbed her hands and wrapped them around him.

Soon, they arrived at the main building where Sandra and Luke were waiting. Both kids were sitting on a lounge having milkshakes and cookies. Seeing them, Luke ran to Lara.

"Mommy did you cry?" His little eyebrows furrowed at her.

"The wind got mommy's eyes baby." She kissed both his cheeks.

"Dad, did you made mommy cry?" Luke doesn't believe his mother. She rarely cries. Only when she dreams.

"I didn't." He put both his arms up in surrender.

"Okay dad." Luke grabbed his mother's arms tugging her to the lounge while Alex ordered coffee and milkshake for him and Lara.

"Brother, are we staying here for the night?" Sandra asked him as he take his seat.

"Do you want to?" He asked Lara.

She leaned on one hand while she think of his question. It feels like it has a double meaning to her ears. Something like if she wants to stay with him.

She looks adorable that way, unaware she maybe. And three pairs of eyes pleading that she say yes look at her.

"Mommy the manager said they have a kiddie pool."

"Big sis the spa services here is the best in the country. Let's go there before dinner."

"Please wifey?"

How could she say no now? These three against her, isn't this bullying? But they look cute that she smiled and said,


Alex had called the manager to make room and dinner arrangements, as well as spa services. He had their entourage informed they'll be staying for the night and that they should check everything before they settle themselves too.

When their room was ready, they came up to freshen themselves. It is a three bedroom presidential suite. One for Alex, for Sandra, and for her and Luke.

When she finished bathing herself and Luke, the reception called them just in time to tell them that their spa appointment is ready.

Coming up to Alex, she asked him where is Luke's nanny.

"I'll take him. We'll have a father and son bonding." Then he smiled brightly at her that she was dazed. What is he up to?


xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts