
Sisterly bonding

Lara and Sandy had a great time at the spa. They were given facials, massage, had their nails and hair done. The aromatherapy is heavenly, they also went into the sauna.

Both girls had bonded so well. Sandra had told her a lot about Alex. She only learned then that were born to two different women. Alex's mom died when he was only two and he spent his childhood without a mother figure until Andrew Liu remarried thus Sandy's mom, Suzette.

Andrew and Suzette Liu had been out of the country since Alex took over the company when he was only 24. They only come back in the country once in awhile for very special occasions.

"My parents love Hawaii, my mom is never a fan of winter that's why she chose the place to retire. Also, she can skip the cocktail parties the ladies in the city throw every other night." Sandy giggled.

"How about you? You like it there too?" Lara asked her.

"Right now I like going there for vacation. But since my friends are here, and Brother too, I like it here most." The young girl dimpled at her.

"How's Alex as a brother?" Lara asked her.

"Oh he loves me so much, but he gives me limits. Also he explains to me why I can't do some things, some not at all, some not yet. If I behave I can negotiate for favors." Sandy giggled. "Brother is very protective of me, Sister Lara. It's good that I grew up with my entourage since or else I might freak out with not having freedom."

Her eyes shine as she said this, giving the impression that she really understands her brother. Is he like this when it comes to people who are important to him? When they aren't does he discard them like he did Crystal?

Her heart is confused. Where does she fit?

"Big sister, do you like my brother?" Sandy asked her but she was looking at the koi fish pond in the middle of the room. "Actually, it's easy to get attracted to him. He's handsome and rich. But he is not easy to approach. Many women had tried to get his attention however none has succeeded. Even Ms. Yu."

Oh. She must have heard from his brother already, because she dropped the "sister-in-law" and called her by her family name.

"I'm actually guilty that I entered his room that day. If I didn't he wouldn't have to marry. Although what would happen to her if I didn't I can't say." She sighed.

Though he had been gentle to her, when she recall that night he thought she was Crystal, she has goosebumps all of a sudden. Those eyes that burn with anger.

"Big Sister, I've never seen him like this to anyone but me and mom. I sincerely hope you can consider him."

I what?!? Is his sister proposing to her too? Her heart beats loudly against her chest. She is too close to saying yes. She has never fall in love and is scared of getting hurt. But she can feel the walls that she carefully built around her starting to crumble.


This one is a little short again.

I've really been busy and tired lately.

Also the next scene I have in mind will probably be long so...I think I can make it up on the next chaper.

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts